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An interesting exchange with a false traditionalist regarding John Kerry, Antipope John Paul II and the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
Recently, I read an article by a “traditional Catholic” named Gary Morella, called John Kerry is not a Catholic – period. Intrigued by the title, and wanting to share with the man what his conclusion about Kerry logically forces him to conclude about John Paul II and his Bishops, I wrote to him as follows:
Mr. Morella responded as follows. I will stop the quotation from him and interject my comments where appropriate:
When were talking about John Paul II and his Bishops, we’re also talking men who blatantly promote what the Church traditionally condemned.
Notice two more illogical diversions. First, he says we’re talking about infallible pronouncements on morals which Kerry is in clear violation of. Okay, so what do you call what John Paul II and his Bishops deny? With John Paul II and his Bishops, we’re talking about infallible pronouncements on Faith from the Council of Trent, the Council of Florence, and Vatican I – the most authoritative dogmatic statements in Church history.
Second, notice how Mr. Morella diverts again by arguing that John Paul II doesn’t agree with Kerry on abortion. Did we say that he did? We said that John Paul II denies many other things, which are dogmas just as much as the unlawfulness of abortion. Abortion isn’t the only issue over which one can cease to be Catholic, contrary to popular belief. So, again, his statement is diversionary, and has nothing to do with the issue. But in seeing this, dear reader, one should clearly see how those who try to escape the conclusion that John Paul II is not the Pope are not being honest; they are being deliberately inconsistent. This should be clear to those who see this kind of dishonest diversion.
Here we see the most common escape attempt of the defenders of Antipope John Paul II. We’ve seen this tactic employed time and time again. When you pin them down that those who reject defined dogma cannot be considered Catholics (as they admit with John Kerry), they quickly switch the topic and begin arguing about infallibility and whether the heretic has imposed his heresy infallibly as a de fideteaching. Remember this tactic, because it is used all the time. When they are pinned down on the heresy issue, they then conflate [fuse together] the heresy issue and the infallibility issue. No longer does one have to be a heretic, but he must be a heretic “infallibly”! But has John Kerry ever infallibly imposed his heretical support for abortion as a de fide teaching upon you, Mr. Morella? No, of course not. So, then, you admit that this fact has nothing to do with the issue. So, then, why do you mock God, and argue insincerely, by implying that John Paul II and his Bishops must impose the heresy as a de fide teaching for them to be considered heretics, when you know that this is not required to consider one a heretic (as in the case with the apostate Kerry)? Again, we see the inexcusable inconsistency (i.e., dishonesty) employed by the defenders of Antipope John Paul II; for they know that Papal Infallibility has nothing to do with the specific issue we are discussing. (It should be noted, however, that we have proven elsewhere that Antipope John Paul II has imposed many of his false doctrines upon those under him, but this is not the issue under discussion here with Mr. Morella.)
Again, we see him going on and on, for numerous paragraphs, about the infallibility issue, which has nothing to do with the specific issue we were discussing: that those who reject Catholic dogma must be considered heretics, regardless of whether they impose their heretical views upon others. But many of the people who read this type of diversionary nonsense in popular “traditionalist” publications just eat it up, because they have itching ears for heresy, and are not truth seekers – as a truth seeker would quickly see that Mr. Morella is going on and on about something that has nothing to do with the issue, and that he is being totally inconsistent.
Mr. Morella happens to mention that he agrees with the teaching of Bishop Lefebvre on salvation (he must have seen this issue addressed on our website, since I didn’t bring it up). He says he agrees with Bishop Lefebvre, that souls can be saved in false religions, and he concludes by asserting that John Paul II is the Pope, and that Malachi Martin was not a sedevacantist – as if that proved something. I responded to Mr. Morella as follows, again setting forth the facts which he ignored and denied, giving him another chance to be honest, consistent and to accept the truth. (I mentioned his defense of Lefebvre’s heresy only because he brought it up and I felt that it had to be addressed, even though I didn’t want to get into a discussion about the salvation issue, which might allow him to divert from the facts regarding Kerry and Antipope John Paul II).
Mr. Morella responded as follows:
First of all, I didn’t say that Lefebvre was a heretic. I said that his statement was heretical. (Despite the many good things Lefebvre did, he was a heretic, sadly, because he believed that souls could be saved in any religion, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc., but the point is that I didn’t say that he was a “heretic” in my e-mail.) So, Mr. Morella first misrepresented what I said. He then says that I ought to pray that I meet Lefebvre in heaven, just before he admits that he’s not sure that Lefebvre’s even there. This is a clear contradiction, spilling from a mind and a soul rampant with heresy and emotion, and not intent on adhering to God’s truth. He was so emotionally upset that I labeled Lefebvre’s blasphemous and heretical statement (that souls can be saved in false religions) heretical, that he misrepresented what I said, and then contradicted himself. (The sad fact is that it’s not about the truth and obedience to God with most of these people, it’s about emotion, human attachments and what makes them feel good.)
