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Some comments on the documentary “Heaven’s Key to Peace”
Heresy of the Week, Week of 12/10/04
By Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
The Documentary “Heaven’s Key to Peace” featuring Nicholas Gruner
The documentary “Heaven’s Key to Peace” featuring Nicholas Gruner aired on television this week. Before I get to its specifics I must mention that the advertisement for this program mentioned that one can “honor Our Lady” by watching it. This reminds me of the fact that the bookstore directed by Nicholas Gruner’s apostolate is called “Our Lady’s Book Service.” This is quite presumptuous. I can just imagine the criticism that we would get if we called our bookstore “Our Lord’s Book Service,” or that by spreading our video you “honor Our Lord.” But presumptuous and false assertions such as those mentioned above about Gruner’s apostolate have helped enable his apostolate to gain much support, because he has billed himself as “the Fatima priest” and his apostolate as Our Lady’s apostolate. Now back to the documentary…
Unfortunately but not surprisingly, despite some good points, the documentary “Heaven’s Key to Peace” was quite disappointing and heretical. The documentary interviewed various “traditionalists” about Fatima and the Consecration of Russia. The documentary also featured a Jewish Rabbi, that’s right, a Jewish Rabbi – without any mention or clarification on the documentary that this Rabbi needs to convert to Christ to be saved! The Jewish Rabbi told us about the Consecration of Russia, God’s justice, the post-conciliar Church, relativism and how “impotent” (powerless) the Catholic Church supposedly is, just to name a few. The Rabbi was shown for quite a bit of time – in fact, it seemed like he was featured as much as any of the others who were interviewed. To put it simply: to feature a Jewish Rabbi on your program discoursing on Fatima’s importance and moral issues is an abomination. The fact that this Rabbi made some true statements and some good points makes no difference whatsoever. He represents the rejection of Jesus Christ! Putting the Rabbi on the program gives people the clear impression that the producers of this documentary believe that this Rabbi is not on the road to damnation. Putting the Rabbi on the program to give us the truth about Fatima and moral relativism, etc. gives people the clear impression that a Jewish Rabbi stands for the truth! People really have to ask themselves: what kind of person would put a Jewish Rabbi speaking in this context on his program? The answer is only a very evil one. I don’t think that even the apostates at EWTN would do something like this if they produced a documentary on Our Lady or one of her apparitions. We truly hope that this Rabbi converts to the Catholic Faith, and there appears to be more hope for a Rabbi such as this to convert, since he has an interest in Catholic matters; but the fact that he was featured on this documentary teaching Catholics about Fatima and moral issues shows the evil depths to which the producers of this documentary have sunk.
I will now make a few comments on the documentary’s treatment of Fatima, which had some good points and many misleading points. In a future article we plan on explaining more at length why, in our opinion, people are definitely misunderstanding the fulfillment of Our Lady’s prophecy of July 13, 1917 about the Consecration of Russia, the “certain period of peace” and the annihilation of nations, etc. This misunderstanding causes two deadly errors: 1) it causes people to believe that we cannot yet be in the last days, which is clearly false, since we are definitely in the last days; 2) it causes people to believe that John Paul II may be the Pope who can consecrate Russia because “someone” has to do it. Nothing could be further from the truth, and no one is a bigger proponent of this lie than Nicholas Gruner, who is a complete heretic, as reflected in this documentary.
Basically the whole documentary was about world peace, and it contained almost nothing about the salvation of souls, except for the short recap of the Our Lady’s appearances at Fatima and Guadalupe. I also don’t recall almost anything being mentioned about the necessity of praying the Rosary, except for an advertisement about how to obtain one. Rather, the documentary focused almost totally on the Consecration of Russia and world peace. And this is the point that I would like to make: the devil is attempting to make people believe that the real threat is a physical one, not the Vatican II spiritual apostasy. And Nicholas Gruner is one of the main false prophets in this regard, who even mentioned in the documentary that you have your whole “mortgage on your house” you could lose. Chris Ferrara also appealed to non-Catholics to pull for the Consecration of Russia, because by pulling for it they have nothing to lose and it may grant them world peace; but he didn’t mention that the non-Catholics have their eternal souls to lose if they don’t convert to Catholicism! They mentioned what is apparently really important in their eyes: to work for the Consecration of Russia to get world peace. Can anyone fail to see the false salvation message of the devil that is being promoted here, namely, that what matters is that you work with Nicholas Gruner for peace in the world, not that you abandon your Judaism or your non-Catholicism.
On the documentary, almost nothing was mentioned about the Vatican II apostasy; in fact, ironically, the strongest statement was made by the Rabbi who noted that many people in the Church (no mention of John Paul II, though) have embraced errors which were condemned by Popes Pius IX and St. Pius X in their respective syllabi of errors! Vatican II was mentioned as a legitimate ecumenical council on the documentary. John Paul II’s failure to consecrate Russia was also due to what “others have told him,” again dishonestly shifting the blame away from John Paul II. Nothing was mentioned about John Paul II’s complicity in the Fatima deception or about his incredible apostasy and crimes against the Faith. To put it simply: this documentary gives many misleading and heretical impressions, and it reflects the spiritual rot and evil present in those people who obstinately maintain united to the apostate John Paul II and the Vatican II sect.
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
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