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Antipope John Paul II’s “Canonization” of Josemaria Escriva reveals Schism among many “traditionalists”
Antipope John Paul II’s “Canonization” of Josemaria Escriva
reveals Schism among many “traditionalists”
- by Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. -
As we send out an advertisement for our new video, Why Antipope John Paul II Cannot Be the Pope, we felt that it was appropriate to alert you to a recent (and very serious) event which bears tremendous significance in proving that very point. On Oct. 6, 2002, Antipope John Paul II “solemnly canonized” Josemaria Escriva (b. 1902- d. 1975), the founder of Opus Dei and a promoter of the heresies of Vatican II, false ecumenism (i.e., religious indifferentism/salvation outside the Catholic Church) and the New Mass. Here is what Antipope John Paul II pronounced during the solemn ceremony at the Vatican: The language of Antipope John Paul II speaks for itself; it is extraordinary, solemn and definitive. The formula of canonization listed above, which was pronounced by Antipope John Paul in “canonizing” Escriva, is the same formula of canonization that was in use before Vatican II. When pronounced by a true Pope, it is without question infallible. Therefore, the point is simple: those who acknowledge John Paul II as the Pope must acknowledge Josemaria Escriva – the promoter of Vatican II, false ecumenism and the New Mass – as a canonized “Saint.” To refuse to do so (if one holds John Paul II to be the Pope) is to be a heretic and a schismatic. A Catholic Dictionary by Donald Attwater defines CANONIZATION as follows: “A public and official declaration of the heroic virtue of a person and the inclusion of his or her name in the canon (roll or register) of the saints… This judgment of the Church is infallible and irreformable.” (A Catholic Dictionary, Rockford, IL: TAN Books, p. 72). To reject the “canonization” of Josemaria Escriva, while holding that Antipope John Paul II is the Pope, is definitely heretical because it is contrary to Papal Infallibility, which is exercised when a true Pope pronounces the formula of canonization listed above. It is also schismatical for two reasons: 1) It is to separate yourself from the Communion of Saints observed by the Church you deem, albeit incorrectly, to be the Catholic Church (the Church of John Paul II); and 2) it is to deny the authority of John Paul II to declare Saints (the man you deem – quite wrongly – to be the Pope), which is a denial of the Papal Primacy. So, what was the reaction to Antipope John Paul II’s “canonization” of Josemaria Escriva by the prominent “traditional Catholic” groups who still hold that he is the Pope? Did they accept this solemn “canonization” of Escriva by their “Pope,” John Paul II? Or did this act of Antipope John Paul II (we pray) finally prove to them that he is not the Pope? Or did they display the hypocrisy, heresy and schismatic mentality at the heart of their position, by continuing to affirm that he is the Pope and rejecting his solemn “canonization” of Escriva anyway? On Dec. 6, 2002, Bishop Richard Williamson of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) addressed the issue in a letter from the Society of St. Pius X’s Seminary in Minnesota. Let’s briefly interrupt the quotation from Bishop Williamson of the SSPX to bolster his point about Escriva. Escriva was an avid supporter of the religious indifferentism of Vatican II. (Quotations can be found at the website of Opus Dei: So much for John 1:12, “But as many as received him, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name.” The fact that the Muslim cannot be saved or be an adopted son of God unless he believes in Christ’s name and holds His one true faith was not part of Escriva’s heretical faith. Here is what Escriva had to say when questioned about Vatican II’s heretical teaching on religious liberty, which was condemned in principle by at least seven different Popes, and caused a number of formerly Catholic nations to abandon their Catholic constitutions in favor of secular ones!: “With respect to religious freedom, from its foundation Opus Dei has never practiced discrimination of any kind… Our Work is the first Catholic organization which, with the authorization of the Holy See, admits non-Catholics, whether Christian or not, as cooperators… From the first moment this is the spirit which we have lived. You can understand, then, how the Council’s teaching on this subject could only make me happy.” (Msgr. Josemaria Escriva, On Vatican II’s teaching of Religious Liberty, Conversations, number 44). We continue with Williamson’s letter: This position, dear reader, is heretical and schismatical, as stated above. It is actually the worst heresy that the SSPX has committed, besides its teaching that those who die in non-Catholic religions can achieve salvation (Arch. Lefebvre, Against the Heresies, pp. 216-218). In rejecting the authority and the infallibility of John Paul II’s solemn “canonizations” (while they profess that he is the Pope), the SSPX is rejecting the authority and the infallibility of the canonizations of all the Popes before Vatican II. It is equivalent to rejecting the canonization of St. Francis of Assisi by Pope Gregory IX or the canonization of Pope St. Pius V by Pope Clement XI or the canonization of St. Therese of the Child Jesus by Pope Pius XI, etc., etc., etc. It is equivalent to rejecting all of the dogmatic statements by Popes in the history of the Church, for if John Paul II had been the Pope, his “canonization” of Escriva (see the formula quoted already) would carry the same level of authority as all the dogmas defined by Popes in history. Fr. Peter Scott, the former U.S. District Superior of the SSPX, who remains a leading voice in the group, also rejected Antipope John Paul II’s “canonization” of Escriva in a recent letter. The letter speaks for itself. Like Williamson, Fr. Scott rejects the “canonization” of Escriva by John Paul II. Fr. Scott is not a Catholic, nor is anyone who holds the same indefensible position, which is now being taught and proclaimed publicly from the American and Australian Seminaries of