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Antipope Francis calls for celebrating Easter on same date as schismatics reports: "Francis today proposed that all Christians celebrate Easter at the same time. He did so, noting that 'The Catholic Church has been willing since Paul VI to set a date and give up the first solstice after the full moon in March' by which Easter is established. He made the proposal... during a highly ecumenical meditation pronounced in Spanish during the third world retreat for priests, which brought together in the Basilica of St John Lateran about a thousand priest from 90 countries and 5 continents. With ecumenical goals in mind, the pope said that he had invited the Orthodox ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to present his encyclical on ecology. 'We are friends,' he said, 'but he had a commitment, and so he sent the Archbishop of Pergamum Zizoulas. This way, the encyclical will be presented by one of the greatest Orthodox theologians.'..."
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