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From the e-box: A hopeless and dishonest attempt to defend Antipope John Paul II and the New Mass
Heresy of the Week, Week of 1/9/04
By Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
Comment: This ridiculous and heretical e-mail is typical of the putrid responses given by non-sedevacantists to the facts that sedevacantists bring forward. It should be noted that I’ve spoken to the author of this e-mail more than once, so I know that he has demonstrated obstinacy and remarkable bad will in rejecting the truth which has been presented to him. I will not comment on everything that this man asserted, but I will note a few things. 1) The writer disregards the fact that John Paul II’s Catechism contains “errors” (actually heresies) by saying that it is not infallible. But we have proven repeatedly that Antipope John Paul II invoked his “apostolic authority” to declare that the New Catechism is a sure norm for teaching the Faith.
The Catechism cannot have multiple heresies and be a “sure norm for teaching the Faith.” But since John Paul II has solemnly declared this by his “Apostolic authority” to the entire Church, we know that he doesn’t possess the “Apostolic Authority” which he claims to have. Thus, Mr. G., either the Apostolic Authority of Peter has defected or John Paul II doesn’t have it – take your pick. (The fact that John Paul II enters Synagogues, Mosques, Buddhist Temples, Protestant churches and allows voodoo highpriests to preach from the pulpits of his churches should also give you a hint as to which pick is correct, Mr. G.) And the fact that Antipope John Paul II has solemnly promulgated the New Catechism is precisely why all the informed apologists for the Novus Ordo sect reference the New Catechism as the teaching of the Magisterium. This I know because I’ve spoken to them. They correctly conclude that [were JP2 the Pope] John Paul II has Magisterially ensured the New Catechism and those who reject it are rejecting the teaching of the Catholic Church.
2) In one of the most stupid statements I’ve ever heard, Mr. G. says that “because John Paul II says many things that are Catholic he is a Catholic.” Sorry Mr. G., but it doesn’t work that way. You should be ashamed to call yourself a Catholic when you assert such heretical nonsense purely out of a desire to defend the great harlot (the non-Catholic Vatican II sect) in which you obstinately want to remain. And you have even been presented with the teaching of the Church disproving this assertion. If everyone who said “some things that are Catholic” were a Catholic then the Protestants, Eastern Schismatics, Old Catholics would be Catholic; for they say many things that are Catholic. In fact, the Protestants confess the two most essential components of the Catholic Faith (the Trinity and Incarnation), as defined by the Athanasian Creed, but still aren’t Catholic because they reject others. But with this statement Mr. G. rejects the Catholic dogma that heretics cease to members of the Church and he denies the unity of Faith in the Church of Christ.
To further put to bed the heretical assertion of Mr. G., notice what Pope Pius IX declares about the Old Catholics, who “say many things that are Catholic” and even call themselves Catholics!
This demonstrates again that we must consider as schismatics and heretics individuals who reject Catholic dogma (such as Antipope John Paul II and his bishops), even though those individuals claim to be Catholic and have not been specifically excommunicated by name.
3) Having no response to St. Robert Bellarmine’s clear teaching on how a public heretic would lose the Papacy, Mr. G. resorts to lying. He says, “The quotes you pull from Saint Robert Bellarmine and others are selective and not complete, so they distort what is meant,” as if St. Robert Bellarmine did not actually teach what we claim he did. This is definitely a lie on Mr. G.’s part; for he knows that he has no evidence whatsoever for this assertion. And he has seen the evidence from St. Robert which proves his assertion false! But he asserts this lie because it is an easy response to the facts he does not want to accept. St. Robert Bellarmine could hardly have been more clear on this issue; he says three times in one chapter that manifest heretics (like Antipope John Paul II) cannot be the Pope.
4) Mr. G. asserts, “And one must " prove intention " to declare and judge a person a heretic.”
A person’s intentions are manifested by his actions and beliefs Mr. G., which is why St. Robert Bellarmine himself says (in reference to a claimant to the Papacy!) the following.
Furthermore, as we’ve pointed out, Antipope John Paul II is not merely a manifest heretic. He is a complete and raging apostate. It is not possible for him to be a Catholic any more than a person who believes that there are many gods; for he does not possess the essential mysteries of faith which must be held by all those above the age of reason. The issue of “material heresy” doesn’t even come into play with people who believe that all religions are true – they are just not Catholic – period. But by your heretical attempt to defend him, Mr. G., you put yourself in communion with all the multitudes of Protestant heretics who have never been formally and specifically excommunicated by the Catholic Church, as I showed in “The Devastating Dilemma.” You further affirm communion with a pack of bishops who are worse than the Arians, who reject the necessity of Jewish and Eastern Schismatic Conversion; reject Outside the Church There is No Salvation; sign statements of faith with almost every heretical sect under the sun; repudiate the Council of Trent; and accept Luther’s heresy of “faith alone,” just to name a few.
Thus, you and I are in two different churches. I am in the Roman Catholic Church; you are in a non-Catholic church of heretics.
5) Mr. G. says, “The Novus Ordo might not be what traditional Catholics want, but it remains valid. To deny that is to deny the Church…” Hold on a second. Mr. G. already told us that the New Catechism contains errors, even though it has been solemnly defined by his “Pope” John Paul II to be a “sure norm for teaching the faith” in virtue of his “apostolic authority.” So how does he know that the New Mass is valid? He can’t say that he knows based “on the authority of John Paul II,” for he has rejected that which John Paul II has ensured about the Catechism in virtue of his “apostolic authority.” The reader should see the hypocrisy here. How do the people under Antipope John Paul II feel so sure that the New Mass is valid when they reject the other things he has approved in an even more solemn way? None of the Vatican II Antipopes have ever declared that the New Mass is valid in a way that is as solemn as the way in which Antipope John Paul II has approved the Catechism. So, if one can’t accept his assurance about the Catechism then he or she better wake up and realize that Antipope John Paul II’s (or Antipope Paul VI’s) approval of the New Mass also means nothing.
But Mr. G. affirms the validity of the New Mass because he knows that if it’s not valid then he is definitely in a non-Catholic counterfeit Church (which he is). And it is very interesting to see how much the validity of the New Mass means to the false traditionalists who wish to remain united to the great harlot. The false “traditionalists” who defend Vatican II and Antipope John Paul II are lightning quick to come to the defense of the validity of the New Mass because they realize that if the New Mass is not valid then the entire Vatican II sect is a deadly fraud, far more wicked and hateful to God than they ever imagined. But contrary to the heretics who defend the New Mass and lead countless souls astray, the evidence that the New Mass does not confect the Eucharist is simply undeniable and irrefutable.
That these are the words of Consecration in the Roman Rite – which cannot be changed in a significant way and have been changed in the New Mass – was dogmatically defined by the Council of Florence already.
The New Mass changes these words in a significant way by changing “many” to “all.” But some say, “didn’t Christ die for all men?” The answer is yes He did, but He did not die for all men “UNTO THE REMISSION OF SINS.” Most people skip over that important point: the proof that “all” in the New Mass signifies falsely is that fact that Christ did not shed His blood for all “unto [effective for] the remission of sins,” which is why even the Catechism of Trent explains that “all” was specifically not used by Our Lord. Thus, by defending and/or attending the New Mass in light of these facts, Mr. G. commits “mortal sin each time” and encourages and/or participates in idolatry – worshipping an invalidly consecrated piece of bread. Mr. G. has had the truth presented to him for a considerable period of time and has rejected it. He also condemns true Traditional Catholics. People wonder why many in the Novus Ordo are left in ignorance of what is happening; it is because most people don’t want the truth and reject it even when it is presented to them.
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
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