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Francis explicitly rejects absolute truth (dogma), says belief in it is "evil" and "idolatry"
Bro. Peter Dimond
On Nov. 30, 2015, during his recent plane trip home from Africa, Antipope Francis gave another heresy-packed interview. Some of the interview’s highlights were reported by National Catholic Reporter’s Vatican correspondent, Joshua McElwee, and others. During the interview:
These statements are very significant. Antipope Francis declares that Catholic fundamentalism (i.e. Catholicism/traditional Catholicism) is “evil”. In this very context he also condemns believing that you have the “absolute truth”. The Church’s dogmas and the divine revelation of Jesus Christ are, of course, examples of “absolute truth”. They are truths that have an unchanging and fixed character. According to Francis, believing that you possess the absolute truth is “evil” and “idolatry”. Francis’ statement is a rejection (and condemnation) of the very concept of dogma and divine revelation. Francis says that those who believe in divine revelation and dogma are “doing evil.” His accusation obviously applies to all true Catholics in history and to Jesus Christ Himself.
For those who are not brain-dead and soul-dead, Francis’ proclamations are an expression of apostasy. To assert that he’s not a heretic in the face of such statements touches the realm of the insane. Don’t listen to the heretics who are used by Satan to keep people in the Counter Church and in communion with manifest heretics. Some of them, echoing the Devil’s message, will tell you: “Continue to recognize Francis. You don’t have the authority to say he’s not Catholic and not a true pope. Remain under him.” The truth, however, is the opposite. You are not only permitted to reject him as a heretic, you are required to do so. According to Catholic teaching, you are forbidden, under pain of grave sin and heresy, to profess communion with such a man (i.e. one who professes a false faith and teaches notorious heresies in the external forum). To do so is to sin against the faith and deny the Church’s unity of faith. It is also to lead people to a wolf who will devour them.
Francis’ statements are more clear proof that he’s not the pope, but a manifestly heretical non-Catholic antipope. Certainly, false conservatives and false traditionalists are up in arms over Francis’ latest outrage. They are expressing more shock and wonder about how this could possibly be happening. In the process they are only further fulfilling Apocalypse 17:8, as we have explained (Apocalypse 17:8 Fulfilled - video). It’s time that people stopped listening to the false traditionalists and false conservatives. They have misled multitudes for a long period of time. They have, and deserve, no credibility. Everything that has happened (e.g. what Francis has done and continues to do) has just further proven that they are totally wrong, and that we are (and have been) correct. They are blind guides. They have been promoting a false position and misleading people for years. Such deceivers and false teachers try to keep people in a Counter Church and in communion with heretics. They will lead you to Hell. Every day that goes by only further proves that their position is false, and that our position is true.
In the interview, Francis also spoke of the Church’s condemnation of condom use as if it makes no difference one way or the other. But that’s hardly a surprise in light of the massive heresy above.
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