Further, notice his hypocrisy when he says “Who made you the infallible Catholic guide” – in disgust that I actually labeled Lefebvre’s statement heretical and that I just didn’t accept the idea that souls can be saved in false religions, while at the same time Mr. Morella doesn’t hesitate to state publicly that John Kerry is not a Catholic – period! So who made you, Mr. Morella, the infallible Catholic guide that judges that John Kerry is not a Catholic - period, you hypocrite?
Second, notice that Mr. Morella then says that “Baptism of desire has always been part of Catholic teaching.” Dear reader, this man agrees with Bishop Lefebvre that souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions (Buddhism, Animism, Islam, etc.). This has nothing to do with catechumens who desire baptism or “baptism of desire.” And yet he is dishonestly arguing that he believes in baptism of desire – as if he actually believed that one must desire baptism to be saved! What abominable hypocrisy! Baptism of desire to him and so many countless others = salvation for members of non-Catholic religions. Baptism of desire has become a false Christ: if you don’t believe in Christ, no problem, you’ve got baptism of desire. But the fact is that Mr. Morella’s dishonesty and heresy, invoking baptism of desire to justify his belief that souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions (condemned by Eugene IV), would be the position held by most “traditional Catholics” today. Those who obstinately believe this are an abomination in the sight of Our Lord, and before God’s Judgment Seat (unless they amend) they will have to confess that they didn’t believe in baptism of desire at all, but salvation outside the Church – and they will be cast into the eternal fire because they are no different from liars.
Third, notice that Mr. Morella cites the Good Thief and other Old Testament personages as “proof” for his heretical idea that non-Catholics can be saved without the Catholic Faith. This again is totally dishonest, for a Catholic knows that the requirements for salvation in the Old Testament were not the same as that of the New, with the coming of the Redeemer. Mr. Morella might as well argue that one can observe the Old Law like the Jews. For the prophets in the Old Testament observed the Old Law, and they are now in heaven, so are you saying that one cannot be saved while adhering to the Old Law, Mr. Morella? But, of course, he would quickly respond, “well, that was the Old Covenant,” the Old Law is dead now; it cannot be observed any longer. Exactly, so why are you arguing from the Old Covenant with regard to the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation? He is condemned by his own mouth. When one sees this kind of dishonesty, one begins to see why God condemns people to Hell for all eternity – their bad will is truly incorrigible and without excuse. By the way, Mr. Morella is also wrong about the Good Thief, for the Good Thief did not go to heaven on the day of the Crucifixion, as explained in the section on The Good Thief in my book, Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation.
Fourth, Mr. Morella then says that our “interpretation” of Eugene IV would make Christ a liar. Well, you’ve said it Mr. Morella, you make Christ a liar – for the words of Eugene IV speak for themselves.
He then concludes by saying, “I made it very clear to you that there are things which the current pope has done which I do not consider Catholic. He also done (sic) things which are very Catholic, which Kerry does not even consider. You cannot compare the two given that observation…”
Okay, John Kerry is not a Catholic – period, as Morella wrote in his article, but John Paul II and his Bishops, who have far more acts of heresy than Kerry, can be considered Catholic, because John Paul II “has done things which are very Catholic, which Kerry does not even consider.” So, if John Kerry did some things which were Catholic, which John Paul II does not consider, he could be considered a Catholic too, right, even though he supports abortion? This is what he would have to admit. But he wouldn’t agree with this, even though it is perfectly logical and true, because he is not an honest person, just like all those who obstinately accept Antipope John Paul II as a Catholic.
They cannot say that John Kerry is not a Catholic while they recognize William Keeler (who says that we shouldn’t convert Jews) as the Cardinal Archbishop of Baltimore. They cannot say that John Kerry is not Catholic while they recognize “Cardinal” Cassidy (who signed the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification) as a Catholic. They cannot say that John Kerry is not a Catholic while they recognize Antipope John Paul II as a Catholic. Those who obstinately deny this are forced into the most heretical and dishonest evasions, as was Mr. Morella. Such people are in the same sect as John Kerry, no matter how much they try to deny it. They are not Catholic – period.
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