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The leader of the Vatican II sect in L.A., “Cardinal” Roger Mahony, shows us why the “Church” of John Paul II is not the Catholic Church
Heresy of the Week, Week of 3/12/04
By Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II’s Hierarchy and Members
On Friday, February 20, 2004, hosted an online chat session with “Cardinal” Roger Mahony that was moderated by
Comment: 1) “Cardinal” Mahony recently presided over a “Mass” in his L.A. Cathedral which included lion dances, lantern dances [whatever that is], and two 50-foot dragons representing the god of rainfall.
Mahony is easily one of the most notorious apostates in the Novus Ordo sect, if not the worst one in America. Notice that when he was asked in the interview whether it is necessary to accept Christ to be saved he did not say yes. He said that Vatican II teaches that everyone goes to heaven, even those of different faiths, by Christ, which means that one does not have to accept Christ to be saved. This is total heresy, of course. In fact, during one meeting that Mahony held with Jewish Rabbis, he stressed that the Church had “adopted an understanding of Judaism in which there is not the slightest hint of contempt, and not an iota of conversionist agenda.” Rather than praying for Jews to convert to Catholicism, Mahony said, the Church now calls for Catholics to pray that Jews remain faithful to their own religion. (Los Angeles Daily News, Dec. 25, 1998, “Healing Rifts,” by Deborah Sullivan).
However, as bad as this is, those who hold that John Paul II is the Pope (and therefore a Catholic) must hold that Mahony is a Catholic as well, and that he is the leader and head of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles – the person with whom all Catholics in that area must hold communion. Thus, what Mahony says above in his interview, about how one is either in union with the Bishops of the Catholic Church or he is not in communion with the Catholic Church, is actually theologically correct.
These statements about union with the Bishop must be understood with certain proper theological distinctions. If there were a true Catholic Bishop today who possessed ordinary jurisdiction, then a Catholic could disagree with him on certain matters. But the point and meaning of the above quotations from the Fathers, and the point of the apostate Mahony in the interview, is that no Catholic can be separated from spiritual communion with the legitimate Bishop (they must have the same faith and government), because there is a union of faith and government in the Church of Christ.
Thus, if John Paul II is the Pope, one must hold communion in faith with his apostate Bishops, such as “Cardinal” Roger Mahony. But this is obviously absurd, and it shows us why the position of “traditionalists” who still think John Paul II is the Pope is untenable. If they affirm communion with John Paul II’s Bishops, such as Mahony, they are denying the faith; and if they deny communion with them (while still accepting Antipope John Paul II as the Pope) they are adhering to a schismatic position which separates them from the communion of the hierarchy they recognize. The only legitimate Catholic position is to acknowledge that heretics like Mahony and John Paul II are not members of the Catholic Church, but are outside of it, and therefore they hold no authority as Bishop or “Pope” (they lose their offices completely).
2) It is also very interesting to note that Roger Mahony tells us that those who don’t accept the apostate and heretical documents of Vatican II are not in the unity of the Catholic Church. This is the answer of basically every Novus Ordo Bishop or apologist, simply because the “Church” of John Paul II officially and universally accepts the apostate documents of Vatican II as the authoritative teaching of the Church. In L’Osservatore Romano (the official Vatican newspaper) of two weeks ago (Feb. 25, 2004, p. 6/7) there is a huge headline stating: “Council [Vatican II] clearly makes ecumenism binding as the work of the Spirit.” Those in communion with John Paul II must accept Vatican II or they are separating themselves from communion with their “Church” and they are actually denying Papal Infallibility (as proven in the article, Was Vatican II Infallible?)
3) Notice that when the apostate Mahony was asked whether the symbol on his Cathedral was a winged serpent he did not answer the question. This is because it is a winged serpent.
For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II’s Hierarchy and Members
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