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More Outrageous Heresies spread on EWTN
EWTN says that the Church has never taught that non-Catholics cannot be saved
MHFM: Thank you for your e-mail. That’s quite a heresy. I wonder if any of the EWTN supporters who heard or watched the sermon ever deeply considered its implications: what it means about their presence at church, their entire effort to attend “Mass,” etc. I wonder if it hit any of them that this means that being a Catholic, praying the Rosary, going to Confession, etc. is pointless. We certainly hope for the conversion of “Fr.” Francis, but we must say that he is too blinded by his apostasy to realize his foolishness. He is too blinded to realize that he holds that his own “priesthood” – the entire EWTN Network – is a complete waste of time. If you believe what EWTN and “Fr.” Francis do, you would have to be a complete idiot to be Catholic. You could just head down to the local Lutheran church, confess your faith in Jesus as Lord, and head on your way. So don’t be fooled by externals. Heretics have always had externals to one degree or another. Don’t be fooled by those who claim to have some attachment to the Catholic faith, Our Lord, Our Lady or the Saints, but reject a dogma. Unless they accept the entire truth, they are phonies. “Fr.” Francis sometimes speaks of bringing the young to Christ on his show “Life on the Rock.” Sounds great and devoted, doesn’t it? But then he publicly commented on, and praised, Benedict XVI’s Christ-denying visit to the Synagogue and his endorsement of the Jewish religion. He speaks of bringing the young to Christ when he believes that Christ is meaningless. Your e-mail shows us again that phonies mix an attachment to some things Catholic with a rejection of its truth. They act as if they are devoted to God, and surely say some good and conservative things, but they are abominations in God’s sight.FR. JOHN CORAPI, A COMPLETE PHONY
Since we’re speaking of phonies, mention must be made of “Fr.” John Corapi. Those who have seen him know that Corapi gives talks as if he is devoted to Our Lord and the Catholic Faith – “thundering” against sin and defending the Eucharist in his melodramatic fashion. He is an utter phony, for he holds that it is all meaningless. He holds that you can be a Protestant who completely rejects Our Lady, the Papacy and the Eucharist, or even a Jew who completely rejects Christ. They are like “whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. [They] outwardly appear righteous to men, but within are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” (Matthew 23:28) We actually called “Fr.” Corapi’s secretary once, and asked her: “Is it necessary to be a Catholic to be saved?” She responded with the blunt answer: “No.” We then said, “they why be a Catholic?” She said: “Because it is the fullness of truth.” We said: “But it’s not necessary.” She agreed. Behold the emptiness, the stupidity and the evil of the Vatican II religion.Mother Angelica says the dogma that you have to be Catholic to be saved is actually heresy
MHFM: That’s quite a heresy. The fact that Mother Angelica called the seven-times defined dogma of the faith (i.e. Outside the Church There is No Salvation) a heresy and said that the Church “does not teach that” is so heretical that it’s difficult to find the words to describe how bad it is. It further proves that she is outside the Church, that she is a false prophet, that her network is not remotely Catholic. Despite some truth, it’s a vehicle of the Devil to lead conservative-minded individuals into the Counter Church he has constructed.MOTHER ANGELICA’S EMPTY PROGRAMS
It’s also interesting to note that her programs are typically so lacking in substance, so worthless, so boring, so focused on trivial matters or making her audience laugh at unimportant things, that they are, in our view, pathetic. This is not to suggest that laughing at unimportant things is wrong, but if it provides the bulk or a large portion of one’s message to the people then there’s a big problem. Her programs are usually worthless because they are the products of a dead soul. What’s amazing is that so many people have remained glued to them (and thus frozen in the Conciliar Church) rather than losing interest in her lifeless message, and searching instead for things which provide more substance, more material relevant to the hard-hitting truths of God and the Catholic Faith. It speaks to the sad fact of how few savor the truth and are attracted to what’s important.Fr. Groeschel says on EWTN that there are non-Catholic saints, including Martin Luther King
MHFM: That’s quite a heresy. It’s also what John Paul II taught in Ut Unum Sint. If that doesn’t show someone that EWTN and similar groups are not Catholic, we don’t know what will. Groeschel is an outrageous apostate; he’s almost at the level of history’s notorious Protestant “reformers.” In addition to other astounding utterances of heresy, Groeschel has said that he “never bought” the Church’s teaching that it’s necessary for salvation to be Catholic. The fact that EWTN continues to present Fr. Groeschel is abominable, but it’s not surprising. They put him on because they agree with him. Considering his beliefs, for them to put him out there to teach “the faith” is a major mortal sin. It demonstrates that they are a network of apostasy, despite some of the true and interesting things they do.EWTN’s program, Catholicism on Campus, teaches that Protestants and other non-Catholics are saved
