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Hindus Worship the devil at Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima
Heresy of the Week, Week of 5/28/04
Comment: There you have it. Devil worship is being conducted at the very Chapel built over the spot where Our Lady of Fatima appeared. It is happening with the full approval of the Shrine Rector, Msgr. Guerra, and with the full approval of the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, and with the full approval of the head of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, “Archbishop” Michael Fitzgerald. But how can they do this? They can do it because they learned it from Antipope John Paul II. Antipope John Paul II has organized numerous events where formerly Catholic churches were given over to pagans to worship the devil. As recently as Jan. 24, 2002, Antipope John Paul II held Assisi II, a repeat of the abominable event that took place in 1986. Antipope John Paul II turned the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi over to devil worshippers, just as the Portuguese apostates turned the Shrine of Our Lady over to the Hindu devil worshippers. During the Assisi prayer meeting organized specifically by John Paul II, the representative of every false religion involved was allowed to come to the pulpit and give a sermon on world peace. After the Jew, the Buddhist, the Muslim, the Hindu, the Voodoo High priest and the rest were finished preaching, the various false religious leaders broke up into different rooms to pray to their false gods. Antipope John Paul II had it arranged in advance that each religious group was given a separate room in which to worship the devil. All of the crucifixes were removed, and the crucifixes which could not be removed were covered. Antipope John Paul II made sure that the infidels and pagans saw no sign of Jesus Christ. The Muslims needed a room which faced East toward Mecca – and it was given to them. The Zoroastrians needed a room with a window, so that the smoke from the wood chips that they burned to the devil could exit through it – and it was given to them. The Jews wanted a room that had never before been blessed; in other words, a room that had never been blessed in the name of Jesus Christ – and Antipope John Paul II provided them with one. The Hindus needed a room in which to worship demons, and it was given to them. So, the people at Fatima are just following Antipope John Paul II’s example. Thus, the point should be obvious: if you accept Antipope John Paul II as a Catholic, then you must admit that one can worship the devil or accept and promote devil worship and be part of the Church of Christ – period. This is why his Bishops are now turning the holiest shrines of Catholicism over to devil worship – because his sect is the counterfeit sect of the Antichrist. This latest abomination in Fatima is so bad that even some of the “traditionalists” who accept Antipope John Paul II are calling it the abomination of desolation predicted in Sacred Scripture. We believe that the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, which replaces the continual sacrifice, is the New Mass. However, the abomination at the Fatima Shrine is definitely an abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. It is a major sign that we are in the last days. But if these people can see that this is a clear sign of the end, so much so that we are seeing, in their opinion, “the abomination of desolation” standing in the holy place, then where is the Antichrist? And where is the great harlot? The Antichrist is inseparable from the abomination of desolation, according to Sacred Scripture. And the great harlot is predicted to come just before the end of the world, contemporaneous with the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. The fact is that the abomination of desolation (the New Mass), the Antichrist (John Paul II) and the great harlot (the Vatican II sect) are all here now; but the people who oppose the Fatima abomination, yet accept Antipope John Paul II, fail to see what is really underlying it and causing it – and while they are opposing one abomination they are remaining in communion with another (Antipope John Paul II), the root cause of the “abomination of desolation” in Fatima. This latest abomination also shows how misled and deceived are the useful heretics who try to explain away everything. On an April 25 EWTN broadcast, Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Fr. Robert Fox discussed the rumors that Fatima was being turned over to non-Catholic religions. Fr. Robert Fox assured the audience that the whole idea is a “fabrication.” Yea, it is a fabrication alright… and now we see the Hindu idolators in Fatima conducting their Satanic rites in the Chapel of the Apparitions. How long will people listen to these useful heretics who lead souls to hell? Go back to Heresies of the Week of John Paul II and the Vatican II sect regarding Pagans, Jews and InfidelsSign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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