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Cruz Criticizes Trump: He’s Been Pro-Abortion for 60 Years, How Can We Trust Him Now?
Put Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz in the category of those pro-life advocates who question the sincerity of Donald Trump’s pro-life conversion on abortion. During a campaign stop in South Carolina, Cruz questioned Trump’s pro-life bonafides, saying he has a hard time believing that someone who called himself pro-abortion for almost all his life could suddenly have a change of heart and become pro-life.
“If a candidate has spent 60 years of his life describing himself as very, very pro-choice. If a candidate has defended partial birth abortion for most of his adult life, we should not be surprised if, as president, he will not defend the right to life,” Cruz said, according to a Politico report
Some pro-life voters have questioned if Trump is truly pro-life, despite proclamations from Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin that his pro-life conversion is authentic.
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