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Was the most powerful “Cardinal” in America after Vatican II a Secret Satanist?
Bro. Michael Dimond
- “Cardinal” Bernardin, former General Secretary of the U.S. Conference of “Catholic Bishops”, was arguably the most powerful bishop in America at his time and one of the most influential figures in implementing Vatican II -
Here we see Bernardin displaying an extremely strange and perhaps sinister hand gesture. Is this some sort of symbol of his membership in the occult or a secret society? Read the article and see the photos at the end.
Bernardin’s Early Career
Joseph Bernardin was born on April 2, 1928, in Columbia, South Carolina. Joseph Bernardin attended public schools and eventually enrolled at the University of South Carolina on a pre-med scholarship. However, the following year he changed his mind and entered a seminary.[1] His mother and friends were taken by surprise because Joe wasn’t a particularly religious young man.[2] Joe was ordained a priest in 1952. In 1966 he became the country’s youngest bishop.[3] In 1968 he began a four-year term as General Secretary of the U.S. Conference of “Catholic Bishops”.Bernardin’s Work At The “NCCB”
On November 21, 1972, Bernardin was appointed “Archbishop” of Cincinnati, Ohio, by Paul VI. Almost 100 “bishops” attended his installation ceremony. Most of the ten years Bernardin was “Archbishop” of Cincinnati were spent in Washington, D.C., as the president of the “NCCB” (National Conference of “Catholic Bishops”).[4] In 1975 and 1976 Bernardin initiated two failed attempts to introduce “Communion” in the hand. Bernardin also argued for the acceptance of “altar girls”. Bernardin became “archbishop” of the Vatican II Church in Chicago in 1982, which was the largest diocese in the country at that time. When he was asked about his goals in Chicago, he said: “I do not come here with a blueprint. I don’t have a bagful of tricks.”[5] At his installation service as “archbishop”, he said: “We will work together and play together, fast and pray together, despair and hope together... for I am Joseph, your brother.”[6] On November 14, 1987, the “NCCB” released a document called The Many Faces of AIDS. Bernardin, who was one of four “bishops” who designed the document, said he was particularly pleased with this document. The document approves educational materials which promote condom use as a prophylactic for the prevention of HIV infection.[7] It also approved other horrible things. This document on the prevention of AIDS “pushed for the Catholic Church to allow teaching the use of condoms as a prevention of future transmission of the disease.”[8] Father Charles Fiore, who was very familiar with Bernardin’s activities, described him as “an evil man and a flaming homosexual.” Bernardin was considered a candidate to be the first American “pope”.Bernardin’s Appointments
Bernardin was responsible for the appointment of pro-homosexual “bishops,” such as Detroit Auxiliary Tom Gumbleton, Ken Untener of Saginaw, MI (a man who showed pornographic films to his seminarians), Joseph Imesch of Joliet, IL, and the homosexual “Bishop” Daniel Ryan of Illinois (who also had to undergo treatment for alcoholism). Bernardin was also influential in the appointment of Rembert Weakland as “Archbishop” of Milwaukee, WI. Weakland was a homosexual who paid $450,000 to his former boyfriend Paul Marcoux to keep his homosexual lifestyle a secret.[9]Bernardin’s Involvement In Satanic Rituals
A woman using the pseudonym Agnes for her own protection claims that she was raped by “Cardinal” Bernardin. She has testified to this in a sworn deposition, in accounts to investigators, in affidavits submitted in support of others’ cases against Bernardin, in phone calls and letters to “Church” officials, and in sworn affidavits with Vatican officials. Agnes claims that when she was eleven years old (which was several decades ago) Joseph Bernardin raped her as part of a satanic ritual in which Bishop John J. Russell of Charleston, South Carolina, also took part. Agnes was brought to the ritual by an abusive father who was a member of a satanic cult. Agnes said that her dad offered her to the cult as part of a satanic sacrifice.[10] During this ceremony, a Catholic Eucharist was defiled and Agnes’ pet dog Flinnie was tortured.[11] In the fall of 1992, Agnes passed a polygraph (lie detector) test regarding the truthfulness of these events. She now has passed several polygraph tests.[12] Several years ago I was able to speak to Fr. Charles Fiore (one of Malachi Martin’s best friends) shortly before he died. Fr. Fiore told me that, in interviewing and getting to know Agnes, she affirmed the whole story of what had happened to her as an eleven-year-old. Fr. Fiore also considered her to be credible. In the early 1990s, she also told her story to Malachi Martin. Martin was recommended to her as someone who could get her information to the Vatican. Malachi Martin incorporated her story into his book Windswept House. Although the rape of Agnes by Bernardin took place in 1957, Martin incorporated it into his book’s description of the satanic enthronement of the Vatican on June 29, 1963. Martin said that the satanists (which included many who claimed to be high-ranking members of the Catholic Church) “prayed” and sacrificed satanically to transform the Catholic Church into “The Universal Church of Man.”[13] During this satanic ceremony, the “high priest” said to the participants: “Do you each and all now solemnly swear that your administration of office will be bent to fulfill the aims of the Universal Church of Man?” They responded: “We do so solemnly swear.”[14]Bernardin’s Homosexual Activities