[This post has significance even for those who are unfamiliar with EWTN, for it demonstrates what the Vatican II sect of Benedict XVI represents in the everyday lives of people.] In EWTN’s program Catholicism on Campus, which aired on Feb. 23, host “Msgr.” Stuart Swetland fielded a number of questions on salvation from college students. He was asked: is it necessary for salvation to be Catholic? In his answers, “Msgr.” Swetland said that non-Catholics can be saved, even those who don’t believe in Christ. He said that the Protestants can be saved, that they are incorporated into the Church at baptism. He made no qualification whatsoever; the message was that all Protestants are going to Heaven. He also said that Muslims and others can be saved. He also told the college students that Vatican II teaches (in Lumen Gentium 16) that those who don’t even believe in God can be saved. (By the way, this refutes a heretic whose initials are B.S. B.S. went out of his way to argue that Lumen Gentium 16 doesn’t teach that atheists can be saved, after we proved that it does. As we can see, Swetland agrees with us.) “Msgr.” Swetland was also asked about once saved always saved, held by many Protestants. He said that Catholics and Protestants believe the same thing on that issue, but just express it differently. It’s all a matter of language, you see. (Again, these were college students who took the time to get – and were probably thirsting for – answers to these critical questions on salvation from one they think is a conservative “Catholic” monsignor.) As “proof” that Catholics and Protestants have the same view of salvation/justification/once saved, etc., EWTN’s “monsignor” pointed to the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification. He said that Catholics and Protestants believe the same thing on justification. (This again demonstrates what we’ve proven, in contradiction to the claims of many heretics who have attempted to deny the undeniable: that the Vatican II sect agrees with the Lutherans on justification.) After he gave his explanation, that essentially the members of all religions can be saved, and that it’s not necessary to be Catholic, Swetland was also asked if evil people can be saved. He responded by stating that the Bible teaches that we are all evil; and that he won’t say that anyone is in Hell. How empty, how heretical, how horrible, and how definitely Hell-bound is this apostate who calls himself a “monsignor,” and who is featured as a beacon of truth on EWTN! How certainly Hell-bound are also all those who promote, defend or excuse such heresy and heretics by either obstinately professing communion with them and their sect, or by failing to condemn and expose their sect when they can! How sad that these college students are being fed this spiritual poison, being left out to (spiritually) dry because they aren’t hearing the truth and don’t have the interest to search it out themselves! If only they were hearing the simple, true and traditional teachings of the Church, it would probably spark something within some of them to take a deep interest in the faith and change their lives. As the missionaries (e.g. St. Francis Xavier) and Sacred Scripture (Isaias 5:13) point out, people do perish because of lack of knowledge. That means that some would have responded and would have been saved if they had heard the truth, but they were lost because they didn’t. That’s why, for example, spreading this new book we have on the Counter Church is so important; and it seems to have generated interest among people so far. Those who imbibe these Vatican II heresies, promoted by Swetland and EWTN - the heresies that is promoted from corner to corner of the Counter Church by “priests,” nuns, catechists, etc. – do not have the faith they need for salvation. One could tell by the line of questioning of the college students that they could see, at least in a certain way, that it didn’t make sense. They knew, deep down, that his answers constituted an inconsistent fraud. For after the “monsignor” gave his explanation, one of them asked: “…if all men are saved, why send missionaries to other countries, why be Catholic?” The heretic responded by saying that it’s important to make explicit the implicit faith they have.EWTN assures people that Muslims can be saved
MHFM: Yes, and the pathetic part about this is that almost all sedevacantist priests who believe in baptism of desire would give basically the same heretical answer.Fr. Mitch Pacwa spreads religious indifferentism on EWTN
MHFM: Thanks for the update. We also have a file on EWTN: EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [PDF File.]EWTN applies and promotes John Paul II’s heresy that all humanity is united to God
MHFM: Very interesting e-mail… thanks for sending it. It’s also very interesting that you came across this particular heresy right after watching our video: John Paul II preached the Gospel of the Antichrist, in which we exposed how John Paul II taught that very heresy. That doesn’t sound like an accident, but sounds like a providential confirmation of how the Antichrist doctrine which was exposed on the video is being circulated and imbibed in the Vatican II sect.EWTN hides, ignores and omits the spiritual crimes of the Vatican II antipopes
