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What About Fr. Dennis M?
By Brother Peter Dimond
Fr. Dennis M., for some strange reason, wants to be in communion with this heretic Bishop Tom. This is sad to say; but it must be said, since Fr. Dennis M. has obstinately promoted, associated with and put himself under this heretic Bishop Tom. We charitably warned Fr. Dennis M. about Bishop Tom’s heretical positions and actions. Fr. Dennis M. wouldn’t address the issue at all.
We specifically asked Fr. Denis M. if he agreed with Bishop Tom’s totally unnecessary promotion of dogma deniers, non-sedevacantists and an invalidly ordained “Rev.” on his website. (That alone should show Fr. M. that Tom doesn’t care about the Catholic Faith at all.) But instead of addressing the issue like a man and responding to our simple question about whether he agreed with the absurd activity of Bishop Tom, Fr. Dennis M. very cowardly didn’t even answer the e-mail and skirted the issue by sending the e-mail directly to Bishop Tom. There is a diabolical dynamic at work with the heretic Bishop Tom that is clearly perceptible when you see how these priests and people under him simply dismiss what he is doing and recognize his “authority” as if he were their spiritual father and leader – when he has no authority to rule in the Catholic Church whatsoever. Fr. Dennis M. is now so attached to this faithless phony Tom that, instead of reasonably discussing his activity, he wouldn’t even address the issue and went running right away to Tom for his answer! This is terrible. In essence, what we see is the development of a false hierarchy under the authority of Bishop Tom – a man who received orders from a notorious schismatic. It’s as if Fr. Dennis M. is now under the hierarchy headed by Bishop Tom and will hear nothing of criticism of him. I can clearly perceive the beginning of a false type of sect, under a pseudo-Bishop who is a phony. People need to realize that even if Bishop Tom were fully Catholic (which he definitely isn’t) a consecration as a Bishop in this crisis only gives the new Bishop the power of the fullness of the priesthood and a supplied jurisdiction to operate for the needs of the faithful. It does not give him territorial authority over a diocese or an office in which he can command other priests or other souls. Such jurisdiction, which is called ordinary jurisdiction – the jurisdiction attached to an office with authority to rule – is conferred by a Pope. As we can see, ordinary jurisdiction to rule a territory or souls as a Bishop is obtained from a Supreme Pontiff. Since there is no true Catholic Pope at this time (the Chair of Peter is vacant), Bishops consecrated in this crisis do not receive ordinary jurisdiction, but only a supplied jurisdiction to operate for the needs of the faithful. If they inherited ordinary jurisdiction, then any priest could get ordained/consecrated and then could start commanding people. But that is obviously absurd and false. But the people under Bishop Tom don’t understand this. When I told one woman who attends his chapel that he doesn’t have any authority over souls to command them, she was bewildered and almost stunned. It was obvious that she thought that he was her superior; she thought that this man who received orders from a non-Catholic schismatic possessed authority to rule in the Catholic Church. Another woman (as stated above) told us that she wouldn’t even look at our material without the permission of her Bishop. This proves what I said above: the devil is subtly constructing a false pseudo-hierarchy in which Tom is a ruler; and that Tom is acting as if he is a Bishop with Ordinary Jurisdiction to command souls, even though he would try to deny this.Fr. Dennis M’s attachment to the heretic Bishop Tom caused him to violate his entire position on functioning in the crisis
As I said, Fr. Dennis M isn’tinterested in fielding any questions about Tom’s disgraceful activity. And for some strange reason Fr. M has actually put himself under this non-Catholic phony Bishop Tom (not in his religious community, but actually under Tom as if he were his Bishop), as if Tom possesses authority to rule priests in the Catholic Church. His attachment to Tom caused him to compromise his entire position on how the Church functions in a time of crisis. Fr. Dennis M. is an outspoken supporter of a proper understanding of epikeia in this crisis of the Faith. Fr. Dennis M. correctly points out that Catholics, priests and bishops have the permission to operate, publish, teach the Faith, etc. without the permission normally required by the local ordinary, since there are no Catholic ordinaries at this time. Yet (as noted above) when Bishop Tom sent us the outrageous