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MHFM Wins Lawsuit Against Eric Hoyle
Amazing: The “Final Judgment” Ending Our “Benedictine Fraud” Lawsuit Was Issued on the Feast of St. Benedict – March 21, 2014! [article]
Bro. Michael Dimond, Bro. Peter Dimond Win Lawsuit Against Eric Hoyle (video)
The Judge's Decision and Order, Granting Summary Judgment to Bro. Michael Dimond, Bro. Peter Dimond & MHFM, Dismissing Eric Hoyle's Entire Lawsuit Against Us [pdf file]
Bro. Michael Dimond's Affidavit, which covers more facts of the case [pdf file]
The Astounding and Epic Apostasy of Eric Hoyle [pdf file] –
new article about the man whose lawsuit against us was dismissed
This is a new article about the individual against whom we recently prevailed in a lawsuit. His name is Eric Hoyle. (For those who aren’t familiar with the lawsuit we recently won, consult this video.) This new article covers many facts about that case, as well as some interesting theological considerations. The article also contains revealing quotes from deposition testimony, including the aforementioned individual’s staggering contradictions on financial matters. For those who might be interested in this issue, this article is worth printing. One of the reasons we deemed this article necessary is that winning the lawsuit against him was not sufficient to shed proper light on what transpired in this four-year case. His apostasy and disgraceful activity needed to be exposed.AN EXPLANATION OF OUR LAWSUIT, AND THE TRUTH OF OUR CASE [1 hr. 26 min. audio]
Eric's e-mail to us, from Aug. 30, 2005, expressing his financial intentions [PDF]
Eric Hoyle entered our monastery in September of 2005. In this e-mail of Aug. 30, 2005 (just before he entered), he expressed his intention to donate his funds and his possessions to the monastery. In expressing the amount that would revert to him should he decide to depart MHFM, he mentioned perhaps $30,000 at the most, but that even that “seems excessive.” This e-mail utterly refutes his false claim that he did not donate the money. It blows away the injurious lies that are being spread, according to which we are withholding money that is due to him. This e-mail is part of the public record.DEVASTATING AUDIO CLIPS OF CONVERSATIONS WITH JOSEPH MYERS WHICH CONFIRM THAT WE HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG
Here are 11 audio clips from conversations with Joseph Myers (recorded with permission). Joseph Myers had been a member of Most Holy Family Monastery for a few months when he suddenly departed Most Holy Family Monastery with Eric Hoyle on Dec. 31, 2007. He was thus on Hoyle’s side at the time. After about a year or so, however, Joseph realized that he had made the wrong decision and apologized. He gave us the details of what transpired on the day they left and in the days following. His testimony confirms the truth of our case. These conversations also reveal Hoyle’s sinister character and intentions. These conversations are very revealing.JM1 [2 min. audio]
Joseph Myers explains that that the primary reason Eric left is because he changed his religion. He also explains how Eric’s view of things concerning us became distorted.
JM2 [30 sec. audio]
Joseph explains how once Eric changed his religion, he was trying to get the money he donated back.
JM3 [1 min. audio]
Joseph covers more of Eric’s Pharisaism.
JMA [2.5 min audio]
Joseph explains the events behind how they suddenly decided to leave. He explains how Eric was holding the R.I. heretical theological writings in his hand at the time. They were the prime cause of his decision to leave.
JMB [1 min. audio]
Joseph reveals more of the Jansenistic, Pharisaical outlook Eric embraced after he left MHFM. He explains how Eric, after he left, criticized him for taking a shower or washing his clothes or brushing his teeth too often.
JMC [8 min. audio]
Joseph reveals Eric’s clear intention to destroy MHFM no matter what it takes, as some sort of personal vendetta that arose once he concluded that he didn’t agree with us theologically anymore. He explains how Eric was trying to have us arrested and implicated in some crime (which of course he couldn’t do since we are guilty of nothing). Joseph explains Eric’s desire to get Bro. Michael arrested for supposed driving violations. While he was here, Eric never once mentioned his problems with Bro. Michael’s driving. Joseph also covers what happened when Eric decided to leave.
