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EWTN's Apostate Host, Raymond Arroyo, Wishes Jews 'Happy Hanukkah'
In a tweet sent out on Dec. 24, 2016 (the beginning of Hanukkah), Raymond Arroyo, the host of EWTN's News Program The World Over and one of the major figures at the network, stated: "Happy Hanukkah... to all of you celebrating tonight!"
As we've pointed out many times, the Catholic Church dogmatically teaches that it's a mortal sin to practice Judaism or observe the Old Law after the promulgation of the Gospel. Arroyo's statement directly encourages Jews to observe Hanukkah and practice Judaism, a false Christ-rejecting religion that attempts to observe the Old Testament rites and ceremonies. Arroyo thus encourages mortal sin and becomes complicit in it. He denies Jesus Christ.
Hanukkah, by the way, is an eight-day observance in which Jews celebrate the rededication of the Old Testament Temple. Our recent video The Temple of God In Prophecy (2 Thess. 2:4) Is Not Jewish shows why such an observance after the promulgation of the Gospel is a mortal sin. It represents a direct rejection of Christ and the Church He established. Arroyo's tweet is a clear expression of his horrible religious indifferentism. Arroyo proves that everyone who obstinately accepts Vatican II, and follows the Vatican II antipopes, winds up denying Jesus Christ; for Arroyo is simply repeating what the Vatican II antipopes have done countless times. His statement is perfectly consistent with their false theology and their teaching on Judaism and other false religions. He is merely following their example and plunging headlong into mortal sin, indifferentism, and apostasy as a result. Arroyo shows us that underneath the apparent spirituality and some true programming, a dark and empty reality exists at EWTN. Founded by the notorious heretic Mother Angelica, the Eternal Word Television Network is a wicked, faithless, and apostate organization. Although it produces some good content, it is an antichrist network which has kept thousands in the clutches of the end-times Counter Church. Arroyo's public rejection of Christ unmasks the false resistance that EWTN represents. EWTN holds that one can practice Judaism and reject Jesus Christ and be saved. It likewise promotes the heretical position that Protestants who reject the Papacy and other Catholic teachings are part of the Church of Christ and can be saved, among many other heresies.
In response to our video The Deception of Mother Angelica and EWTN, which exposes and refutes the heresies of Mother Angelica, we frequently receive negative comments from bad-willed individuals in the Vatican II sect. They can't dispute any of the facts or theological points in the video. However, they simply refuse to accept the reality that Mother Angelica was a notorious heretic who did not profess the Catholic faith. They receive not the love of the truth (2 Thess. 2:10), and therefore God sends them a powerful delusion. They are following Mother Angelica, Raymond Arroyo, and EWTN into heresy and to Hell. Arroyo's religious indifferentism and apostasy is similar to that of his good friend, Mother Angelica. When EWTN's primary anchor encourages people to deny Jesus Christ, commit mortal sin, endorse a false religion, and remain on the path to Hell, it proves, once again, that what we have stated about EWTN is true.
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