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Contested convention? Bring it on says Ted Cruz - it (eventually) worked out for Ronald Reagan
Sen. Ted Cruz slightly changed his tune today when asked about a contested convention come summer.
He's OK with the concept if it's only he and frontrunner Donald Trump standing.
'A contested convention is a different thing where you go if nobody gets 1,237 and you've got two frontrunners,' Cruz told Fox News' Megyn Kelly in a yet-to-be-broadcast interview, according to Politico.
'Look, Reagan and Ford battled it out at a contested convention. That's what conventions are for,' Cruz noted.
The last contested convention for the Republicans was in 1976 when sitting President Gerald Ford faced the insurgent candidacy of Ronald Reagan, the ex-governor of California.
Ford, who hadn't been elected president, but was elevated to the position once President Richard Nixon resigned, had more delegates going into the convention, but not enough to clinch the nomination outright.
This scenario could also play out this year, especially if Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio stay in robbing Trump, the frontrunner, or Cruz, who's 99 delegates behind Trump, the 1,237 needed to be the Republican nominee.
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