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“Cambridge, Mass. Passes Measure To Recognize Domestic Partnerships Of More Than 2 People”
“The Massachusetts city of Cambridge has put in place a measure that recognizes domestic partnerships of more than two people, euphemistically referred to a polyamorous ‘families,’ which in practice means sexual relationships between multiple adults in one household.
The Christian Post reported on the radical social construct:
A domestic partnership in the city that is home to Harvard University is now defined as ‘the entity formed by two or more persons’ who are not related and ‘consider themselves to be a family.’ They must file a registration stating that they are ‘in a relationship of mutual support, caring and commitment and intend to remain in such a relationship.’
The revised policy removes the requirement that everyone in the partnership must live together and also scraps a section that makes domestic partners submit proof of their familial relationship to the city.
The recently formed Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition (PLAC), which gave input concerning the change in Cambridge, said in a statement that they hoped that it ‘will be a wave of legal recognition for polyamorous families and relationships in 2021.’
Reaction to the development came swiftly and soundly, as it allegedly signals further destruction of the traditional family, bound by natural law, that began with the acceptance of same-sex marriage.
‘Polygamy was foreseeable because the arguments in support of same-sex marriage always had broader implications,’ Joseph Backholm, a senior fellow at the Christian conservative Family Research Council, wrote in an email to the Post on Thursday. He went on:
Those fighting to redefine marriage refused to discuss those implications because they were more concerned with getting what they wanted. Those who were concerned about the long-term implications of same-sex ‘marriage’ were called bigots and fear-mongers. Now, it turns out, they were simply correct.
‘AFA predicted this decades ago,’ Ed Vitagliano, executive vice president of the American Family Association, said in a statement issued to the press. ‘Once you reject the biblical model for human sexuality, marriage, and family when it comes to homosexuality, there is no logical stopping place.’
‘Polygamy and polyamory are acceptable,’ Vitagliano said in the statement. ‘This return to pagan sexuality began with a rejection of God and His word. Unfortunately for the people of Massachusetts––and eventually the people of this nation––paganism leads to barbarism.’
‘We can expect lawlessness and violence to only increase as our people rush headlong away from the Lord in true Romans 1 fashion,’ Vitagliano said. ‘Darkness will only deepen in their hearts and minds.’
The Post reported the city of Sommerville, Massachusetts, a community just north of Cambridge, implemented a similar change last summer.”
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