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Catholicism for Dummies Exposed
Brother Michael Dimond
An examination and exposé of the heretical best-selling book, Catholicism for Dummies, by “Reverend” John Trigilio and “Reverend” Kenneth Brighenti
While it’s true that the book Catholicism for Dummies contains some true statements and facts concerning what the Catholic Church teaches, it’s also true that many statements in the book constitute heresy and apostasy. So, if after reading this article you still believe the book is completely Catholic, you are simply a dummy. You have deceived yourself into thinking it teaches Catholicism. Please note that one of the authors, “Fr.” John Trigilio, is actually a featured speaker for EWTN. He even hosted their show defending Vatican II. It was called “Council of Faith.” He is currently featured on two special programs produced by EWTN. Trigilio’s book Catholicism for Dummies has also received numerous recommendations from well-known Vatican II “Catholics.” Novus Ordo “apologist” Jimmy Akin said the following about Catholicism for Dummies: “… the only secular ‘For Numskulls’-type book on Catholicism that I can recommend. I have read others on the market, published under other ‘For Numskulls’-type imprints, and the ones that I have read are all deficient, ranging from somewhat to seriously so. I was so impressed with Catholicism For Dummies, however, that I recommended it to Catholic Answers to carry.” Catholic Answers took his advice and now sells it. Catholic Answers describes the book in this way: “Catholicism for Dummies presents the rich tapestry and history of the Catholic Church – from devotions to doctrines. You’ll find within these pages everything you wanted to know about the Catholic Faith.” The book Catholicism for Dummies has also been promoted by many others including Michael S. Rose and Professor Charles Rice. Rice described it as “A gold mine of insight on the Catholic faith for people of all ages and beliefs.” No, this book is only a gold mine of heresy and apostasy, as we will see. I will now give examples of where the book teaches heresy. This paragraph would rank high among the most heretical paragraphs ever written by a person who claims to be Catholic. They say it is a sacrilege when a synagogue or mosque is desecrated. They state that these places are holy, and that when these places are desecrated contempt for God is shown. This is amazingly heretical. They go on to teach the incredible heresy that if you show contempt for Jews or Muslims for wearing their religious clothing you are insulting God and violating the second commandment. They obviously believe that to be a religious Jew or Muslim is the same thing as being a religious Catholic; otherwise they would never say what they stated above. This clearly indicates that the false religions of Judaism and Islam are good and true. Here’s what the Catholic Church thinks about these religions: Let’s look at the next example of heresy in the book: Catholics do not consider all people as basically good. All men (outside Our Lady) are born in a state of original sin and Jesus states that most men go to Hell. (Matthew 7:13). The idea that all men are basically good is a bold expression of religious indifferentism, moral relativism and it implies universal salvation. They state that Judaism and Islam are great religions and that Protestantism and Eastern “Orthodoxy” are great Christian traditions. This is totally heretical. Some might argue that the term “great,” even though it frequently means good, can also mean “numerically large.” Since it can carry the meaning of “good,” a Catholic must not use such a word to describe a false religion, unless it’s made clear in the context that the religion is false but simply stands out in history. Of course, the authors of Catholicism for Dummies don’t teach that these religions are false and evil. On the contrary, their entire book constitutes proof that they regard these false religions as good. As it stands, their statement is heretical and an expression of false ecumenism. Throughout its history, the Catholic Church has only considered Sunday attendance sufficient for the weekly holy day of obligation. However, in 1983 this was changed by the arch-apostate John Paul II. The Catholic Church does not permit any of the observances of the Old Law of Judaism to be religiously followed. Therefore, those who think that Saturday Mass is equal to Sunday for the weekly Mass obligation are following Judaism. The Council of Florence condemned those who followed the religious practices of Judaism. The heretical sects they mention here do not espouse a true love of God. Notice how any even mild criticism of a non-Catholic religion is repudiated by the authors. This is consistent with the complete (and often shocking) religious indifferentism seen throughout the book. It’s heretical to teach that by baptism non-Catholics become part of the same spiritual family as Catholics. True Catholics are only united to other Catholics by baptism. To be part of the same spiritual family is to be part of the same Church. This would mean that non-Catholics are part of the true Church. All in the Catholic Church have the same faith and baptism. Non-Catholics do not have the same faith as Catholics and are therefore not part of the same spiritual family. Catholicism for Dummies, Page 95: “Even secular science today uses the name Eve to refer to the first human woman – the first homo sapien. We want to mention that avowed atheist scientists from Oxford