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Part 2: Fr. Edmund James O’reilly crushes Chris Ferrara’s main argument against sedevacantism
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
Read other parts here: A Response to the Attack on Sedevacantism in The Fatima Crusader, Catholic Family News and The Remnant
“Boy, that sedevacantist position is absurd, ain’t it” – as they document how another Eastern Schismatic, such as Father Linus Dragu Popian, was specifically told not to convert to the Catholic Faith by the Vatican.
*Emphasis in this article (including bolding, underlining and italicization, is not necessarily that of the quoted author and is usually my own).*
Christopher Ferrara’s attack on sedevacantism consists primarily in painting a picture which he hopes the reader will dismiss as too awful to accept:
Commenting on this, Mr. Ferrara proceeds to mock it as madness.
No, Mr. Ferrara, what is madness and absurdity is a so-called ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, solemnly approved by the “apostolic authority” of Paul VI (your “Pope”), officially teaching that the false, pagan religion of Buddhism leads to the “highest illumination.”
Could any Catholic with a sense of what it means to be Catholic, with any sense of what the Catholic Church teaches about pagan religions – namely, that they worship devils (1 Cor. 10:20; Psalm 95:5) – give any consideration, let alone serious consideration, to such heretical madness or the man who solemnly promulgated it, Paul VI?
What is madness is the thought that the “Catholic Church” officially agreed with the Lutherans on the Doctrine of Justification, and that the Council of Trent no longer condemns the heresy of faith alone.
Could any Catholic with a sense of what it means to be Catholic give any consideration, let alone serious consideration, to such heretical and non-Catholic madness or the men who endorsed it, which includes John Paul II and Benedict XVI?
What is madness is the Vatican publishing books which state that Jews are perfectly free not to believe in Jesus Christ, and your very own “Pope” stating explicitly that Christ is not necessarily the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. The fact that this man claims to head the Church of Jesus Christ (and you defend such an absurd claim), when he doesn’t even believe in Jesus Christ, is utter madness.
Could any Catholic with a sense of what it means to be Catholic give any consideration to such notorious apostates and their antichrist and anti-Catholic madness? No, but you will probably tell us that this is not heresy either.
What is madness is Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI all having taught – in accordance with official Vatican documents such as the Balamand Statement and the public statements of the manifest heretic “Cardinal” Kasper – that Eastern Schismatics don’t need to convert and accept the Papacy for salvation. Could any Catholic with any sense of what it means to be Catholic give any consideration to such notorious heretics or their mad non-Catholic sect?
What is madness is the thought of John Paul II, a man who kissed the Koran, endorsed and facilitated idolatry (the worship of false gods) at so-called Catholic churches, had a bare-breasted woman reading the Epistle at his “Mass,” and presided over the most disgusting sex scandal among alleged “Catholic clerics” in history (just to name a few), being raised to the altar as a “Canonized Saint” of the Catholic Church. But that’s coming soon to the Vatican II sect.
What is madness, Mr. Ferrara, is that on the page of Catholic Family News (p. 18) directly adjacent to the page on which you declare sedevacantism to be “a patent absurdity,” there is an advertisement for the upcoming Catholic Family News Conference, a conference which will be featuring three “priests” (“Fr.” Gruner, Fr. Libietis of the SSPX and “Fr.” Patrick Perez), all of whom are independent priests who operate outside of communion with Benedict XVI and his hierarchy. If sedevacantism is “madness,” and the See of Peter is occupied by Benedict XVI, why are the “priests” featured and supported in this publication for which you write working independently (i.e. outside of communion) of Benedict XVI, the “Pope”?
“Boy, that sedevacantism is absurd, ain’t it” – as they fill up their gas tank on Saturday evening in preparation for the two-hour trek to the independent Mass outside of Benedict’s XVI’s diocese.
“Boy, that sedevacantist position is absurd, ain’t it” – as they prepare another article on why their independent “priest” (“Fr.” Perez, “Fr.” Gruner, “Fr. Kramer,” etc., etc., etc.) is justified in working outside or without approval of Benedict XVI’s apostate “hierarchy.”
“Boy, that sedevacantist position is absurd, ain’t it” – as they prepare to debate a Protestant who is quoting Vatican II against them.
