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The idolatry of the Vatican II sect, and the formation of “priests” for its idolatry in the Vatican II seminaries, is connected with its rampant homosexuality
Scripture teaches that homosexuality is a result of idolatry.
The Vatican II Sect contradicts this teaching of Scripture by asserting that the cause of homosexuality is unknown, and that the homosexual orientation is not wrong.
But Romans 1 clearly teaches that homosexuality is “against nature,” which means that this orientation is foreign to man’s nature; that is, it is NOT INSTILLED BY GOD. As a result of idolatry, God sometimes allows a demon to take people over, possess them, and change their sexual orientation, as St. Paul describes.
Men and women are given over to homosexuality for inundating themselves with sins of impurity – thereby worshipping the flesh rather than God. For this sin they can get possessed by the demon of lust, which takes them over and corrupts their entire orientation. (And they can be cured of this.) People also become homosexuals by engaging in idolatry by either harboring a perverse fascination with human beings over God – thereby worshipping the creature rather than the Creator – or by simply worshipping something that is a creature or the works of one’s hands. The fact that all homosexuals are possessed by a demon is corroborated by the fact that most homosexual males can be identified by their effeminate external mannerisms. What explains this? It’s obviously the demon’s presence in the person making itself manifest externally – the external, unnatural mannerisms revealing the internal corruption of the soul.
Notice that the prophet Isaias, referring to homosexuals, says that “they have rewarded evil unto themselves.” This is strikingly similar to Romans 1 above, where St. Paul says that homosexuals have received “in themselves the recompense [reward] which was due to their error.”
An examination of the most demonic cultures in history corroborates Scripture’s teaching on the connection between idolatry (whether of the flesh or of the work of one’s hands or of oneself) with homosexuality. All of this is relevant because homosexuality is rampant among the Vatican II clergy.
The Aztec culture in Mexico in the 15th and 16th centuries, which the Catholic conquistadors physically overthrew – and which the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe (1531) spiritually crushed – was arguably the wickedest culture in human history.
Here is a description of the 1487 Aztec dedication of a new pyramid temple to their false god, Huitzilopochtli:
Perhaps this bit of history, more than any other, illustrates the truth of the scriptural teaching that the gods of the heathen are actually devils.
It also demonstrates the connection of idolatry with homosexuality, for the Catholic conquistadors, “After repelling the attack [of the Aztecs], saw their first small temples. ‘There were clay idols made of pottery,’ Bernal Diaz tells us, ‘with the faces of demons or women and other evil figures that showed Indians committing acts of sodomy with each other.’”[4]
It was such a problem that Cortes told the Aztecs: “I would have you know that we have come from afar… Give up your sodomy and all your other evil practices, for so commands Our Lord God, Whom we believe and Whom we adore…”[5]
St. Francis Xavier (16th century) witnessed the same thing when preaching the faith in pagan Japan. “Fucarandono then went on with the general subject, and afterwards asked Francis Xavier why he forbade the unnatural lusts so common in Japan.”[6] These unnatural lusts were so common because they worshipped some 33,000 idols at the temple at Kioto.[7] As Romans 1 teaches, unnatural lusts are connected with idolatry.
That’s why unnatural lusts are so common among the clergy of the Vatican II sect: they are steeped in idolatry.
[1] The Catechism of the Catholic Church, by John Paul II, St. Paul Books & Media, 1994, # 2357.
[2] Warren H. Carroll, Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness, Front Royal, VA: Christendom Press, 1983, pp. 8-11.
[3] Warren H. Carroll, Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness, pp. 8-11.
[4] Warren H. Carroll, Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness, p. 17.
[5] Warren H. Carroll, Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness, p. 33.
[6] The Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier by Henry James Coleridge, S.J. (Originally published: London: Burns and Oates, 1874) Second Reprint, New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 2004, Vol. 2, p. 320.
[7] The Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier by Henry James Coleridge, S.J., Vol. 2, p. 350.
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