Joseph Bernardin has been accused of engaging in at least two instances of homosexual sexual assault against young men. The first was a former seminarian who received a cash payment to keep quiet. The second was a former seminarian named Steven Cook, who filed a ten million dollar lawsuit in November of 1993 against the “Archdiocese” of Cincinnati. Cook later dropped his lawsuit after apparently receiving a payment from the “Archdiocese” of Cincinnati. Cook accused Fr. Ellis Harsham and “Cardinal” Bernardin (then in Cincinnati) of sexual acts against him while he was staying at St. Gregory Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio. Cook said that he was told many times that homosexual acts with “priests” were fine. Cook claims that Fr. Harsham told him that homosexual acts were a sign of a special friendship. Cook claimed that Harsham gave him alcohol and marijuana, and exposed him to pornography. Harsham then abused him and would take him to Bernardin’s living quarters for sex.[15] Bernardin was the “Archbishop” of Cincinnati at the time. Speaking about Bernardin, Cook told CNN: “We drank some Pepsis. I was given some very nice gifts, and then I was led into his bedroom and he performed anal sex on me.”[16] Cook’s lawsuit also accused the “Archdiocese” of Cincinnati of misrepresenting to Cook’s parents the reason for Cook’s many visits to the seminary and to Bernardin’s private quarters.[17] Although the media claims that Cook retracted his accusation against Bernardin, Cook never retracted his accusation against Bernardin. Cook apparently received a huge payout from the “Archdiocese” of Cincinnati in the seven-figure range as part of the settlement out of court.[18] During the discovery phase of Cook’s lawsuit against the “Archdiocese” of Cincinnati, attorney Stephen Rubino received a letter from Father Daniel Conlon, the Chancellor of the Cincinnati “Archdiocese”, stating that Harsham was disciplined previously for an act of sexual misconduct that involved a seminarian.[19] Harsham was placed on administrative leave and, when the lawsuit was over, he left the priesthood on his own.[20] Stephen Cook died of AIDS in September of 1995. The estate of the previously penniless Cook, estimated in the range of $3 million, was divided between his mother, his sister, and his “boyfriend”.[21] Bernardin was also reported to have participated in homosexual and occult activities at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, MN. This information was discovered through an official investigation by a group of laypeople from Illinois. Among the “bishops” who were involved in the abuse of seminarians were “Bishops” Joseph Bernardin, John Roach, and Robert Brom. At least two of the seminarians who were abused sued, and one said that the homosexual abuse was connected to satanic and occult rituals.[22]Bernardin’s Ecumenical And Interreligious Activities With Protestants
“Cardinal” Bernardin’s commitment to ecumenism led to the formation of the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago in 1985. He was elected the first president. As a result of this Council, Chicago “Catholics” now have official covenants with both the “Episcopal Diocese” and the Metropolitan Synod of the “Evangelical Lutheran Church” in America. While in Chicago, Bernardin was friends with a Lutheran “minister” who regularly entertained him at his home.[23] Bernardin’s Ecumenical And Interreligious Activities With Jews And Other Religions “Bernardin’s initiative led to partnerships between the Catholic Archdiocese and the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, the Chicago Board of Rabbis, Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies and the American Jewish Committee. As a result of this interfaith relationship, a Catholic-Jewish Scholars’ Dialogue, a center for the Study of Eastern European Jewry, and educational programs to teach Catholic school children about Judaism all began during Bernardin’s tenure... ‘Cardinal Bernardin’s brotherly embrace has led to a new era in Jewish-Catholic relations. We must never forget that this tribute would have been impossible only 14 years ago. We have bridged the chasm and begun a new journey,’ said Rabbi Peter Knobel, past president of the Chicago Board of Rabbis.”[24] Bernardin also maintained a long-time friendship with Rabbi Herman Schaalman.