charge that we are excommunicated for teaching the Catholic Faith (which both of them reject), Fr. Dennis M. not only sent it to us, but didn’t offer any objection to it. He violated everything he claimed to stand for on this issue to curry favor with Bishop Tom! Fr. Dennis M. also obstinately prays for those who die outside the Catholic Church. Further, when we asked Fr. Dennis M. if he shares Bishop Tom’s policy of not speaking and enforcing the Sedevacantist issue at his chapel HE DIDN’T EVEN ANSWER OUR QUESTION. He confirms by his silence that he holds a similar position to Tom in regard to not telling people what they must hold to receive sacraments and not cleaning heretics out of his church. Since Fr. Dennis M. is affiliated with this schismatic Bishop Tom who, among other things, says it is a “grave error” to hold that John Paul II is in the eternal flames, no Catholic should give Fr. M. any support whatsoever. Also, since Dennis M. publicly defends heresy (see the article Is Our Lady the Co-Redeemer) no one should attend his Mass at all.-7/16/05-
Readers of this website will recall that some months back we posted an article warning Catholics about a Sedevacantist Bishop Tom (Bishop Tom S. and Dennis M.) Bishop Tom claimed to hold the Sedevacantist position; he claimed to hold that baptism is necessary for salvation; and he claimed to utterly reject the New Mass and the Vatican II sect. But, as we pointed out in the article, we could see that Bishop Tom proved by his actions and statements over the years that he was a phony who really had no Faith. In fact, it was so clear to us from Tom’s actions (as documented in the article) that Tom was a fraud and a heretic (even though he claimed otherwise) that we denounced him in no uncertain terms as a complete phony, a fraud and a heretic. This analysis, coming many months ago and based upon various statements and actions of Bishop Tom, seemed very harsh and uncharitable to some, especially since Tom claimed to hold the correct positions. The analysis was utterly rejected by some of those who really like our material. If we cared what people thought in presenting the truth, we probably never would have published such an article. The fact of the matter, however, is that if it is true and we feel that it needs to be said, we are going to tell the truth (by God’s grace); and we don’t care if everyone rejects it, if it is true and needs to be said. We hope they will agree, of course, but if they are too blind to see or too liberal to perceive or if almost everyone will reject it, but it needs to be said anyway, we are not going to cease saying it just because many will denounce it or reject it as “uncharitable” because they are too blind to perceive what true charity is. If a person presenting the truths of the Catholic Faith doesn’t have the attitude, in accordance with Our Lord’s words in John 6:68: “Will you also go away?”, that is, if one doesn’t have the attitude and the conviction that he is willing to let everyone go who doesn’t accept the truth that is being presented, no matter how much disagreement there may be, he will always compromise and fail to tell the truth. We knew that Bishop Tom was an obstinate, evil, phony heretic, based upon facts, statements and actions – and we felt that it needed to be said – so we posted the article. But alas, because people are too blinded by their liberalism and bad will – and lack a true love for God and hatred for evil – or because they are too attached to human beings, and because Bishop Tom claimed to be a Sedevacantist who claimed to hold the necessity of the Catholic Faith for salvation, some people who avidly read our material totally disagreed with our “uncharitable” assessment of Bishop Tom. They continued to support him, after we pointed out that no Catholic could obviously support such a person. Well, on Thursday, July 14, 2005 we received an e-mail from one of those readers who had rejected our article denouncing Bishop Tom as a heretic and a phony. The e-mail stated: “You were right.” Bishop Tom has now totally and publicly abandoned his position of Sedevacantism. Bishop Tom has now accepted the arch-apostate Benedict XVI and made a profession of Faith acknowledging him as Pope, and began his process of “reconciliation” with the apostate Novus Ordo Bishop! Below is a portion of the e-mail that was sent by Fr. Dennis M. to someone we know. Fr. Dennis M. was the priest whom we denounced for obstinately remaining united to this heretic Bishop Tom (and also for obstinately asserting that Our Lady is a Co-Redeemer in direct contradiction to the language of Trent): We remind the readers what we said about Bishop Tom many months back in the article, for which we were criticized and probably condemned as uncharitable by many. We posted this when Tom claimed to be a staunch sedevacantist who utterly condemned Vatican II and the Novus Ordo sect:OUR WARNINGS TO FR. DENNIS M