“Boy, that sedevacantist position is absurd, ain’t it” – as they document how another Eastern Schismatic, such as Father Linus Dragu Popian, was specifically told not to convert to the Catholic Faith by the Vatican.
“Boy, that sedevacantist position is absurd, ain’t it” – as they reject another “Canonization” from their “Pope.”
You just read a quote from a layman attempting to furnish you with “good reasons” why you will be justified in rejecting the “Canonizations” declared by “the Pope.” This is truly madness.
The fact that God has allowed an extended vacancy of the Papal See, and a series of Antipopes to reign from Rome in the time of the Great Apostasy, is not “a patent absurdity,” but a reality which Mr. Ferrara, his colleagues and the publications for which he writes prove by their statements, positions and actions vis-à-vis the Conciliar Church and the men heading it.
A large portion of Mr. Ferrara’s article is an attempt to show that the sedevacantist “thesis” contradicts the solemn definitions of Vatican I on the perpetuity of the Papal Office.
Mr. Ferrara cites nothing from Catholic teaching on how long such a vacancy could possibly be. We know that the Church can be without a Pope for years without any infringement upon the perpetuity of the Papal Office or the visibility of the Catholic Church; so what Catholic teaching can Mr. Ferrara produce which specifically declares that such a vacancy can only last “x” years? The answer is none. Without a specific teaching on how long such a period could last, no one can state definitively how long God might allow it to last. This is especially true with regard to the Great Apostasy and the final tribulation of the world, which will leave basically no Faith on earth (Luke 18:8), and which will be an apostasy that surpasses even the Arian crisis, in which a Catholic Bishop was hardly to be found.
If the Arian heresy in the 4th century was so bad that almost all of the jurisdictional bishops became Arian, and the Great Apostasy preceding the Second Coming of Christ is predicted to be even worse – the worst apostasy of all time (2 Thess. 2) – that should tell us something about the extent of the apostasy that is predicted to come, and the crisis which the few remaining Catholics will face at the end.
Despite having no teaching to back him up, Mr. Ferrara proceeds to decide on his own that the Sedevacantist “thesis” exceeds the limits of what God would allow. The problem for Mr. Ferrara is that eminent theologians have held that the Church can exist for decades without a Pope.
Fr. Edmund James O’Reilly was an eminent theologian who lived at the time of Vatican I. Writing after Vatican I and its definitions on the perpetuity of the Papal Office, he taught that God could leave the Church without a Pope for over 35 years – e.g., during the entire span of the Great Western Schism. Here is a quote from Father O’Reilly’s discussion of the Great Western Schism:
An interregnum is a period in which the Church has no Pope, a sede vacante period. Fr. O’Reilly says that an interregnum covering the entire period of the Great Western Schism is by no means incompatible with the promises of Christ about His Church. The period Fr. O’Reilly is speaking about began in 1378 with the death of Pope Gregory XI and ended essentially in 1414 when the Council of Constance assembled. That would be a 36-year interregnum (period without a Pope).
Though Fr. O’Reilly was not a Pope or a Doctor of the Church, the following should demonstrate that he was one of the most eminent theologians of the 19th Century:
I suppose that Mr. Ferrara would tell Fr. O’Reilly that he had no sense of what it means to be Catholic. It is obvious that Fr. O’Reilly is on the side of those who, in rejecting the Vatican II Antipopes, hold the possibility of a long-term vacancy of the Holy See. In fact, on page 287 of his book, Fr. O’Reilly gives this prophetic warning:
“The great schism of the West suggests to me a reflection which I take the liberty of expressing here. If this schism had not occurred, the hypothesis of such a thing happening would appear to many chimerical [absurd]. They would say it could not be; God would not permit the Church to come into so unhappy a situation. Heresies might spring up and spread and last painfully long, through the fault and to the perdition of their authors and abettors, to the great distress too of the faithful, increased by actual persecution in many places where the heretics were dominant. But that the true Church should remain between thirty and forty years without a thoroughly ascertained Head, and representative of Christ on earth, this would not be. Yet it has been; and we have no guarantee that it will not be again, though we may fervently hope otherwise. What I would infer is, that we must not be too ready to pronounce on what God may permit. We know with absolute certainty that He will fulfill His promises… We may also trust that He will do a great deal more than what He has bound Himself by his promises. We may look forward with cheering probability to exemption for the future from some of the trouble and misfortunes that have befallen in the past. But we, or our successors in the future generations of Christians, shall perhaps see stranger evils than have yet been experienced, even before the immediate approach of that great winding up of all things on earth that will precede the day of judgment. I am not setting up for a prophet, nor pretending to see unhappy wonders, of which I have no knowledge whatever. All I mean to convey is that contingencies regarding the Church, not excluded by the Divine promises, cannot be regarded as practically impossible, just because they would be terrible and distressing in a very high degree.” (Fr. O’Reilly, p. 287.)
