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'Fr.' Z: The Heretic and Liar
‘Fr.’ Z is a Novus Ordo ‘priest’ who is influential with some members of the Vatican II sect. Unfortunately, he’s a complete heretic and apostate who fully embraces the Vatican II apostasy. He’s also an outrageous liar who ignores or attempts to explain away the manifest heresies of his antipopes. Consistent with his despicable dishonesty, and his futile attempt to breathe life into the Counter Church, he recently argued that Antipope Francis’ statement on atheists did not deny Catholic teaching or indicate that atheists can be saved. That is of course nonsense. We refuted such a claim in our recent video on Francis’ heresy: Antipope Francis says atheists can be saved (video).
Seeing ‘Fr.’ Z’s false assertion about Francis’ heretical statement was angering. It prompted one of us to send a rebuke to ‘Fr.’ Z for his dishonesty. We also issued a challenge to debate his position. These are the two e-mails which were recently sent, to which we’ve received no response. Z (a wicked liar and a faithless person) is the epitome of the false shepherds in the Vatican II sect. They believe in nothing; they hide the truth; and they lie constantly. However, the fact that false conservatives in the Novus Ordo hunger for the words of such empty liars speaks volumes about how they hate the truth.
Subject: Your Dishonesty
I must say that you are an outrageous liar. Francis' statement clearly indicated that atheists can be saved. You are a heretical apostate who defends the heresies in Vatican II and the Counter Church. Those include the heresies that Protestants are in the Church, that false religions are to be esteemed, and more. Francis is a heretical antipope. You are not remotely Catholic, as you reject many dogmas of the faith. If you want to have a telephone debate about whether Francis is a Catholic or whether Vatican II is heretical, please let me know.
Bro. Peter Dimond
Subject: Debate
I wrote to you previously in regard to your comment on Antipope Francis' heresy: that atheists can be saved. I challenge you to a telephone debate on whether Vatican II teaches the heresy that Protestants and schismatics are in the Church of Christ. We could choose a related topic as well, if you would like. We could also debate whether Francis is a valid pope. E-mail me if you accept. If you do not respond, I will assume that you do not accept.
Your position is incompatible with Catholic teaching and that would be proven in a debate.
Bro. Peter Dimond
What Francis Really Believes (2nd edition)
Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy
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