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Bob Sungenis leads Catholics into Heresy and Schism
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
Related Topic: 2011 Vatican II Debate – Dimond vs. Sungenis – on Nostra Aetate #3 and the Muslims
- MR. SUNGENIS ON NO ONE JUDGING APOSTATE ANTIPOPE JOHN PAUL II *** (St. Robert Bellarmine devastates his argument)
- Mr. Sungenis on Interpretation
- Mr. Sungenis in Defense of Vatican II’s teaching on Religious Liberty
- Mr. Sungenis promotes Schism and encourages Catholics to deny the Papacy
Bob Sungenis claims to be a “traditional” Catholic and an apologist for the Catholic Faith. On his website, he has attempted to respond to some of our articles and publications relating to Antipope John Paul II, Vatican II, the New Mass, etc. Since some of our readers are familiar with Mr. Sungenis, and may have been influenced by him, some of his positions will be addressed this week in this column. Here is what Mr. Sungenis says about Vatican II: This means that Bob Sungenis thinks that none of the following propositions in Vatican II are even erroneous, let alone heretical. He is, therefore, a defender of the following Vatican II heresies, among others. (See the article, “The Principal Heresies of Vatican II” for many other heresies in Vatican II).1. Christ is united with each man (Gaudium et Spes, 22);
2. Protestant religions are a means of salvation (Unitatis Redintegratio, 3)
3. Non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion (Orientalium ecclesiarum, 27)
4. Muslims and Catholics together worship the one true God (Lumen Gentium, 16)
5. The Catholic Church is united with those who don’t accept the faith or the Papacy (Lumen Gentium, 15)
6. The College of Bishops is the subject of full and supreme power over the universal Church (Lumen Gentium, 22)
7. Some people above the age of reason don’t believe in God (i.e., are atheists) through no fault of their own (Lumen Gentium, 16)
8. The State exceeds its authority if it directs or prevents religious activity (Dignitatis Humanae, 3)
9. In Buddhism men reach the highest illumination (Nostra Aetate, 2)
10. All things on earth should be related to man as their center and crown (Gaudium et Spes, 12)
In fact, Mr. Sungenis has actually gone out of his way to defend the heretical teaching of Vatican II (Orientalium ecclesiarum, 27) and Antipope John Paul II that Catholic priests may lawfully give Holy Communion to non-Catholics.MR. SUNGENIS ON VATICAN II AND ANTIPOPE JOHN PAUL II’S HERETICAL TEACHING THAT IT IS LAWFUL TO GIVE HOLY COMMUNION TO NON-CATHOLICS
Bob Sungenis is here attempting to defend the heretical teaching of Vatican II, Antipope John Paul II and the New Code of Canon Law (Can. 844.4) that Holy Communion may lawfully be given to non-Catholics. In the quote above, he is referring to Canon 844.4 of Antipope John Paul II’s 1983 Code. Mr. Sungenis begins by arguing that Canon 844.4 is not referring to non-Catholics. This is obviously absurd, for the canon clearly says that Holy Communion may be given to those “who do not have full communion with the Catholic Church.” Probably realizing that this was a hopeless argument, Mr. Sungenis then abandons his argument in the course of his response and switches to another. He then begins to argue that it’s okay to give Holy Communion to non-Catholics in danger of death. So much for his argument that it wasn’t referring to non-Catholics! He now seems to be definitely conceding that the canon says that one can give Communion to non-Catholics, and he attempts to defend that by pointing out that the canon only mentions “in danger of death.” But this is also a hopeless argument which crumbles quickly, first of all, because Vatican II, Antipope John II’s Catechism (#1401) and Canon 844.3 all teach the same heresy that Catholic priests may give Holy Communion to non-Catholics without any mention of “danger of death.” We can see that Mr. Sungenis’ “danger of death” argument is blown out of the water: Vatican II teaches that Holy Communion may be given to Eastern Schismatics without any mention of danger of death. But even if Vatican II had mentioned “danger of death,” it still wouldn’t change the heresy. It is never lawful to give Holy Communion to a non-Catholic, and every Catholic should know this. Mr. Sungenis is actually a heretic for defending and asserting that it is allowable to give Holy Communion to a non-Catholic in danger of death. He rejects the following dogma that the sacraments do not profit non-Catholics unto salvation; and, therefore, it is never lawful to administer Holy Communion to a non-Catholic. It is a solemnly defined dogma that only for those who abide in the Roman Catholic