This is an excellent point. Fr. O’Reilly explains that if the Great Western Schism had never occurred Catholics would say that such a situation (three competing claimants to the Papacy with no thoroughly ascertained head for decades) is impossible – just like those today who say that the sedevacantist “thesis” is impossible, even though the facts prove that it is true.
The Great Western Schism did happen, Fr. O’Reilly says, and we have no guarantee that worse things that are not excluded by divine promises won’t happen. There is nothing contrary to indefectibility in saying that we haven’t had a Pope since the death of Pope Pius XII 1958. There is everything contrary to the indefectibility of the Catholic Church in asserting that true Popes could promulgate Vatican II, officially endorse false and pagan religions, promulgate the Protestant New Mass, and hold that non-Catholics don’t need to convert for salvation. Leaving the Church without a Pope for an extended period of the Great Apostasy is the punishment inflicted by God on our generation for the wickedness of the world.
Mr. Ferrara cites three passages from Vatican I which he thinks disprove the sedevacantist “thesis.” I will specifically address all three of those passages. Before I do that I must emphasize again that it is a fact that there have been long periods of time when the Church has had no Pope. This occurred every time a Pope died (over 200 times in Church history), and it has lasted for years.
Since there is no teaching which puts a limit on such a papal interregnum (a period without a Pope), and since the definitions of Vatican I on the perpetuity of Papal Office make absolutely no mention of papal vacancies or how long they can last, if the definitions on Vatican I disprove the sedevacantist thesis they also disprove the indefectibility of the Catholic Church – every single time the Church finds itself without a Pope.
In order to be consistent, non-sedevacantists who quote Vatican I against the sedevacantist “thesis” must argue that the Church can never be without a Pope, not even for a moment (a patent absurdity). But this is exactly what Mr. Ferrara argues in a very interesting slip-up in his article. This serves to reveal his profound bias and the errors at the heart of his position:
The truth always comes out. False teachers and heretics always expose and contradict themselves, so that the faithful will be able to identify and expose their errors. Mr. Ferrara states that “Never” in the Church’s history, not “even for a moment,” has the Church been without a successor to Peter. This is obviously absurd and completely false. Ferrara knows that this is false because, in the next sentence, he declares:
I guess there have been quite a few “moments” in Church history that the Church has been without a Pope. Why would he say that the Church cannot be without a Pope “even for a moment” when he knows that this is not true?
Certainly anyone can make a slip of the tongue or a slip of the pen, but Ferrara’s emphatic – and completely false – declaration (not “even for a moment”) reveals that he is totally biased and bent on proving a point, even to the degree of uttering the absurd. This statement from Ferrara also serves as a striking confirmation of my point above, which is: In order to be consistent, non-sedevacantists who quote Vatican I against the sedevacantist “thesis” would have to argue in favor of the patent absurdity that the Church can never be without a Pope.
That being said, let’s look at the passages quoted by Mr. Ferrara:
1. Vatican I declares that the Papacy is the Perpetual Principle and Visible Foundation of Unity
That what Christ instituted in St. Peter (THE OFFICE OF PETER) is the perpetual principle and visible foundation of unity EVEN TODAY, AND ALWAYS WHEN THERE IS NO POPE, is proven every time a Catholic who is a sedevacantist converts an Eastern “Orthodox” Schismatic to the Catholic Faith.
The Catholic (who is a sedevacantist) charitably informs the Eastern Schismatic that he (the Eastern Schismatic) is not in the unity of the Church because he doesn’t accept what Christ instituted in St. Peter (the office of the Papacy), in addition to not accepting what the successors of St. Peter have bindingly taught in history (the Council of Trent, etc.). This is a clear example of how the Office of Papacy still serves – and will always serve – as the perpetual principle of visible unity, distinguishing the true faithful from the false (and the true Church from the false). This is true when there is no Pope, and for the sedevacantist today. This dogmatic teaching of Vatican I doesn’t exclude periods without a Pope and it is not contrary to the sedevacantist thesis in any way.
