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"Fr." Nicholas Gruner Dies Of A Heart Attack - What Catholics Should Think Of Him
Most Holy Family Monastery
This image captures what we believe was the manifestation of an evil spirit in Gruner (see below for more comments on that point)
According to reports, "Fr." Nicholas Gruner died of a heart attack on April 29th, 2015. In the aftermath of his death, especially in 'traditionalist' circles, you will hear almost universal praise for Gruner. But Catholics must ignore the voices, the crowd, and the chorus. None of that is present when a person goes before the Judgment Seat of Christ. All that matters is the pure truth of what a person stood for and did in life. Thus, concerning Gruner, a Catholic must ignore the praises and go by the facts: what did Nicholas Gruner stand for and was it Catholic? Here's the truth about "Fr." Nicholas Gruner that you won't hear almost anywhere else.
Although Gruner said and promoted some good things on spiritual issues, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary, etc., he was, sadly, an obstinate heretic and a major false prophet. He misled many souls by his deadly mixture of some Catholic truth with totally false, faith-destroying conclusions about the current crisis. Nicholas Gruner had decades to recognize the heresies promoted by the antipopes and embrace the true position, but he didn't do so. He had access to the true information, but rejected it. To his death, he adhered to heretical positions and promoted falsehoods. He maintained that the Vatican II sect and its apostate leaders are Catholic. He obstinately attacked the sedevacantist position. He published heretical articles on the matter. For decades (including recently), Nicholas Gruner promoted (and quoted in a positive way) the demonic Antipope John Paul II. In recent days Gruner continued to lead people to the antipopes, and particularly to John Paul II. He promoted John Paul II as if John Paul II had been a true Catholic guide, despite knowing about Antipope John Paul II's apostasy and wickedness. Gruner also verbally attacked MHFM and attempted to condemn our work (which provides the full truth), so that he and false traditionalists like him could maintain their sway over 'conservatives' and 'traditionalists'. Here is some more information about Gruner:
MHFM: It really demonstrates how spiritually slimy they are. After Mother Angelica was removed from power at EWTN, they saw a prime opportunity to reel in EWTN’s huge benefactors who loved Mother Angelica and donated to EWTN largely because of her. So, they began a very aggressive campaign to attack EWTN (sending out free copies of the book) while claiming that it went bad after Mother Angelica was out of control (a total lie). The book portrays her as staunch and “counter-modernist” while promoting Gruner and casting him as the ally of Angelica. The purpose was to grow Gruner’s operation and lure in potentially huge financial support, at the expense of the truth. That’s how spiritually impure their intentions are. They falsify the truth on the highest matters: matters of faith. But they don’t get away with it before God, and the wicked Gruner is not getting away with it anymore.
MHFM: According to Stanley, since we tell the truth about the wicked Gruner (with irrefutable facts demonstrating why he was evil), we are worse than the ‘Church of Satan’, the Illuminati, etc. It’s a striking example of how Gruner’s followers are totally deceived, and what a false prophet he was. Like so many of Gruner’s followers, Stanley might go to the New Mass and accept John Paul II as a ‘saint.’ As stated in our article, we were contacted by so many people over the years who followed Gruner, while simultaneously attending the New Mass, defending the Counter Church, believing that John Paul II was good, etc. They saw no incompatibility between Gruner’s teachings and the aforementioned positions because Gruner was not telling the truth about the Counter Church. He was, rather, hiding the truth about it, lying about John Paul II, etc. He was presenting a message that appealed to large Novus Ordo audiences. Our response to Stanley is as follows:
Stanley also wrote:
The truth is that Gruner was actually an agent, defender, and protector of the Antichrist. See this video: The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned. To this day countless people remain in the Counter Church, remain at the New Mass, accept John Paul II as a ‘saint’ (and thus accept idolatry), etc. because of him. (Although this is an extremely minor consideration in comparison to the doctrinal points discussed, it’s also interesting to note that Gruner’s organization itself links its success or legitimacy with John Paul II’s encouragement. As our article points out, Gruner’s organization states: “In 1980, Pope John Paul II directly encouraged Father Gruner in his Fatima work…” That makes perfect sense. Since Gruner played such a role in protecting John Paul II, it makes sense that he would have been spiritually touched or encouraged by the Antichrist himself. That gave Gruner the necessary diabolical assistance to grow and carry out his deception in the area of ‘conservatives’, similar to how the deceiver John Corapi was himself ‘ordained’ or spiritually touched by John Paul II.)