Church do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation. Popes throughout the ages have proclaimed that non-Catholics who receive the Holy Eucharist outside the Catholic Church receive it to their own damnation. To assert that one can give Holy Communion to an Eastern Schismatic at any time is to deny this dogma which was defined by the Council of Florence and reiterated by these Popes. In a desperate attempt to defend Vatican II and Antipope John Paul II, Mr. Sungenis denies this dogma and is therefore a heretic. In fact, he is so desperate to defend Antipope John Paul II’s official pronouncements that he switched his argument on what the canon was actually saying in just a matter of a few paragraphs.MR. SUNGENIS ON THE VALIDITY OF THE NEW MASS
Mr. Sungenis also makes it a point to repeatedly “assure” his readers that the New Mass is valid. This has to be one of the most theologically perverse arguments I’ve ever seen. Mr. Sungenis argues that because “many” and “all” are used to mean the same thing in certain passages of scripture, it definitely doesn’t change the meaning to insert “all” in place of “many” in the formula of consecration. Does anyone actually buy this? Does anyone actually fail to see the absolute illogic in this argument? Does anyone not see that it is completely ridiculous to say that because in certain passages of scripture “many” and “all” happen to mean the same thing, that many and all necessarily mean the same thing in the Mass? It is so ridiculous and illogical that it’s a shame it even has to be addressed. Matthew 7:13 says that broad is the way that leadeth to hell, and “many” there are who go in thereat. Can we substitute “all” for “many” in Matthew 7:13 without changing the meaning, Mr. Sungenis? According to Bob Sungenis’ “great” argument, there would no change of meaning. But obviously there is a change of meaning – thus disproving Mr. Sungenis’ claim. In fact, the Catechism of the Council of Trent, contrary to Mr. Sungenis, explicitly states that “ALL” CANNOT BE USED IN THE CONSECRATION OF THE MASS, totally refuting Mr. Sungenis. As the Catechism of Trent teaches, in the Consecration of the Mass the priest is speaking about those for whom Christ’s Blood is effective. It further says that “ALL” WAS SPECIFICALLY NOT USED BY OUR LORD FOR A REASON. This reason is that to put “all” there is to indicate that all men have the remission of sins, which is heretical and false. Those who fall for Bob Sungenis’ absurd argument (which directly contradicts the Catechism of Trent) and continue to attend or defend the invalid New Mass will regret it for all eternity.MR. SUNGENIS ON NO ONE JUDGING THE APOSTATE ANTIPOPE JOHN PAUL II
Mr. Sungenis is also frequently asked about John Paul II’s heresies and the fact that John Paul II is an undeniable heretic. Mr. Sungenis basically always answers this charge against John Paul II the same way, by asserting that he doesn’t have any authority to say that John Paul II is a heretic and therefore not the Pope. First of all, Mr. Sungenis has it all wrong; no process is necessary in “accomplishing” the deposition of a heretical “pope.” A Pope who becomes a manifest heretic automatically deposes himself without any declaration by leaving the Catholic Church through the public profession of heresy. Secondly, by what authority does Mr. Sungenis say that Protestant ministers are heretics? Perhaps he doesn’t at all? He may actually hold that Protestant Ministers, such as Jack Van Impe and Pat Robertson, are not actual heretics and that they are inside the true Church? A few years ago I heard Mr. Sungenis debate Robert Zins, a Protestant blasphemer who was attacking the Catholic Church and who has attacked it for years. In the debate Mr. Sungenis refused to call the Protestant (Robert Zins) a heretic – even though Mr. Zins was begging him to call him a heretic and also proved to Mr. Sungenis from the Council of Trent that, according to Trent’s teaching, he [Zins] is a heretic! I mention this only because Mr. Sungenis is still employing this heretical mentality, for if he can’t say that Antipope John Paul II is a heretic then he cannot say that any of the Eastern Schismatic (“Orthodox”) Bishops or Protestant Ministers are heretics. He can’t say that Hans Kung (who denies the Divinity of Christ) is a heretic. He can’t say that the “Old Catholics” (who reject the Papacy) are heretics. HE CAN’T SAY THAT ANYONE IS A HERETIC who has not been excommunicated specifically by name, which includes 99.9% of all heretics and apostates today. Can one not see the absolute falsity and heretical nature of such a position? I refer the reader to “The Devastating Dilemma” to show why a Catholic not