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Traditionalist-sedevacantist priest, Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt, denies the salvation dogma
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
Some of our readers are familiar with the independent traditionalist priest Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt. He purports to be a sedevacantist (i.e., one who doesn’t regard the Vatican II Antipopes as true Popes and holds the Chair of Peter to be vacant). In his booklet, I Baptize With Water, which is intended to be a defense of baptism of desire, Fr. Vaillancourt quotes Fr. Tanquery to teach that “those who are outside the Catholic Church can achieve salvation” (a direct denial of the dogma)! Well, I guess we now know why Fr. Vaillancourt loves baptism of desire so much. It’s because Fr. Vaillancourt believes in salvation outside the Church and is not even Catholic. For a time he even had a warning about our material at the back of his chapel; but, as we see above, it’s quite clear whose material one must be on guard against. Fr. Vaillancourt typifies the “traditionalist” and sedevacantist priests who deny the salvation dogma. Even Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton would admit that the above statement is a denial of the dogma. There is no salvation outside the Church. These “traditionalists” priests tell us that there can be salvation outside the Church. Moreover, in his booklet on baptism of desire, Fr. Vaillancourt misquotes the Council of Trent (p. 4); he uses the awful translation of “except through” instead of “without” from Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of the Council of Trent. On page 11 Vaillancourt uses the ridiculous argument from the errors of Michael du Bay, which is refuted in our book. The condemnation of the errors of Michael du Bay doesn’t indicate that there is baptism of desire in any way, shape or form (see the book for more details). On page 17 Vaillancourt indicates that Buddhists, pagans and Muslims could be saved, and that such an idea isn’t ruled out by Catholic teaching: So, Fr. Vaillancourt holds that pagans, Buddhists and Muslims could be saved without the Catholic Faith. He wrote his booklet to “uphold” the principle of such a possibility. Fr. Vaillancourt is a heretic who believes in salvation outside the Church. The sad and scary fact, however, is that what Vaillancourt believes is what almost all of the traditionalist priests and sedevacantists priests believe. Further, if we spoke with those who attend his chapel, they would almost surely deny that he believes that people can be saved without the Catholic Faith; when the fact is that he certainly does. Another point worth mentioning is that Fr. Vaillancourt has publicly stated that no one should attend any Mass where John Paul II (now Benedict XVI) is mentioned as the Pope. However, when Fr. Paul Wickens died– who was a non-sedevacantist “traditionalist” priest who rejected sedevacantism for years – Fr. Vaillancourt published a laudatory commemoration of his life! Think about that: he published a laudatory commemoration of Wickens, who rejected the sedevacantist position for years; yet at the same time his position was that Wickens’ position was so contrary to the Faith that one couldn’t even have attended his Mass.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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