Gruner was also not a priest, and he was in possession of the information that enabled him to realize that fact. That means that Gruner’s invalid ‘Masses’ constituted direct idolatry: he worshipped a piece of bread as if it were the Lord Jesus Christ, and he encouraged others to do so. It makes sense that a man who was so instrumental in leading ‘conservatives’ – those who have slightly more interest, some devotion to the Blessed Mother, etc. – into idolatry, and keeping them on the path to idolatry, was himself a non-priest who regularly engaged in idolatry through his invalid ‘Masses.’
It’s also interesting that some false traditionalists distance themselves from the New Rite of Ordination, fearing its invalidity. Some of them want nothing to do with it. Yet, when it comes to Gruner, many of those people give him a free pass on the matter. They ignore the fact that Gruner was also ‘ordained’ in the clearly invalid New Rite of Ordination. Moreover, if some of those false traditionalists have no confidence in the ‘saints’ canonized by their ‘popes’ (e.g. ‘Saint’ John Paul II, ‘Saint’ John XXIII), then how can they be sure that the rite of ordination approved by those ‘popes’ is valid? They can’t, of course.
The New Rite of Ordination is so obviously invalid that even the very blind Michael Davies admitted that the arguments against its validity were very strong. After all, it removes the same prayers that the invalid Anglican Rite did, and that pattern of deletion is why Pope Leo XIII declared the Anglican Rite invalid! See: Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid (article) and The New Rite of Ordination is Invalid (video). Davies only accepted the New Rite of Ordination as valid because he accepted Paul VI as the pope. This video shows why such a conclusion is utterly foolish: “Blessed” Paul VI’s Heresies (video).
Why would you say that Gruner is a schismatic?
A Review of the book EWTN: A Network Gone Wrong – its positive points as well as its real purpose, its dangers, its falsehoods and its big lie
As mentioned above, this is a book Gruner aggressively promoted, further demonstrating his perversion of the true faith and his wicked agenda.
Here are some thoughts from older posts on Gruner.
Nicholas Gruner's publication was called The Fatima Crusader. Here are a just a few quotes which illustrate the type of heretical, spiritual dishonesty and spiritual deception in The Fatima Crusader. The following statements of Gruner were made in an attempt to exonerate Antipope John Paul II of his crimes and promote him as a man who is just surrounded by bad guys. These were just a few quotes we quickly located; many similar examples could be given if more time were spent. (The bolding and underlining are our own).
This statement is totally dishonest! If there are two texts to the Third Secret of Fatima (we reject this idea, but this is what Nicholas Gruner claims) and John Paul II has read both texts, as Gruner admits, then obviously John Paul II knows that the public is being defrauded of the other text and John Paul II is therefore defrauding and lying to the public! So what Gruner says here is simply wicked dishonesty!
Gruner here is implying that it’s not John Paul II who is primarily responsible for the failure to consecrate Russia, but rather that it's people around him who are primarily responsible! This is not to mention the fact that Gruner continues to ask Antipope John Paul II to do the Consecration of Russia - a consecration that he has no power to perform anyway since he is not the pope.
These are just a few quotes that we quickly located. The Fatima Crusader magazine is an evil mixture of truth with error. In one part of the magazine it correctly labels the apostasy in Fatima as an “abomination,” while in the same issue it has two pictures of John Paul II, a quote from him on the Rosary, and tells us to “Follow his directive…” (p. 23)! So, while they declare the event in Fatima an “abomination,” and even “the abomination of desolation,” they promote in a positive light the man who is ultimately responsible for this abomination and whose interreligious actions of a similar nature form the very basis and justification for the “abomination of desolation” in Fatima! Thus, The Fatima Crusader mixes Our Lady of Fatima with apostasy; it condemns the abomination in Fatima while it repeatedly promotes the man ultimately responsible for it (Antipope John Paul II). It lures its readers in with some beautiful truth on spiritual matters and Our Lady while at the same time it leads them right back to the very sources of the apostasy.
If we were to examine more of the past issues of The Fatima Crusader and its treatment of Antipope John Paul II (with pictures of that abominable heretic – in a positive light – in almost every magazine!), its quoting from him in a positive way, without ever denouncing him as a heretic, then one could see that it is fair to say that its treatment of the apostate John Paul II is an abomination that cries to heaven. That’s right, a pseudo-traditionalist magazine that claims to be “The Fatima Crusader”, and purports to give people the truth about Our Lady of Fatima and the crisis of faith, which simultaneously promotes for years and years – over and over again – the main source of the apostasy (apostate Antipope John Paul II) is an abomination. No one, of course, should donate a penny to the heretical magazine, The Fatima Crusade, or Gruner's heretical organization.
