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'Catholic' Colleges Collude with Planned Parenthood reports: Despite the Catholic Church’s unambiguous teaching on the “intrinsic evil” of abortion, Catholic Colleges throughout the country continue to promote student internships and volunteer opportunities at Planned Parenthood—the country’s largest abortion provider. In fact, at the same time Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley, OFM Cap, Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), issued a statement decrying the “throwaway culture” that has “enslaved the hearts and minds of so many” through abortion and the selling of “fetal tissue” at Planned Parenthood, students enrolled in the sociology internship course at Boston College, one of Boston’s premier Catholic colleges, were encouraged to apply for internships at the Planned Parenthood League of Greater Boston (p. 18). Boston College is far from the only Catholic college offering student opportunities to gain course credit for participating in the abortion industry. In 2011 the Cardinal Newman Society issued an investigative report documenting more than 150 current and past connections between Catholic colleges and Planned Parenthood. In A Scandalous Relationship: Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood, the Newman Society identified dozens of internships and fellowships available at Planned Parenthood through internship programs at Catholic colleges and universities. The report included premier Catholic colleges and universities like the University of Notre Dame, Georgetown, Marquette, Boston College, Seattle University, the University of San Diego, St. Louis University and many others...
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