only has the authority but must consider Antipope John Paul II as a non-Catholic. But there is a passage in St. Robert Bellarmine that is completely devastating to Mr. Sungenis’ argument. Many of those familiar with our material have never seen this passage before. Here, St. Robert Bellarmine is discussing Pope Liberius and the Arian heresy in the 4th Century. It was widely believed at that time that the Pope (Liberius) fell into a compromise with the Arian heretics and had St. Athanasius excommunicated. This turned out to be false, as Pope Pius IX points out. Even though it turned out that the Pope (Liberius) was not a heretic, St. Robert Bellarmine says that because Liberius appeared to be a heretic (even though he wasn’t!), the Catholics LAWFULLY CONSIDERED HIM A HERETIC, AS ONE WHO WAS NOT THE POPE, AND AS ONE WHO WAS OUTSIDE THE CHURCH, AND JUSTIFIABLY WENT OVER TO FELIX, WHO BEGAN TO “REIGN”! In other words, even though Pope Liberius was not a heretic [and actually was still the true Pope], he appeared to be a heretic, and therefore was necessarily considered as not the Pope, BECAUSE CATHOLICS CANNOT PROFESS COMMUNION WITH PEOPLE WHO PROFESS HERESY IN THE EXTERNAL FORUM! This destroys the argument of Mr. Sungenis and countless other non-sedevacantists. And if St. Robert’s words show that Catholics were justified in presuming Pope Liberius a heretic and outside the Church, who only appeared to be a heretic [but actually wasn’t], how much more in the case of Antipope John Paul II, who is WITHOUT ANY DOUBT A HERETIC AND AN APOSTATE, WHO HAS IMPOSED HIS HERESY AND APOSTASY ALMOST WEEKLY FOR DECADES. Ironically, St. Robert Bellarmine is the patron Saint of Mr. Sungenis’ apostolate. But St. Robert Bellarmine’s words should be common sense to Catholics, for we do not share a unity of Faith and communion (which is what the Catholic Church is) with those who publicly deny the Catholic Faith. It should be common sense that WE MUST NOT AND CANNOT AND ARE NOT ALLOWED TO recognize as Catholics persons who exemplify complete apostasy. Mr. Sungenis, YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY TO SAY THAT CATHOLICS CAN RECOGNIZE AS A CATHOLIC A MAN WHO TEACHES: universal salvation; the heresies of freedom of religion and conscience; that Jews have a valid covenant; that Catholics shouldn’t convert the Eastern Schismatics; that the Council of Trent no longer applies, etc. etc, etc. ad nauseam. Mr. Sungenis, you have no authority to recognize apostates and heretics as Catholics. As touched on already, the reason that we know that the Protestants, the Eastern Schismatics, the “Old Catholics,” etc. are outside the Church is not because all these people have been specifically condemned by name, but because they demonstrate a denial of Catholic teaching. As the following quotes from Pope Pius IX show, we are not allowed to consider these people who reject the Catholic Faith as Catholics, even if they claim to be. This demonstrates again that we must consider as schismatics and heretics individuals who reject Catholic dogma (such as Antipope John Paul II and his bishops), even though those individuals claim to be Catholic and have not been specifically excommunicated by name.MR. SUNGENIS ON VATICAN II’S BLASPHEMOUS HERESY THAT MUSLIMS AND CATHOLICS TOGETHER WORSHIP THE ONE TRUE GOD
Mr. Sungenis goes on for some paragraphs dancing around the key heretical phrase in this passage, which is: Muslims “along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.” After numerous paragraphs, Mr. Sungenis finally gets around to touching upon this blasphemous heresy. I quoted the entire passage of Mr. Sungenis’ response from the time he finally got around to addressing the key part of the passage in Lumen Gentium. But notice carefully that never once does Mr. Sungenis answer the question: whether it is an error or a heresy to believe that Muslims together with Catholics worship the one true God. Mr. Sungenis does a diligent job of evading this question, by talking about evangelization; by talking about the Rich Man in the Gospel; by talking about atheism; by talking about people who believe that Muslims can be saved, etc. – all of which have nothing to do with the precise question: whether it is heresy to say that Muslims and Catholics together worship the one true God, mankind’s Judge on the last day. The closest he comes to addressing the issue is just another evasion. He says, Notice how Mr. Sungenis has very slyly evaded the question by stating that Muslims PROFESS to adore the one true and merciful God. Sorry, Mr. Sungenis, but the question was not whether Muslims PROFESS to adore the one true God! The question was: do Muslims and Catholics together