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"Cardinals, bishops who back women’s ordination secretly meet near Rome to prepare for Amazon synod"
"The participants of the preparatory meeting stand for a progressive agenda within the Church.
Cardinal Baldisseri has been crucial in preparing the two family synods which led to Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia that opened up the idea of giving some 'remarried' couples access to the Sacraments. Baldisseri told Dr. Frédéric Martel about the synod's methods: 'our line was essentially Kasper's.'
Cardinal Claudio Hummes is in favor of married priests for the Amazon region, and that they should be indigenous. He stated in 2016: 'There should be only indigenous clergy, priests and bishops – also without academic formation.'
Cardinal Walter Kasper is the man behind the idea to give Holy Communion to some 'remarried' divorcees without them having to change their way of life.
Cardinal Schönborn once stated he could imagine female priests and bishops, and only a few days ago claimed that the cause of the sex abuse crisis is not the cultural revolution of the 1960s (as Pope Benedict XVI recently claimed), but the 'Church's exaggerated fixation on the Sixth Commandment,' as well as 'closed systems.'
Professor Thomas Schüller, in a recent interview, predicted that other regions in the world would ask for married priests soon after the Amazon Synod. He said: 'This [Amazon Synod] will encourage the bishops’ conferences and the regions of the Universal Church — which are also affected by the lack of priests — to make a similar request while at the same time honoring a freely chosen celibacy.' Rome would 'surely examine such a request with a benevolent attitude,' he explained.
Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck has recently stated that after the Amazon Synod, 'nothing will be the same' in the Church. He hopes for a questioning of the Church's teaching on sexuality and on access to the priesthood. Overbeck is the German bishops' expert for Latin America and responsible for the donations going to this region, via the German bishops' charitable organization Adveniat.
Bishop Erwin Kräutler is in favor of married priests and women's ordination. He even goes so far as to claim that Pope Francis would be open to the possibility of ordaining women."
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