In fact, while this definition remains true for the sedevacantist, it must be stated clearly that THIS DEFINITION OF VATICAN I ONLY REMAINS TRUE FOR THE SEDEVACANTIST. THIS DEFINITION OF VATICAN I ON THE PAPACY BEING THE PERPETUAL PRINCIPLE AND VISIBLE FOUNDATION OF UNITY MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT TRUE FOR THOSE UNDER BENEDICT XVI, SUCH AS MR. FERRARA. This is because Mr. Ferrara’s own “Pope” teaches that accepting the Papacy is not essential for unity!
Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI) specifically mentions, and then bluntly rejects, the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church that the Protestants and Eastern Schismatics must be converted to the Catholic Faith and accept Vatican I (“the full scope of the definition of 1870”) for unity and salvation. He specifically rejects that the dogmatic definition of Vatican I (accepting the Papacy, etc.) is binding for Church unity. Besides the fact that this is another clear example of manifest heresy from the Vatican II Antipopes, this proves that BENEDICT XVI (THE MAN THEY ACTUALLY CLAIM IS THE “POPE”) DENIES THE VERY DOGMA FROM VATICAN I THAT FERRARA IS CITING! Can you perceive the madness?
I rest my case, and will move on.
2. The Papacy will endure forever
Yes, what Christ instituted in St. Peter (i.e., THE OFFICE OF THE PAPACY) must endure always until the end of ages. What is the Office of the Papacy? The Office of the Papacy is the office of St. Peter which is occupied by every true and lawful Bishop of Rome. This means and guarantees that every time there is a true and valid occupant of the Office he is endowed by Christ with infallibility (in his authoritative and binding teaching capacity); he is endowed with supreme jurisdiction over the universal Church; and he is the visible head of the Church. That remains true for every true and lawful occupant of the Papal Office until the end of time. This doesn’t mean that the Church will always have such an occupant, as Church history and more than 200 papal vacancies prove, nor does it mean that Antipopes reigning from Rome are an impossibility (such as Antipope Anacletus II, who reigned in Rome from 1130-1138). This definition proves nothing for the non-sedevacantist, so let’s move on.
3. Peter will have perpetual successors in the Primacy over the Universal Church
This is the favorite canon of those who argue against the sedevacantist “thesis”; but, as we will see, it also proves nothing for their position. Words and distinctions are very important. Understanding distinctions and words can often be the very difference between Protestantism and Catholicism.
The canon from Vatican I condemns those who deny “that Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church.” This, as we have seen, does not mean and cannot mean that we will always have a Pope. That is why it doesn’t say that “we will always have a Pope.” Everyone admits that we didn’t have a Pope just a few months ago when Antipope John Paul II died. So what does the canon mean?
In understanding this canon we must remember that there are schismatics who hold that St. Peter himself was given the primacy over the universal Church by Jesus Christ, but that the primacy over the universal Church stopped with St. Peter. They hold that the Bishops of Rome aren’t successors to the same primacy that St. Peter had. They hold that the full-blown force of the primacy doesn’t devolve [descend] to the Popes, even though they succeed St. Peter as Bishop of Rome. Again: the “Orthodox” schismatics would admit that the Bishops of Rome are successors of St. Peter in a certain way because they succeed him as Bishops of Rome, but not successors with the same jurisdictional primacy over the universal Church which St. Peter held in his life.
This is the heresy that is the subject of the canon above. This heresy – which denies that a Pope is the successor of St. Peter in the same primacy perpetually (that is, every time there is a Pope until the end of time, he is a successor in the same primacy, with the same authority St. Peter possessed) – is precisely what this canon condemns.
Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Sess. 4, Chap. 2, [Canon]. “If anyone then says that it is not from the institution of Christ the Lord Himself, or by divine right that the blessed Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in the same primacy, let him be anathema.” (Denz 1825)
When one understands this he clearly sees the meaning of this canon. This is emphasized at the end by the words “or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in the same primacy” let him be anathema. The canon is not declaring that we will have a Pope at all times or that there won’t be gaps, as we clearly have had. The meaning of the canon is clear from what it says. It condemns those who deny that Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy – that is, those who deny that every time there is a true and lawful Pope until the end of time he is a successor in the same primacy, with the same authority that St. Peter possessed.