worship the one true God?! Mr. Sungenis evaded this question in this way and did not answer it because the passage in Lumen Gentium is outright heresy and blasphemy, as even Protestant Ministers recognize. Muslims and Christians (Catholics) don’t have the same God. Catholics worship the Holy Trinity; Muslims don’t. Thus, what Vatican II teaches is bold heresy. And Catholics and Muslims most certainly don’t have the same God, WHO IS MANKIND’S JUDGE ON THE LAST DAY (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST). But Mr. Sungenis avoided answering this question, probably because he knows that this heresy in Vatican II is indefensible – and therefore devastating to his heretical positions – and devastating to the counterfeit Vatican II sect which he defends.MR. SUNGENIS ON INTERPRETATION
This is one of Bob Sungenis’ main theological errors which leads him to his heretical positions. Think about what he has stated here: his words actually mean that no member of the Faithful (since they are all fallible) could ever identify for certain a theological error against Faith. For example, is the statement Jesus Christ is not present in the Holy Eucharist definitely false? According to Bob Sungenis, we cannot say for certain because we are only fallible and therefore we “cannot know for certain” whether this is an error. Does the reader see how mistaken, and in fact heretical, Mr. Sungenis’ argument is? The truth is that IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT A DOGMA ISN’T, THEN YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS. If you don’t know what “a” is not, then you don’t know what “a” is. If you don’t know for certain that the proposition, Jesus Christ is not present in the Holy Eucharist, is heretical and definitely false, then you don’t believe in the dogma that Jesus Christ is definitely present in the Eucharist. Likewise, if a person does not know for certain that Vatican II’s teaching that Protestant sects are a means of salvation (Unitatis redintegratio #3) is contrary to the dogma Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation, then that person doesn’t believe in Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation. Likewise, if a person does not know for certain that Vatican II’s teaching that the Catholic Church is united with those who don’t profess the Faith or accept the Papacy (Lumen Gentium 15) is contrary to the dogma that the Catholic Church is one in Faith, then he does not believe in the dogma that the Catholic Church is definitely one (as in one, holy, Catholic, apostolic) in Faith and under the unifying factor of the Papacy. If he can’t definitely identify these clear heresies, then the person doesn’t believe in these dogmas. One can see that Mr. Sungenis has run the “private interpretation” argument completely amiss and has fallen into heresy on this point, a heresy which would render all Catholics completely faithless know-nothings, never knowing for sure what they do and do not believe.MR. SUNGENIS IN DEFENSE OF VATICAN II’S HERETICAL TEACHING OF RELIGIOUS LIBERTY
Mr. Sungenis is a Scripture Scholar. He knows a lot about Holy Scripture. However, Mr. Sungenis simply doesn’t know what he is talking about in regard to these issues of the Faith. And he definitely doesn’t know what he is talking about in regard to the issue of religious liberty, as is obvious from the above paragraph. Mr. Sungenis is arguing that Vatican II’s teaching on religious liberty is not heretical because Vatican II was only concerned with the civil right to religious liberty. Mr. Sungenis fails to realize that it is HERETICAL to assert, as Vatican II does, that religious liberty should be a civil right for every man. Mr. Sungenis needs to read Pope Gregory XVI’s Mirari Vos, Pope Leo XIII’s Immortale Dei and Libertas, Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of Errors, and Pope St. Pius X’s Vehementer Nos and Iamdudum, to name just a few of the seemingly countless Papal documents which condemn the heretical concept of religious liberty that was taught by Vatican II. Notice here that the idea that the Catholic religion should not be the only religion of the State TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL OTHER CULTS AND SECTS is condemned. This means that the Catholic Church officially teaches that the Catholic religion should be the only religion of the State and should not grant the civil right to non-Catholics to exercise their false religions publicly. But Vatican II teaches precisely the very thing that is condemned above. Vatican II teaches that the State does not have the authority to exclude other cults and sects, which is bold heresy. Could the Vatican II heresy be more