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The Novus Ordo Bishop of Kansas City denies the Perpetual Virginity of Our Lady
Heresy of the Week, Week of 1/30/04
By Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II’s Hierarchy and Members
Comment: Would you believe that “Bishop” Boland is the “head” of the Novus Ordo sect in Kansas City?
“Bishop” Boland denies that sanctifying grace is necessary for salvation; he denies the law of non-contradiction; he denies the perpetual virginity of Our Lady; and he holds that Catholic doctrine can change. Bishop Boland is an anathematized heretic.
“Bishop” Boland is obviously not the visible head and authority of the Catholic Church in Kansas City, but the ruler of a non-Catholic sect which poses as the Catholic Church in Kansas City (the Vatican II/Novus Ordo sect). And as incredibly heretical as he is, “Bishop” Boland is probably average among the Novus Ordo Bishops. But groups like the SSPX still recognize Boland as a Catholic and the head of their diocese; their priests in Kansas City pray for him as their legitimate Bishop each Sunday at Mass; and they continue to call him “Your Excellency”! Since they are obstinate in this position, this is disgusting to God and to Our Lady.
The last letter alone which was sent to “Bishop” Boland and published in The Angelus (publication of the SSPX) referred to him as “Your Excellency” at least six times! It’s outrageous that they refer to this non-Catholic heretic, blasphemer of Our Lady, and total apostate from the Catholic Faith – who holds that dogma can change – as “Your Excellency.” It’s outrageous that the SSPX considers Boland the legitimate Catholic Bishop to whom they are subject and with whom they claim to share communion. The words quoted in the above article from The Angelus were not penned by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X, but by a person who attends the SSPX – and let’s hope that he comes around to see the truth that Antipope John Paul II and his Bishops are outside the Church of Christ, not in charge of it! – but his words show the mentality and the corrupt faith that is being sown by the SSPX priests among the people. They are corrupting people’s faith by their untenable position, which recognizes heretics as Catholics and non-Catholic “Bishops” as the legitimate hierarchy of the Catholic Church. And this is not to single out the SSPX, for many other independent priests – and all who obstinately believe that Antipope John Paul II is the Pope – such as Fr. James Wathen and Fr. Gavin Bitzer (to name just two), cling on to the same heretical position vis-à-vis the apostate bishops of the Novus Ordo sect.
For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II’s Hierarchy and Members
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