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How GMOs damage your brain
Sayer Ji A new study reveals a hitherto unknown mechanism behind how the world's most popular GMO herbicide harms the brain. Remarkably, despite Roundup® herbicide's widespread approval around the world, the most basic mechanisms through which it exerts toxicity towards non-target animal species (including humans) have yet to be adequately characterized. Concerned about Brazil's status as the largest global consumer of pesticides since 2008, researchers sought to elucidate toxicologic effects of these agrochemicals in humans. Their new study, published in the journal Toxicology, provides a proposed mechanism for the adverse neurological effects of Roundup®(a glyphosate-based herbicide). It is has been observed that agrochemical exposure can lead to, or accelerate, neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. However, lacking a mechanism of action, such a link can more easily be written off as coincidental; which is largely the position of the medical establishment, agricultural industry, and its would-be regulators. The authors point out that, "neurodegenerative conditions are frequently associated with glutamatergic excitotoxicity and oxidative stress," which is why they decided to investigate the subject further. Titled, "Mechanisms underlying the neurotoxicity induced by glyphosate-based herbicide in immature rat hippocampus: Involvement of glutamate excitotoxicity,"[i] the paper tested the neurotoxicity of Roundup® in the hippocampus of immature rats following acute exposure (30 minutes) and chronic (pregnancy and lactation) exposure. The results found that acute exposure to Roundup® induces calcium influx into neurons (primarily, by activating NMDA receptors and voltage-dependent Ca2+channels), leading to oxidative stress and neural cell death. They also found that the herbicide affected the enzymes ERK and CaMKII, the later of which is an enzyme whose dysregulation has been linked to Alzheimer's disease.[ii] Additionally, acute exposure was observed to have the following three effects:
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