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Responding to the apostate Fr. Cekada on NFP
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
A letter has been circulated from Father Anthony Cekada promoting Natural Family Planning. Fr. Cekada claims to be a “traditionalist” priest who runs a chapel in Ohio. Father Cekada was quite upset with our first article on Natural Family Planning, so he made his feelings known to us. During the course of his entire letter, he was unable to refute any part of our article and the many quotes contained within it. We have an article clearly refuting his endorsement of NFP entitled: Natural Family Planning is Evil. Fr. Cekada makes a lot out of those he deems to be moral theologians. Fr. Cekada is not a moral theologian, but a complete heretic who believes that Jews who reject Christ can be saved. He is not remotely Catholic. Further, we ask Fr. Cekada: was St. Caesar of Arles a moral theologian? I guess not, according to Cekada, since St. Caesar condemns practices such as NFP as sinful. Some argue that couples may use Natural Family Planing for serious reasons. However, the teaching of Pope Pius XI leaves no room for this idea (see the article “Natural Family Planning is Evil.”) In fact, Pope Pius XI condemns this idea. Moreover, who determines what is a serious reason? The priest? The couple? To allow the use of NFP for serious reasons is to provide couples with a “blank check” that they may manipulate at their own liberty. This type of liberty, as Pope Pius IX explained in Quanta Cura, is a liberty of perdition. While complaining that this matter should be left up to the priests, Father Cekada ironically places it into the hands of the laymen, all the while denying the teaching of Pope Pius XI. In reality, the argument against Natural Family Planning can be summed up very simply. Catholic dogma teaches us that the primary purpose of marriage (and the conjugal act) is the procreation and education of children. Besides this primary purpose, there are also secondary purposes for marriage, such as mutual aid, the quieting of concupiscence and the cultivating of mutual love. But these secondary purposes must always remain subordinate to the primary purpose of marriage (the procreation and education of children). This is the key point to remember in the discussion on NFP. Therefore, even though NFP does not directly interfere with the marriage act itself, as its defenders love to stress, it makes no difference. NFP is condemned because it subordinates the primary end (or purpose) of marriage and the marriage act (the procreation and education of children) to the secondary ends. NFP subordinates the primary end of marriage to other things, by deliberately attempting to avoid children (i.e., to avoid the primary end) while having marital relations. NFP therefore inverts the order established by God Himself. It does the very thing that Pope Pius XI solemnly teaches may not lawfully be done. And this point crushes all of the arguments made by those who defend NFP; because all of the arguments made by those who defend NFP focus on the marriage act itself, while they blindly ignore the fact that it makes no difference if a couple does not interfere with the act itself if they subordinate and thwart the primary PURPOSE of marriage. Also interesting is the following teaching: Despite this Magisterial teaching which condemns Natural Family Planning, simple logic will tell Catholics that it is wrong. If the Church has condemned artificial contraception because it prevents the conception of offspring, why would it be permissible to do the same thing by means of a different method? Fr. Cekada, read the testimony of various women who used NFP (in our article “Natural Family Planning is Evil”); read what they saw so clearly which you, in your blindness, do not: that they were practicing sinful birth control. Natural Family Planning also involves a lack of faith on the part of those who use and promote it. Even the heretic Cardinal Ottaviani acknowledged this: Do the couples who use NFP, or the priests who promote it, possess supernatural faith in the providence of God? Do they believe that God is the one who sends life? Does God need Father Cekada, and other “moral theologians,” to tell him how many children couples should have? Does anyone have a right to have 3 children when God willed them to have 10? Father Cekada, you have no right to tell people that they can limit their families. God is perfectly aware of each couple’s needs, and he knows precisely what they can handle.Father Cekada, LEAVE SUCH MATTERS TO GOD – and leave faithful Catholics alone.
Those with the true Catholic Faith should be totally unconcerned with charts and calendars. These are all unnatural instruments which frustrate God’s will. Disregard this nonsense and accept the fact that God will not send you any children that you cannot handle. He will not burden you with anything too heavy, for His yoke is always easy and His burden always light. If NFP’ers had their way, there wouldn’t be any families with over 10 children, nor the many saints who came from these families (e.g., Saint Catherine of Siena, 23rd child of 25). Ironically, Fr. Paul Marx, one of the world’s biggest supporters of NFP, was the 15th of 17 pregnancies (Fr. Paul Marx, Letter to Friends, March, 1999). He would never have been born if his parents had used NFP. Unfortunately, besides Father Cekada, most “traditional” groups support “Natural” Family Limitation. The SSPX, the SSPV, the C.M.R.I., Servants of Jesus and Mary (Nicholas Gruner’s Apostolate), and many others will all tell you that couples can use “Natural” Family Planning for certain reasons. It is very sad to see that most “traditionalists” have also denied the true and unchanging Catholic faith in one way or another, and it harkens back to the words of Jesus Christ: “But yet the Son of Man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). Priests who promote “Natural” Family Limitation , and couples who use it, are guilty of serious sin. It is contrary to the teaching of the Church, and it is contrary to the natural law. It is an insult to the providence of God, and it is an utter lack of faith. We implore all priests and laymen to accept the Church’s teaching on this topic, and regain faith in God’s providence. If you have been convinced by Father Cekada or anyone else that this method was okay, repent and confess your sin. One must beware of these wolves in sheep’s clothing. And one must pray for these priests that they may see the truth of God on this issue, and avoid the eternity of Hell that awaits them if they continue to encourage family limitation.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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