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Does God Create Homosexuals?
The answer to this question is no.
The Vatican II sect denies the truth: that God doesn’t create anyone as a homosexual
A commonly held false idea in our day is that God creates some people homosexual (or that homosexuality is a result of some sort of “psychological” problem). In fact, it is apparent from our contacts with people that most of those who consider themselves “traditional Catholics” believe that there is nothing wrong with the homosexual orientation, but only in homosexual acts. The truth is that God doesn’t create anyone with a homosexual orientation and that all those who are truly homosexuals (even those who are not engaging in homosexual acts) are homosexuals because of a demonic takeover and mortal sin. Those who scoff at this statement are simply faithless liberals who don’t want the truth and have no concept of the supernatural world. Romans 1 clearly teaches that because these persons “worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator” and “changed the truth of God into a lie” God gave them up to homosexuality, which is described as a SHAMEFUL AFFECTION. Further, Romans 1 clearly teaches that homosexuality is “against nature,” which means that this orientation is foreign to man’s nature, that is, it is NOT INSTILLED BY GOD. Men and women are given over to homosexuality for inundating themselves with sins of impurity – and thereby worshipping the flesh rather than God – and for this they get possessed by the demon of lust, which takes them over and corrupts their entire orientation. (And they can be cured of this.) People also become homosexuals by engaging in idolatry or by harboring a perverse fascination with human beings over God – thereby worshipping the creature rather than the Creator. The fact that all homosexuals are spiritually possessed by a demonic spirit is corroborated by the fact that most homosexual males can be identified by their effeminate external mannerisms. What explains this? It’s obviously the demon’s presence in the person manifesting itself externally – the external, unnatural mannerisms revealing the internal corruption of the soul. Notice that the prophet Isaias, referring to homosexuals, says that “they have rewarded evil unto themselves.” This is strikingly similar to Romans 1 above, where St. Paul says that homosexuals have received “in themselves the recompense [reward] which was due to their error.” The truth that all homosexuals are spiritually possessed by a demonic spirit is also corroborated by the fact that society has recently seen an incredible increase in the number of people who consider themselves homosexuals. This is easily explained by the fact that, with the advent and explosion of the internet and other technological means which make access to pornography and impurity easy, millions more people are committing sins of impurity, millions more people are becoming possessed, and countless more are becoming homosexuals. (And, of course, not all who commit mortal sins of impurity become homosexuals, so those who somehow think they are okay because they are not homosexuals, even though they are committing sins of impurity, are sorely deceived and are also on the road to Hell and in bondage to the Devil.) But today all we hear from “Catholics” and almost all “traditional Catholics” is that homosexual acts are wrong, but that the homosexual orientation is okay – i.e., it is not their fault that they are homosexual. This is a falsehood which advances the cause of the Devil and the homosexual agenda. It also doesn’t help the homosexuals themselves. The idea that there is nothing wrong with the homosexual orientation (which contradicts Romans 1) is responsible for the fact that: 1) Novus Ordo seminaries are spilling over with homosexuals; 2) Homosexuals have gained such an ascendancy in society that their lifestyles and “homosexual persons” are accepted on mainstream television; 3) Gay “marriage” has become legal in certain places. If the truth that all homosexuals are spiritually possessed – and that homosexuality is a result of grave sin – had not been compromised by those who profess to be “Catholics,” none of this would have happened. It should also be noted that people who become homosexuals at a very young age are simply spiritually possessed by a demonic spirit early on in life. Homosexuality is condemned throughout the Bible. Sodomy is one of the sins that cries to heaven for vengeance. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for this very sin. So when we see the acceptance and promotion of homosexuality rampant among the Vatican II sect members, know that they are accepting and promoting an abomination. When we see them tolerating and even celebrating the homosexual orientation in persons not practicing homosexual acts, know that they are tolerating and celebrating demonic takeover of a soul. Here we see an official Vatican document asserting that homosexual acts are wrong, but that the homosexual orientation is not necessarily a result of grave sin. This is evil, uncharitable and false. This toleration of the homosexual orientation is the reason why homosexuals are admitted into Novus Ordo (Vatican II) seminaries. It is the reason why we ultimately read the following incredible things about the state of the Novus Ordo Seminaries: Our other articles give more details on the absolutely unbelievable state of the seminaries of the Vatican II/Novus Ordo sect. By telling homosexuals the truth that their perverse orientation is not natural, we do them a great charity and show a true love for their souls. We give them the knowledge and the means to cure themselves. And they don’t need an exorcism to cure themselves. If a homosexual ceases to commit all mortal sins and changes his or her life; if he or she holds the fullness of the Catholic Faith without compromise, which includes a profession of faith; if he or she makes a sincere sacramental confession of all mortal sins to a validly ordained priest; if he or she has a strong prayer life and a true devotion to the Mother of God and the holy Rosary, then he or she will be delivered from homosexuality without any doubt. Our Lord tells us that: “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) By knowing the truth and by employing the means to deliver themselves, homosexuals can and will be delivered from their perverse orientation. Regarding the Holy Rosary, the real Sister Lucia told Father Fuentes in a famous 1957 interview:Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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