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"George Soros’ $1 billion pledge to fight ‘nationalism’ proves he will continue his political battles from beyond the grave"
"Liberal philanthropist George Soros has pledged a billion dollars to set up a university network to fight nationalism. The enemies who hope his causes will die with him are sure to be disappointed.
Whatever medical care George Soros enjoys that the rest of us mere mortals can only picture, he will probably die before the nation state dissolves into his preferred borderless melange.
The 89-year-old billionaire was likely aware of this possibility when he announced on Thursday that he will donate $1 billion to establish a global university network to promote liberal globalism, calling it 'the most important project of my life.'...
Speaking to the world’s elite at Davos (naturally), the Hungarian-born financier said that the Open Society University Network (OSUN) will bring together 'academically excellent but politically endangered scholars' to campaign for liberalism, whatever that means.
One of the world’s most successful hedge fund managers, Soros is among the wealthiest men on Earth, with an estimated net worth of $8 billion. That’s on top of the $32 billion he’s donated to a web of NGOs, charities and political campaigns through his Open Society Foundations, basically a global influence machine, sometimes working in the open, often under a bewildering range of names.
Among Soros’ aims are liberalization of the justice system, the federalization of Europe, opposition to nationalism, and the erosion of national borders, to name but a few.
Soros will not live to see these aims fully realized, but we will. His sponsorship of progressive judges and district attorneys in the US will directly impact American lives, when citizens in their districts discover whether their ‘soft on crime’ policies bring peace, or a crime wave. Europeans will know the impact of Soros’ advocacy when they, for better or worse, see the demographics of their neighborhoods change as a consequence of mass immigration.
The most notable aspect of Soros’ late-life power games is the easy ride he gets from the establishment, despite the extent of his political meddling, which often unashamedly crosses political borders.
At a time where people are labeled treasonous for literally talking to a Russian official."
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