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Vatican Prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization and Novus Ordo Bishops of India say Church has no “no ulterior motives of conversions.”
Heresy of the Week, Week of 7/7/06 By Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II’s Hierarchy and Members
What we have here is a Novus Ordo “cardinal,” the very head of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (!) with over 2,400 bishops under him, declaring that the educational and social projects run by the Vatican II Church in India don’t even have conversions as an “ulterior” motive for these projects. The word ulterior means “situated beyond… in the background.” In other words, his “Church” has no motive whatsoever to convert the non-Catholics in India. This, I remind you, is coming from the very head of the Vatican Congregation on Evangelization.Here is a photo from The Indian Express in which the aforementioned "Cardinal" Dias is burning incense to the Hindu deity Ganesha (right)
What more proof does one need to see that the Vatican II sect is the Counter-Church? Well, there is more. Here are a few quotes from the Novus Ordo “Catholic” Bishops’ Conference of India: Notice that “the bishops” say that “only God can convert” with the clear meaning that they repudiate attempts by a person to preach conversion to others. This is truly a new gospel.Iraqi Vatican II “Catholics” donate money to Rebuild Mosque! [link]
This really epitomizes the bad fruits of the Vatican II religion. With the encouragement of their “Archbishop,” these people are helping reconstruct a Mosque, and thus assisting in apostasy and committing a grave and disgusting offense against God, while thinking that they are performing an act of “Christian charity.” This shows us again how completely apostate the Vatican II hierarchy is, and how people are led to their destruction when they have a version of “charity” that is devoid of the uncompromising Catholic Faith. Charity cannot exist in something that is not consistent with the true Faith. Here is a reminder of what the Popes, Councils and Saints thought of Mosques, Islam and its false prophet, Mahomet (or Mohammed). So, the Iraqi “Catholics” are helping reconstruct a Mosque so that Muslims can resume that which the Council of Vienne condemned and forbade as “an insult to the holy name and a disgrace to the Christian faith.” I can just imagine what St. Francis Xavier would have said about helping reconstruct a Mosque. By the way, knowing what the Catholic Church teaches about Islam, and comparing it to what the Vatican II sect teaches about it, is enough by itself to prove the sedevacantist position.APPENDIX – THE VATICAN II SECT ON ISLAM
Related: Vatican II Debate – Dimond vs. Sungenis – on Nostra Aetate #3 and the Muslims (video and transcript)
For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II’s Hierarchy and MembersSign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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