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FBI interrogated man after comment about American “Police State” on Facebook HUMBOLDT, AZ — A man says that within hours of making an impassioned post on Facebook, he was being interrogated by police and the FBI. Blaine Cooper, 33, contacted policestateusa.comwith a concerning story about how his sentiments posted on Facebook had drawn the attention of the federal government. He showed me the comment and told me that within 24-hours of posting it, he was being contacted by the police and FBI. His colorful comment was in reference to what he believes is an “American Police State,” in which the power of the federal government is growing in a direction which may one day lead people to fight back. Cooper, who is training to be a wild land fire fighter, said that on August 23, he was contacted by Officer Jason Kuafman of the Prescott Valley Police Department and was told that he needed to come to the police station for an interview with the FBI. He complied with the request for an interview, which lasted 45 minutes with federal agents present. He was released after apparently being determined to not be a threat. “They had every Facebook post I had ever made in a huge file, along with all my wife’s information, and parent’s information,” Cooper told Cooper said that he was told that without “defusing the situation” by complying with the interview, his house might have been raided. “The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door,” Cooper It should be pointed out that answering questions from federal agents is an extremely risky idea, especially without the presence of a lawyer. Supreme Court case BROGAN v. UNITED STATESaffirmed that it is a federal crime to tell any lie, or misrepresent any fact, to a federal agent. Even an innocent person with good intentions could commit a federal crime by misspeaking during an interview. But apparently the alternative to complying to an interview is getting raided by the FBI. Still feeling threatened, Cooper made a YouTube video on Aug. 23, as a record to the public in case he “disappears.” “[I] hope this doesn’t happen to anybody else,” he said. The rapid response of the FBI could be a result of the federal government’s XKeyscore program, which gives them the ability to collect “nearly everything a user does on the internet.” The irony of the situation is that Cooper’s concerns of the USA becoming a police state were actually validated by the fact that the federal government launched an investigation over his frustrated Facebook comment, showing up with detailed records on his family and their internet activity. Cooper has been very open to questions and has provided his own number, as well as the police contacts that were made. Blaine Cooper: (928) 632-5156
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