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Bishop Robert McKenna Dies
On Dec. 16, 2015, Bishop Robert McKenna died. He was 88 years old. We had some familiarity and correspondence with McKenna over the years. Although he was a validly consecrated bishop who said some true things and held some true positions, McKenna was (quite sadly) definitely not a Catholic. He denied the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation. In our correspondence with him, Bishop McKenna admitted that he believed Jews who reject Jesus Christ can be saved (see below)! That is, of course, horrible heresy. It is a bold rejection of defined dogma. McKenna believed that Jews who reject Jesus Christ can receive a 'baptism of desire'. As the portion of his letter to us below documents, McKenna explicitly agreed with Fr. Denis Fahey's horrible heresy in that regard.
Sorry, someone who believes that, especially in the face of the dogmatic teaching McKenna was presented with, is not a Catholic. Such a person completely rejects defined dogma, and consequently the faith of Christ and His Church. That person does not have the Catholic faith. The Eastern 'Orthodox' have externals, too. That doesn't make them Catholic. To be Catholic one must believe in all the teachings of the Church, including the dogmas that one must be born again in Christ to be justified and that the Catholic faith is necessary for salvation. There is no doubt that McKenna rejected those truths. He was also so opposed to the dogmatic teaching on the necessity of water baptism that he would refuse Communion to those who don't believe in the false doctrine of 'baptism of desire'. But even if one were to ignore, for the sake of argument, that last point, McKenna was still a definite heretic for holding that Jews, etc. can be saved without the Christian/Catholic faith. Those who consider this assessment too harsh hold that it doesn't make any difference whether one accepts Catholic dogma and believes in the necessity of Jesus Christ for salvation. They are quite wrong. We wish McKenna had been different, but he was an unbeliever and a heretic.
McKenna also published a heretical article in which he attempted to re-define the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation. McKenna said the dogma only applies to those "knowingly" outside the Church, which is patently untrue and heretical. It departs from the definition of the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation as the Church has proclaimed it. It is contrary to Vatican I on how dogmas must be understood: i.e. just as they were once declared. McKenna was a false teacher and a modernist. And what's as disconcerting as McKenna's horrible heresies on salvation, and his unbelief, is that so many other 'traditionalist' and sedevacantist priests hold the same heretical position. Furthermore, so many heretical laypeople don't see the problem or care. That's because they don't have the true Catholic faith. They don't believe that it matters. We are in the situation Our Lord predicted: "Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). Accepting the Church's dogmatic teaching on salvation is essential. The failure to do so is perhaps the biggest reason why so many cannot see the full truth in our day.
Since McKenna was definitely a heretic who gave no indications in the external forum of having come out of his heresy, no true Catholic may pray for him.
Comment: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Fr. Fahey taught that a Jew who rejects Our Lord can be in the state of grace (and therefore can be saved). Bishop Mckenna acknowledges it and fully agrees with Fahey's horrible statement. He states: “Fr. Fahey in these words is in fact recognizing Baptism of Desire.” This is as heretical as it gets. Baptism of desire, according to Bishop McKenna and many other false traditionalists, means that certain Jews who reject Christ can be saved. This is outrageous heresy and a denial of a central truth of the Gospel.
Bishop McKenna tells us that baptism of desire = Jews who reject Christ can be saved
An Unanswered Letter? – Our letter “debate” with Bishop McKenna on Baptism of Desire
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