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Detroit “Archdiocese” Disciplines “Priest” Who Said Suicide Is A Sin At Funeral
This is one of the most outrageous and revealing scandals in the history of the Vatican II Sect. The videos below are a must-see. This incident demonstrates, once again, that the Vatican II Sect is the Counter Church of Satan. First, suicide is a mortal sin that sends people to Hell. Therefore, the young man who committed suicide should not have been given a Catholic burial or a funeral. In the true Catholic Church, suicides are not given Christian burial.
Second, the parents of the young man are abominable. They are obviously not Catholic. According to their interviews, anyone who offends them by preaching some Catholic truth about sin should not function as a priest! “He doesn’t have the right to be a priest anymore”, the mother declared, after the ‘priest’ dared to call suicide a sin and suggest that their son was a sinner (which he was). It is the worship of man on display.
In response to their complaints, the ‘Archdiocese’ actually issued a statement that declared: “… the family was not served the way they should have been served. For the foreseeable future, he [the ‘priest’] will not be preaching at funerals.” The ‘Archdiocese’ has sent the ‘priest’ to counselling/training in punishment for having offended the family. In the Vatican II Counter Church, the mission is to serve man and Satan, not God. The Vatican II ‘Archdiocese’ is comparable to a restaurant: people can order a funeral with a homily that praises their son who died in mortal sin. (In fact, the ‘priest' even asked the parents in advance what they wanted him to say at the funeral.) If the parents don’t receive what they ‘ordered’ (like at a restaurant), they may lodge a complaint. The ‘business’ (the ‘Archdiocese’) will respond to the unhappy customers by removing the ‘priest’ and demanding that he receive the appropriate ‘training’. The training, of course, will remind him that he must never do anything that impedes the ultimate mission of the ‘Archdiocese’: to serve man and Satan.
Third, the comments of the parents indicate that their entire focus was on their son’s experiences and happiness in this life. “He enjoyed life", his father reminisced. It’s a completely naturalistic and empty false religion that leads people to eternal misery. Sadly, he's not enjoying the afterlife as a consequence of his mortally sinful activity and the bad rearing and example of his pagan parents.
Fourth, this incident reveals the impossibility of trying to be Catholic within the Vatican II Counter Church. The ‘priest’ was attempting to inject some Catholic truth into the absurd situation. However, when the family expressed displeasure, the antichrist ‘Archdiocese’ quickly intervened. The ‘Archdiocese’ made sure that little bit of truth about sin would never again be expressed at a funeral.
The ‘priest’ should not have held a funeral for a person who committed suicide. He should wake up and leave the Vatican II Sect.
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