University in England have identified seven ancestral matriarchal groups from which all Europeans appear to have descended. Every European, according to the study, can trace his evolutionary history back to the seven ancestral mother groups, also referred to as the Seven Daughters of Eve. This corroborates the discovery of biochemists Allan Wilson and Vincent Sarich of the University of California at Berkley who’ve shown that every man and woman on earth, past, present, and future, can be traced genetically to one human woman.” Here they promote the unscientific and unbiblical theory of evolution. This is completely wrong. The Catholic Church does see itself as being right and all the other religions as being wrong. There is no such thing as an anonymous Christian. In this statement they manifest a complete denial of the necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation. Historically, the Catholic Church allowed a Catholic to marry a non-Catholic only on rare occasions. The non-Catholic party would have to agree to raise all the children Catholic. The post-Vatican II Counterfeit Church now allows “Catholics” to marry non-Catholics without any dispensation. A dispensation to marry a non-Catholic is now only necessary if the non-Catholic “is unbaptized, unchurched, or of a non-Christian religion.” Here these apostates promote that the witnesses of a marriage can be of any religion whatsoever and that religious writings from different religions can be read at the wedding reception. What apostates! Here they promote the completely novel and heretical idea that a Catholic can marry before a non-Catholic minister and in a non-Catholic Church. This was never allowed in the whole history of the Catholic Church until after Vatican II. The heretics state that going to a protestant denomination to fulfill your Sunday obligation “is nice,” but “isn’t good enough” to fulfill your Sunday obligation. Every moral theology manual before Vatican II would tell you that to actively participate in a Protestant service would be a mortal sin. They state that you can decide for yourself how large a family you want. To steal something that is only worth a small amount of money is a mortal sin, not a venial sin. They seem to state that all religions - by adhering to their core teachings, are speaking the truth in season and out of season. This is wicked novelty condemned by Catholic teaching. They state that the Catholic Church “encourages” couples to space births and plan how big or small their family will be. They encourage NFP as “effective as any birth control method.” First, they utter the heresy that the Catholic Church equally respects a homosexual and a heterosexual! Perhaps they should read Romans chapter 1. Then they say that the homo must be treated with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. What does treating a homosexual with “sensitivity” and “compassion” mean? A Catholic tells the homosexual in charity that his behavior is unnatural and an abomination before God. This is completely wrong and actually laughable. There have been many more than just two ex cathedra statements in Church history. When we consider that these authors have PhDs, yet demonstrate a profound ignorance of real Catholic teaching, this reveals again how shallow, deceiving and misleading such official degrees can be. They say that Catholics aren’t at spiritual war with Protestants, Jews, or Muslims. We are at spiritual war against these members of false religions because they lead people to Hell. But of course heresy, apostasy and embracing false religions mean nothing to these apostates. They also say that confirmation makes a person a Soldier of Christ to fight against anti-Semitism. We wonder what they mean by this statement. Do they mean that you are not to be a racist or against the Jewish religion (there’s a huge difference between the two, of course) or do they mean both? They probably mean both. They say that Hell and Purgatory are not actual places. They got this heresy from Antipope John Paul II. In the summer of 1999, he taught that Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory are not actual places. It’s revealed in the bible that Heaven and Hell are actual places. They go on to say that two men (of some religion) live different lives. Max loves God and neighbor. Joe was a gambler, boozer and womanizer. Max then dies. Then Joe dies, at the same time. Just before dying, Joe “repents” and attempts to use the Protestant method of accepting the Lord into his heart to save his soul. They conclude by stating that they both go to Heaven, just not at the exact same time. Joe might have to spend a little time in Purgatory. This is heresy. These few quotes from the book Catholicism for Dummies demonstrate the incredible levels of heresy and apostasy held and promoted by these two authors. These authors are simply men who are able to read and write and obtain degrees. What’s incredible is that Trigilio and Brighenti would probably be considered very conservative among Novus Ordo “priests.” The real problem here is that Trigilio and Brighenti should have never become “priests.” They are utterly of bad will and they are not remotely Catholic. The people who promoted this book are also not Catholic. The mere fact that this book is considered a textbook on what the Catholic Church teaches proves once again that we are living through the final days of the Great Apostasy at the end of the world.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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