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"Bishop Raúl Vera Celebrates Homosex Mass"
"A January 13 “thanksgiving” eucharist for the San Aelredo Community was presided by Saltillo Bishop Raúl Vera, Mexico, the diocese reported on (January 14). San Aelredo promotes the homosex agenda... Vera co-presided the eucharist with Deacon Julián Cruzalta, a run-away Dominican, who advertises homosexual fornication and founded in Mexico the Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir (Catholics for a Free Choice) who promote killing unborn babies. Another co-presider was long-haired Father Adolfo 'Goffo' Huerta Alemán. Years ago, he admitted that he had frequent sexual relations, and that 'I don’t give a damn' about whether God exists or not."
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