the SSPX. Those who agree with the position of the SSPX, or those who donate to them (or any like-minded group), after being aware of these facts, partake in their schism and heresy and will place themselves on the road to damnation. In fact, notice how Fr. Scott even goes so far as to refer to the words of the disgruntled Opus Dei members, who stated that Escriva’s “canonization” would “offend God,” “stain the Church forever” and “take away from the saints their special holiness,” as “prophetic”! What kind of Catholic agrees that a solemn canonization by the man he believes to be the Pope could “offend God,” “stain the Church forever” and “take away from the saints their special holiness”? None at all. Scott even calls John Paul II’s solemn “canonization” of Escriva – proclaimed with the solemn formula quoted already – “shameful”! Fr. Scott attempts to justify this heretical and schismatical act by arguing that there was no devil’s advocate in Escriva’s “canonization” process. But the fact that there was no “devil’s advocate” in the process has no relevance, for it is not the presence of the “devil’s advocate” which makes a canonization infallible (as Scott should know), but the solemn declaration or approval by the Pope. In fact, it wouldn’t matter if there had been no process at all leading up to the “canonization” of Escriva (which there was), because the formula of canonization already cited is, in itself, infallible. If the SSPX believed in Papal Infallibility (which they don’t), they would know that the burning issue here is that God would never allow a true Pope to pronounce the formula of canonization over a candidate who was not deserving, such as Escriva. Those who don’t believe this are not Catholic, and don’t possess the true faith. Let’s briefly summarize the above Catholic dogmas: 1) Peter and his successors (i.e., the Popes) have an unfailing faith when speaking from the Chair of Peter (de fide) – such as when a Pope pronounces the formula of canonization; 2) In the Holy See faith cannot experience a failure (de fide) – the terms “Holy See” and “Apostolic See” refer to the official and authoritative acts of a Pope, such as canonizations; 3) A Pope possesses the supreme power of the Magisterium (i.e., the supreme teaching authority of the Church), which includes the power to authoritatively and bindingly declare Saints; 4) In the Apostolic See, the Catholic religion has always been preserved untainted and holy doctrine celebrated (in other words, a Pope could never taint the Apostolic See by authoritatively declaring as Saint one who was not). With that in mind, one can easily see how the position of the SSPX is theologically indefensible. It is clearly schismatical and heretical. In addition to rejecting Papal Infallibility and destroying the Communion of Saints (by calling into question the authority of all Catholic canonizations), the SSPX’s position makes themselves (i.e., the SSPX) the final judge in all matters Catholic (they decide which “Saints” they will or will not accept), regardless of what the Church they deem to be the Catholic Church (i.e., the Church of Antipope John Paul II) has “declared and defined” in virtue of “the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and [John Paul II’s] own.” And the fact that the SSPX has fallen so far into schism and heresy is a direct result of their obstinate refusal (over a period of many years) to see the truth presented to them: that Antipope John Paul II is not, and in fact never was, the true Pope. And what is crucial to understand about this whole affair is that the schism described above is by no means exclusive to the SSPX. Like a wildfire, it is presently sweeping through the so-called “traditionalist Catholic” movement with alarming rapidity, placing many outside the Church and on the road to damnation, which is the reason we have mailed out this letter. When the Escriva “event” occurred, the many groups – and there is a large number of them – which consider themselves to be “traditional Catholics” while acknowledging John Paul II as the Pope, were faced with a dilemma: “Catholic canonizations are infallible and binding,” they recognized, “yet we can’t accept as a ‘Saint’ a promoter of Vatican II and the New Mass, because this would render our whole ‘traditional Catholic faith and resistance’ meaningless and false.” Their choices therefore were: 1) to see the truth that John Paul II cannot be the Pope (the sedevacantist position – the position that the Chair of Peter is presently vacant), a truth which many of them have been resisting for some time; or 2) maintain the fable that John Paul II is the Pope (and refuse to see the truth of the sedevacantist position) and reject John Paul II’s “canonization” of Escriva anyway (which includes, as stated above, rejecting the infallibility of all canonizations by Popes). We have discovered, to our dismay, that almost all of the people and groups described above (with the Society of St. Pius X leading the schismatic charge) have chosen #2 : to reject John Paul II’s “canonization” of Escriva, while maintaining that he is the Pope, which is schismatical and heretical. This schism and heresy among those who consider themselves to be “traditional Catholics” must be exposed and rejected. Please spread this letter to all those it may concern or interest, so that people can profess the truth without compromise and hold an untainted and vigorous opposition to Antipope John Paul II and the false Vatican II Church (the apocalyptic whore of Babylon) – the counterfeit Catholic Church of the end-times – which is presently disgracing the name of the real Catholic Church with almost infinite scandal (by posing as the Catholic Church when it is not, and is nothing but the great harlot) and by disgracing the name of the true Catholic priesthood (instituted by Christ Himself): by its abominable sexual scandals; its numerous heresies; its general apostasy; its empty, sacrilegious and fake liturgy; its overall repudiation and vacuity of all things Catholic. New Video: “St.” John Paul II’s HeresiesSign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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