clear? Mr. Sungenis is either profoundly ignorant of the topic or totally blinded by bad will. Vatican II’s teaching on the civil right to religious liberty granted by the State – and on the State being unable to prevent the public exercise of this civil right – is directly contrary to the authoritative teaching of the Catholic Church above in the Syllabus of errors, especially #77 and #78. It is also refuted and condemned by many other Popes. Could the Catholic Church’s condemnation of the heresy taught by Vatican II be more clear? What is most distressing about this is that people actually buy what Mr. Sungenis is arguing on this point and that they don’t see its inherent falsity. People actually buy his absolutely absurd claim that Vatican II and Traditional teaching are compatible. I quote it again. This is clear heresy! Vatican II’s teaching on religious liberty despises God and repudiates the Catholic Faith; those who defend it obstinately simply defend heresy. The whole document of Vatican II on religious liberty is intended to show how the State must recognize all religions equally, how the State cannot prevent the public practice of false religions. Bob Sungenis’ argument in defense of Vatican II’s teaching on Religious Liberty is hopeless and heretical, and it is rejected, ironically, by even most “traditionalists” who still believe that Antipope John Paul II is the Pope. Even they can see that Vatican II’s teaching on religious liberty is heretical. But Mr. Sungenis defends the condemned notion (which was “authoritatively” taught by Vatican II) that each man must necessarily have the civil right to religious liberty. He defends the condemned notion that the State and the Church must be separated, which Vatican II clearly teaches by asserting that the State cannot prevent non-Catholic religious activity. The idea infallibly condemned above by Pope Pius IX, that “LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE AND WORSHIP IS EACH MAN’S PERSONAL RIGHT, WHICH OUGHT TO BE LEGALLY PROCLAIMED AND ASSERTED IN EVERY RIGHTLY CONSTITUTED SOCIETY,” is exactly what is taught by Vatican II in its decree on religious liberty. The fact that Mr. Sungenis has repeatedly, obstinately and publicly claimed otherwise is patently absurd and outrageous. In fact, based on Vatican II’s heretical teaching on religious liberty, the post-Vatican II Antipopes actually took steps to change the Catholic constitutions of Catholic countries. The Catholic constitutions of Spain and Colombia were actually suppressed at the express direction of the Vatican, and the laws of those countries changed to permit the public practice of non-Catholic religions.MR. SUNGENIS PROMOTES SCHISM AND ENCOURAGES CATHOLICS TO DENY THE PAPACY
As documented in the Heresy of the Week for 1/16/04, John Paul II has repudiated the Papacy as a binding dogma. He says that the Eastern Schismatics who reject the Papacy are no longer excommunicated for denying the Papacy (he also says that we shouldn’t convert them: see heresy of the week for 9/19/2003, etc.). John Paul II thus holds that the Papacy is not a binding teaching. Mr. Sungenis tells Catholics that they must remain united and in communion with men (Antipope John Paul II and his Bishops) who hold that the Papacy is not a binding dogma. Thus, Mr. Sungenis is a schismatic and a promoter of schism, since he promotes that people should be united to men who reject the Chair of Peter and the Papacy as a binding dogma. This equivalent to Mr. Sungenis saying that Catholics must remain in communion with the Eastern Orthodox, who also reject that the Papacy is a binding dogma. I will close this Heresy of the Week with a quotation from my article, “The Devastating Dilemma,” which illustrates that it is a denial of Faith not to condemn Antipope John Paul II as a non-Catholic who is outside the Church. The following words are in reference to Antipope John Paul II’s acceptance of the Joint Declaration With the Lutherans on the Doctrine of Justification. No, Mr. Sungenis, we are out to defend the teachings of the Papacy and the Chair of St. Peter. You are out to keep Catholics in communion with heretics and apostates. You are out to give people “hope” in the counterfeit, non-Catholic, apostate Vatican II sect and the abominable New Mass. You are out to tell us that manifest heretics who reject the Council of Trent, reject the Papacy as a binding dogma, reject Outside the Church There is No Salvation, and reject the conversion of the Jews, are not actually heretics, but our fellow Catholics with whom we must share Faith and hold communion.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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