In that same article, I also pointed out that we attempted to warn Fr. Dennis M. about the faithless phony Bishop Tom, but to no avail: Now Fr. Dennis M. can see what he couldn’t see – what he should have seen based on the facts – and what we tried to tell him, but which he rejected as uncharitable and rash. We can all see how much “wisdom” Fr. Dennis M. has in evaluating the good guys from the bad guys. It reminds me of when Fr. Dennis M. announced that he was giving a talk at a chapel of Fr. Ryan St. Anne. Upon hearing about this I warned Fr. Dennis M. that Fr. Ryan (who is very similar to the phony Bishop Tom) has repeatedly demonstrated that he is a phony and that he is not a Sedevacantist. In fact, Fr. Ryan repeatedly changed his position in one phone conversation that I had with him asking him simple questions. I notified Fr. Dennis M. that he should question Fr. Ryan and he will discover that what I said is true. He didn’t agree, and wrote to a friend of ours that we uncharitably wanted him to condemn Fr. Ryan. (If I recall correctly, all we wanted Fr. Dennis M. to do was to ask Fr. Ryan some pointed questions, and he would discover the truth himself; but apparently that was too hard for Fr. Dennis M.) So, after Fr. Dennis M. traveled to give the talk for Fr. Ryan’s group, he wrote to us and informed us that we were right about Fr. Ryan and that Fr. Ryan actually had a picture of Antipope John Paul II in the Dining Hall! To his credit, Fr. Dennis M. has now rejected Tom’s apostate action of entering into communion with the Vatican II sect and the Christ-denying apostate, Antipope Benedict XVI. But Fr. Dennis M. failed to recognize this complete phony when he had ample evidence to do so. He prominently linked to his website for many months and promoted the phony Bishop Tom and his faithless priests well after facts came out to expose them. And while Fr. Dennis M. has separated from the apostate Bishop Tom (something he should have done long ago), he still insists that Our Lady is the Co-Redeemer (in direct contradiction to the language of Trent) and condemned us for reiterating the defined dogma that Our Lord alone is our Redeemer. Fr. Dennis M. also denounces the use of the message of Our Lady of La Salette, and promotes the non-sedevacantist video What We Have Lost! The conclusion of this video that Fr. Dennis M. promotes is that the errors of Protestantism have completely overtaken the Catholic Church (a blasphemous and heretical supposition). As long as he insists that Our Lady is the Co-Redeemer (which doesn’t honor Our Lady since it is not true), no Catholic should support him, though we give him credit where it is due, for rejecting the apostasy of Bishop Tom. To illustrate the evil and wicked blindness of the apostate Bishop Tom, here is a quote from a letter that Bishop Tom wrote to Fr. Dennis M. after renouncing Sedevacantism and offering Mass in union with Antipope Benedict XVI. This quote was contained in an e-mail that was forwarded to us: Bishop Tom is not only a fraud, but a fraud of abominable proportions. In his wickedness and diabolical blindness, he is rejoicing to have denied Jesus Christ by entering in communion with the non-Catholic, apostate Vatican II sect, which doesn’t even believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.CONCLUSION
In conclusion perhaps we can realize what we have been pointing out, but what some fail to see: when people are obstinately inconsistent about matters of the Catholic Faith (even if they claim to hold the truth); or if they endorse heretics after they’ve been made aware of their heresies; or if they often contradict what they claim to believe; or if they tell one person or group one thing and another person or group a different thing; or if they fail to denounce evil; or if they fail to denounce heretics; or if they fail to be forthright about what they believe; or IF THEIR YES IS NOT YES AND THEIR NO IS NOT NO, they are not of God, but of the devil, no matter how much truth they otherwise promote or how much devotion and fidelity to the correct positions they may claim to have. True charity is not making excuses for such people. Just think of the evil that Bishop Tom can now perpetrate upon the decent number of sedevacantist supporters he has amassed because people failed to denounce him for the phony he is. To allow such evil to flourish and make excuses for such evil men is not charitable; it is evil.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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