MHFM: Yes, that’s exactly right. They don’t even criticize them at all, not even for such things as kissing the Koran or going to the synagogue or going to the mosque. In this regard one thinks not only of the EWTN “priests,” but people like Scott Hahn, etc. They know very well that much of what the Vatican II antipopes have done is a betrayal of the basic teachings of Our Lord, but you won’t hear them even speak negatively about things they have done. These outrageous omissions are what will primarily convict them before the Judgment Seat of Christ. It’s utterly dishonest and actually idolatrous. This is not to say, of course, that those who do criticize the Vatican II antipopes, but obstinately maintain that they are popes, are justified. They are horrible as well.Mother Angelica says that John XXIII was inspired to call Vatican II
MHFM: Yes, what was mentioned in the article about Mother Angelica was just the tip of the iceberg as far as her apostasy goes. That’s why those who are just a little bit familiar with it can see what an outrageous lie is being pushed in this new book on EWTN, that she was “counter-modernist.” Mother Angelica was a major false prophet for the devil, whose network has been very important in encouraging “conservative” members of the Novus Ordo to accept the Vatican II religion – a religion which rejects Jesus Christ. It’s interesting to note that Mother Angelica claimed visions along the way of establishing her network. There is no doubt that those ‘visions’ were more of the false signs and wonders spoken of in Scripture, to deceive those who receive not the love of the truth.EWTN host attempts to justify Benedict XVI’s pagan Aboriginal Dance
MHFM: That’s quite interesting, and despicable. It disgusts us just to think of their bad will and their apostasy. It should be pointed out that, in addition to their horrible bad will, there was another factor which contributed to the apostasy of those nuns. Shortly before their decision to embrace the Vatican II sect, their heretical sedevacantist group (which denies the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation) subjected them to a presentation/argument for the sedevacantist position by a heretical pseudo-sedevacantist. In making his arguments, this individual did a very poor job of presenting evidence of the heresies which have been taught by the Vatican II antipopes. The presentation on the whole was defensive and powerless. This caused the already-faithless nuns to feel that the arguments for sedevacantism are rather weak. Thanks to this weak presentation (and their bad will), they were persuaded that fidelity to the Papacy rests with the Vatican II antipopes. This was because the pseudo-sedevacantist didn’t establish or emphasize that it’s just the opposite: the Vatican II antipopes are, in fact, the biggest deniers of the Papacy in the world. The poor presentation and their own bad will left the heretical nuns with the impression that sedevacantism is based more on nostalgia, an exaggerated opposition to change, and a dissatisfaction with scandals, rather than on solid and irrefutable doctrinal arguments and proofs of heresy. We are convinced that this was a significant factor in their decision to go forward into the apostasy of the Vatican II sect. But one can see God’s justice on all sides in this situation. The heretical nuns (who don’t believe in the necessity of Jesus, to whom they claim to be committed) received the just deserts of their bad will: being spiritually blinded and jumping wholesale into the apostasy. The heretical group which they left also suffered a just punishment. Since it chose to enter a spiritual battle (a debate) which it was not equipped to fight – it was not equipped precisely because it is without the true faith: it denies the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation – it wound up putting forward a weak and feeble effort. As a result, its group was mortally wounded (See 1 Machabees 5:56-61). Finally, people cannot underestimate how evil it is to embrace the Vatican II sect after coming to the knowledge that it is a Counter Church. It is truly to abandon Christ.“Fr.” Francis Stone of EWTN took EWTN’s indifferentism to its logical conclusion
MHFM: Regarding Coulter’s statements, they demonstrate that she’s a total heretic. Perhaps she should check out the New Testament and all the places where Jesus says that all men and specifically the Jews must believe in Him for salvation (Jn. 8:23-24; Jn. 3:36; Mk. 16:16; etc.). Regarding “Fr.” Francis Stone, it’s not a bit surprising that he’s thinking of breaking his vows and abandoning his vocation. He reported on and vigorously promoted Benedict XVI’s apostate visit to the Synagogue in 2005. He was a promoter of the worst of the Vatican II sect’s false ecumenism. He also denounced those who hold the dogma that only those who die as Catholics can be saved. He was angered by the thought that Protestants and other heretics are not going to be saved, even though they reject the Catholic faith. So, if he thinks that members of false religions, members of heretical sects and their “ministers” can be saved, even though they practice contraception, don’t receive the sacraments, reject the teachings of the Church, etc., then it only follows that he probably feels that God will have mercy on him if he breaks his priestly vows. He’s an outrageous heretic who, being excommunicated from the Catholic Church, is “delivered to Satan” (1 Cor. 5:5) – which, according to a common interpretation of 1 Cor. 5:5, is the spiritual effect of being excommunicated.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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