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California senate committee passes bill to deny education to unvaccinated children "A measure to ban parental choice over the vaccination of children in the state of California survived a key vote in the Senate on April 22 and will now advance to the full chamber for consideration. As reported by The Sacramento Bee, the measure was passed on a second vote by a committee that, just a week ago, looked as though it might reject it. "Amendments giving non-vaccinated children more educational options beyond traditional schooling generated enough support to push Senate Bill 277 out of the Senate Education Committee on a 7-2 vote," the paper reported. This is after supporters of the measure first approved a version that would restrict unvaccinated kids to private schools and single-family home schools. Now, the measure will head to the Senate Judiciary Committee in the next step of what could become a potentially long journey through several additional committees. It must also survive a number of floor votes, both in that chamber and in the state assembly."...
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