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False Conservative Sandro Magister Suspended For Leaking Antipope's Encyclical The Vatican II sect has suspended the journalistic accreditation of Sandro Magister for leaking Antipope Francis’ new encyclical. (Magister is an Italian journalist who writes for the magazine L'espresso). We’re glad he was suspended. Magister is a deceptive, false traditionalist heretic who for years posted dishonest summaries of the content of Benedict XVI’s speeches, etc. Through his misleading headlines and summaries, Magister would often make it seem as if Antipope Benedict XVI was saying something conservative or strong when he was not. That tactic effectively misled many who didn’t actually read what Benedict XVI said and don't understand the positions of the Vatican II sect. Magister is the epitome of a false traditionalist liar who received not the love of the truth under Antipope Benedict XVI and Antipope John Paul II (i.e. that the Vatican II sect and its antipopes are not Catholic). Now that Francis is putting the non-Catholicism of Vatican II and the antipopes boldly in the faces of everyone without any subterfuge, Magister (like other false conservatives) is beside himself. His entire false hope and reality (that one can be conservative or traditional in the Vatican II Church) has come crashing down, exactly as he deserves. His dismay is perhaps connected to why he chose to leak the antipope’s encyclical. Examples similar to Magister (i.e. of truly disgusting people who RECEIVE NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH) are those who concoct the ridiculous notion that the apostate Benedict XVI is still the pope. Instead of accepting the truth of God (that none of the Vatican II antipopes have been Catholic popes) and doing His will, they come up with new schemes through which they can cling to a lie. That's what liars do. They are always resisting the true conclusion - desperately searching for hope and life in a Counter Church that offers none. The Heresies of Benedict XVI (video) False Traditionalists: Reaping What They Have Sown (video) It's also interesting that the Vatican II sect will immediately suspend Magister for something like this, and even call his leak "a heinous act," while it does nothing to condemn supporters of abortion (a truly heinous act), who parade to "Communion" and frequently meet with the antipope.
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