Ladies and gentlemen, this means that, according to Benedict XVI, all Christians are not bound to believe in the Papacy as defined by Vatican I in 1870! This means that the “Orthodox” schismatics are free to reject the Papacy. This is a blatant denial of Vatican Council I by the man who claims to be “the Pope”! Who will cry out against this abominable madness?
Moreover, notice that Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) admits that Paul VI’s symbolic gestures with the schismatic Patriarch “were an attempt to express precisely this” – that is to say, his gestures (such as kneeling before the representative of the non-Catholic, schismatic Patriarch Athenagoras) expressed that the schismatics don’t have to believe in the Papacy and Vatican I! Consider this a smashing vindication of all that we have said with regard to John Paul II’s incessant gestures toward the schismatics: giving them relics; giving them donations; praising their “Churches”; sitting on equal chairs with them; signing common declarations with them; lifting the excommunications against them.
We pointed out again and again that these actions alone (not even considering his other statements) constituted a teaching that the schismatics don’t have to accept the dogma of the Papacy. Countless false traditionalists and members of the Vatican II Church denied this and tried to explain these gestures away as either merely scandalous or something else, but not heretical. Well, here we have Ratzinger – now Benedict XVI, the new “head” of the Vatican II Church – admitting “precisely” what we said.
Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) also says that the reason that we cannot expect the “Orthodox” to believe in the Papacy (the primacy of supreme jurisdiction of the Popes, not just a primacy of honor) is because it wasn’t even held in the first millennium! Benedict XVI holds that the Papacy (the primacy of supreme jurisdiction) is just a fiction, an invention of later ages, not held in the early Church. He says that the schismatic position of Athenagoras (which holds that the successor of St. Peter possesses a mere primacy of honor) is “the doctrine of the primacy as it was known in the first millennium” and that “Rome need not ask for more”! Notice how directly this MANIFEST HERETIC denies the dogmatic teaching of Vatican I, which declared that in all ages the primacy of jurisdiction was recognized:
But there is more… In his book Principles of Catholic Theology, Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI) not only says that the Papacy need not be accepted by the schismatics, but he also declares that the Eastern “Orthodox” position on the Bishop of Rome (i.e., their denial of the primacy of supreme jurisdiction of the Popes) may, in fact, be the true position! Here is what he says:
Anyone who has any experience trying to convert Eastern Schismatics or knows anything about the theological issues involved with the Eastern “Orthodox” will immediately recognize that Benedict XVI just denied the dogma of the Papacy and the teaching of Vatican I. He announces the position of the schismatic Patriarch, which acknowledges no primacy of supreme jurisdiction of the Pope, and he not only tells us that the position of the schismatic is acceptable (as we saw already), but that the schismatic position may in fact be the true position on the Bishop of Rome! In other words, the Papacy (the supreme jurisdiction of the Popes over the universal Church) may not exist at all. This is an astounding, incredible and huge heresy from an anathematized heretic!
So, please tell me, dear reader: who denies Vatican I? Who denies the dogmas on the perpetuity, authority, and prerogatives of the Papal Office? Who denies what Christ instituted in St. Peter? Is it the sedevacantists, who correctly point out that a man who denies Vatican I is outside the Church, outside of the unity – since he rejects, among other things, the perpetual principle of unity (the Papacy) – and therefore cannot occupy an office or head a Church which he doesn’t even believe in?
Or are the real deniers of the Papacy and Vatican I those who profess union with a man who clearly doesn’t even believe in Vatican I; a man who doesn’t even believe that the Papacy and Vatican I are binding on all Christians; a man who doesn’t even believe that the Papacy was held in the first millennium?
The answer is obvious to any sincere and honest person who considers these facts. It is Antipope Benedict XVI, and all who obstinately insist on union with him, who deny the Papacy; it is the sedevacantists who are faithful to the Papacy.
Continue reading on Part 3: Did John Paul II commit more heresies than Martin Luther? Yes.
Read other parts here: A Response to the Attack on Sedevacantism in The Fatima Crusader, Catholic Family News and The Remnant
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