JMD [2.5 min. audio]
Joseph covers more of how Eric, once he left the monastery and fell into schism, was a total Pharisee.
JMF [4 min. audio]
Joseph explains how Eric was trying to have us arrested in any way he could. He also covers other things.
JMG [1.5 min. audio]
Joseph reveals how Eric told him about how he got some kind of sick sexual charges or temptations from one of our cats!
JMH [2 min. audio]
Joseph further explains how Eric, in the completely warped and sick view of things that he adopted after leaving MHFM, somehow tried to blame us for his sick problem! He has a sick problem, with which we of course had nothing whatsoever to do, and he blames us!
JME [2 min. audio]
Joseph acknowledges his poor choice, and gives more facts on the case.
Eric's e-mail to another, from Dec. 26, 2007, expressing full agreement while here at MHFM [PDF]
This e-mail further corroborates the fact that Eric’s decision to leave on Dec. 31, 2007, was a drastic and sudden switch a day or so before he left, which occurred after reading the evil writings of R.I. (see below). In this e-mail, he is clearly in full agreement. He is explaining how he is working on a transcript for our video, Creation and Miracles. This was written just a few days before he departed.Eric's e-mail from Dec. 27, 2007, warning another person about reading heretical writings and being misled by the Devil [PDF]
This is a very interesting e-mail. In this e-mail, written only a few days before he left MHFM, Eric is warning another about reading deceptively heretical writings which could cause a person to be misled and lose his soul! His words were prophetic, for what he was warning about is exactly what happened to him only a few days later, after reading the evil writings of R.I. If necessary, we will be posting more on this topic. This will include more phone conversations. These will include several with a woman who stayed with Eric and who reveals more of his sinister character and intentions. If necessary, we will also do a video on this topic. If anyone else out there was contacted by Eric Hoyle, please contact us.THE THEOLOGICAL ISSUES RELATED TO HIS DECISION TO LEAVE – IN-DEPTH REFUTATION OF SUCH RADICAL SCHISMATIC POSITIONS
Part 4 - Exposing the demonic and shocking statements of the schismatic RI – the source for many strains of "traditionalist" schism [16 min. audio]
This section exposes the shocking statements of R.I. Listen to the audio clips, including: his threats to kill those who don’t agree with him; how he would have someone blow a cat’s brains out as part of her penance; how he would torture St. Thomas Aquinas if he could; how he claims to be a prophet, but admittedly falsely identified the other “witness,” and more. Most importantly, however, this section explains how this false prophet and non-Catholic schismatic was the source for much of the radical traditionalist schism that floats around now, in various forms. He was the source of the schism even among those who don’t fully agree with him on all points, but apply portions of his demonic thought. This is especially true concerning the rejection of canonizations, abjurations, etc. His heretical teaching was also the reason that a member of our community left our community a few years ago. A few days before he left, this member of our community read this guy’s writing on Mass attendance and suddenly came to the conclusion that he was a “heretic,” and that had been committing many mortal sins against “the faith” each week. He abruptly left. (We will tell the true story of that in another audio coming up. It will refute the totally false and very injurious lies that people are spreading, as if we have done something wrong when we have not.) This former member of our community was a total supporter for over two years, but then it was as if he was called by the demonic teaching of this false prophet and he suddenly changed his entire theological viewpoint.Part 3 - Refutation of the Argument that Canonizations are not infallible by virtue of the teaching of Vatican I [20 min. audio]
How can canonizations be infallible if divine revelation ended with the death of the last apostle? This section answers that question and refutes the heretical position of these schismatics. It also refutes another objection that they launch concerning Pope Pius XII.Part 2 - In depth refutation of their false arguments regarding the Council of Basel and the salvation dogma [50 min. audio]
This section covers a number of detailed objections, including: the Council of Basel’s decree (was it dogmatic?); Quam Singulari; when does the baptized child of a Protestant become a schismatic or a heretic; a supposed “stumper” question concerning Martin Luther; their lies about our view of the salvation dogma; and a lot more.Part 1- Introduction and quick background on these radical schismatics [9 min audio.]
A quick background on the schismatic Dave L and more.
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