The fact that “Fr.” Gruner’s apostolate has been assisted by the Devil is corroborated by his devilish mixture of truth with error – of Catholicism with apostasy. We see this very clearly in the next quote about the apostasy in the Church.
This really encapsulates “Fr.” Gruner’s evil methods and evil apostolate. Here we see Gruner discussing the truth of how it is predicted that the apostasy in the Church will begin “at the top.” Who could that be? Obviously it would apply first and foremost to John Paul II, the man who claimed to be the pope (claimed to be the top of the Church) and led the entire apostasy by his idolatrous prayer gatherings at Assisi, his massive false ecumenism all over the world, etc. But while telling people about this truth (that the apostasy will begin at the top, or what seems to be the top of the Church), does he then warn them about the man to be most aware of, John Paul II? No, instead he does just the opposite: he leads them directly to John Paul II – the one they should be most aware of regarding the apostasy – by quoting him as if he is their ally against the apostasy of the bishops and priests! This is totally wicked. It's even worse, in some ways, than other forms of evil, for it mixes truth with error (apostasy with Catholicism). It is thus more effective in leading conservatives back to the sources of the apostasy, the Vatican II antipopes.
In addition to his deadly mixture of truth with error, one of the ways “Fr.” Gruner’s apostolate has become so influential is through propaganda. Here are some of the things that you can find on the website of his apostolate ( His website calls his magazine “Our Lady’s magazine.” It states: “Click here to read more about Our Lady’s magazine…”! Boy, who would want to disagree with or not support “Our Lady’s magazine” – the magazine of Our Lady herself!
He calls his Book Service “Our Lady’s Book Service”! Wow, who would not want the privilege of being “Our Lady’s Book Service.” He calls his radio program “Our Lady’s Radio Program”! And – yes, you guessed it – he calls his apostolate, not just a Fatima apostolate, but “Our Lady’s Apostolate”! His website states: “Shortly following the formation of Our Lady’s Apostolate, Father Gruner began publishing the Fatima Crusader magazine. In 1980, Pope John Paul II directly encouraged Father Gruner in his Fatima work and the periodical has grown…”
Wow, he must be some “priest” to run “Our Lady’s Apostolate” – the Apostolate of Our Lady herself! – as well as her Radio Program, her magazine, and her Book Service. Does anyone fail to see how presumptuous – and arguably blasphemous – this is? Oh, never mind… it’s okay… we almost forgot… Gruner is, according to his Apostolate (i.e. “Our Lady’s” Apostolate), “the Fatima Priest”!
In truth, this is simply propaganda from a false prophet, and that is why “Fr.” Gruner has had such an influence on what people think about Fatima and the present situation. Propaganda is defined as an “…organized scheme, for propagation of a doctrine or practice.” To dub almost every aspect of his apostolate “Our Lady’s” is an organized scheme on the part of his apostolate to build itself up as the voice of Our Lady herself.
Besides being wickedly presumptuous, this propaganda brainwashes people just like the propaganda from the mainstream media. When they hear this stuff over and over – e.g. this is “Our Lady’s apostolate” and “Our Lady’s magazine” and “Our Lady’s Book Service” – they are often programmed to follow everything he says on Fatima, support him vigorously (for who wouldn’t want to support Our Lady?) or consider Gruner to be Our Lady’s personal representative. Since people are so gullible, it has been a major factor in how big his apostolate has become. That is why his apostolate continues to use this type of propaganda so often. It is why so many have been brainwashed not to consider anything on this issue that doesn’t conform to “Fr.” Gruner’s views.
By the way, Gruner stated in one of his letters that he wanted to send the book “Fatima Priest” (which is the story of his life) to every “bishop” in the country! What a complete waste. The book Fatima Priest, which is replete with pictures of Gruner from throughout his life including as a baby, which is basically all about him and what a hero he supposedly is, has been translated into various languages to spread the “Good News” of Nicholas Gruner around the world.
All of this explains why Gruner consistently promoted pictures of Antipope John Paul II in his magazine for years (in a positive light) after he was aware of John Paul II’s apostasy. For Gruner, it wasn’t about telling people the truth; it was about keeping himself popular and seen as a hero with a somewhat mainstream “Catholic” audience – by promoting John Paul II and Fatima at the same time. Only a very wicked man would not have denounced John Paul II once he became aware of his apostasy, and that’s exactly what Nicholas Gruner was.
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