[25] Bernardin also actively participated in the World Parliament of Religions in the Fall of 1993.[26] On March 23, 1995, Bernardin delivered a lecture at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem called Antisemitism: the Historical Legacy and the Continuing Challenge for Christians. In the lecture, Bernardin spoke of “what many consider to be problematic texts” and said that “John” is “the most problematic of all New Testament books in its outlook toward the Jews and Judaism.” He went on to say that anti-semitism is “the most tragic form that racist ideology has assumed in our century.” Speaking about the writings of the early Church fathers, Bernardin said: “Retranslation... and reinterpretation certainly are to be included among the goals we pursue in the effort at eradicating antisemitism.” Bernardin also said that the declaration in the Gospel about the “children of the Devil” is “an affirmation which is placed on the lips of Jesus.”[27] This implies that he didn’t believe the traditional Gospel accounts are true.Bernardin’s Support Of Call To Action
Call to Action is an ultra left-wing “Catholic” organization that attacks various Catholic teachings. While in Cincinnati, Bernardin won the support of liberal “clergy” by helping to organize the 1976 Call to Action (CTA) conference.[28] The delegates of CTA attacked Catholic teachings regarding birth control, celibacy and “women priests”. Bernardin also allowed CTA to operate on “Catholic Church” property. He even spoke out against “Bishop” Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska, for “excommunicating” CTA members in his own diocese. Bernardin sympathized with or actively promoted the liberal/dissenting side on virtually every Church issue.Bernardin’s Last Days Before Death
Bill Clinton gave Bernardin the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor bestowed on individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities and to their nation. TIME magazine conducted an interview with Bernardin in 1994. TIME mentioned that Bernardin received calls from Hillary Clinton and John Paul II as the interview was being conducted.[29] Interestingly, TIME magazine described “Cardinal” Bernardin’s fourth floor office phone as “his red phone, the only dash of color in the severely plain room.”[30] The day before Bernardin died, he decided to have a conversation over the phone with Bill Clinton.[31] Bernardin died on November 14, 1996.[32] The funeral “Mass” for Bernardin was celebrated by the apostate “Cardinal” Roger Mahony of Los Angeles.[33] The Chicago Windy City “Gay” Men’s Chorus provided the music for Bernardin’s funeral. According to the November 1997 Washington Blade, a homosexual newspaper, the “cardinal” himself had prearranged for the “Windy City Gay Chorus” to sing at his wake. The “Gay” Chorus had a sign outside the “cathedral” prominently displaying its name. Freemasons in full regalia were shown in newspapers as they carried out an “honor guard” role and as they stood by the body of Bernardin. Bernardin was also a posthumous recipient of the Fraternal Order of Masons’ “Masonic Order of Galilei Award.” This award was also given to the Dalai Lama and to Bill Clinton. The Masons said that the award was given to Bernardin because he was “a man who removed barriers and built bridges of understanding and tolerance.” Howard Graff, the Masonic leader of Illinois, had petitioned the Grand Orient Lodge for permission to bestow the award on Bernardin months before he died. Before he died, Bernardin had already agreed to accept the award as a sign of his “commitment to dialogue.”[34] “Cardinal” Joseph Bernardin was recognized by many as the most influential Bishop in America at his time. He was also one of the most important figures in implementing the religion of Vatican II. This should tell us a lot about the spirit behind Vatican II and its main proponents.PHOTOS
Holy Name “Cathedral” in Chicago was “renovated” many years ago. The changes and additions that were made were satanic. Bernardin probably felt quite at home here in the main “church” for the “Archdiocese” of Chicago.The windows, which had pictures of saints, were replaced by windows that only contain multicolored stones. These stones represent nothing but emptiness.
They call this “crucifix” the “Resurrection Crucifix”. But the impression created by this “crucifix” is that Jesus is stuck in a box, and therefore did not rise again from the dead.
On the left: we see the tabernacle represented as an egg on a web. We also see a saint or Our Lord represented as being stuck (especially the hands) on this same web. Top right: pieces of the web are shown as being stuck to the dress and the back of Our Lady. Our Lady is represented as trapped or as a prisoner in a satanic web.
There are also spider webs covering the back entrance of the “cathedral”, as we see here.
There are also huge pieces of cut marble placed around the top of the “cathedral” (see arrows).
A small example of the many demonic faces that were designed into the marble slabs.
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