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A Response from a reader: The SSPX doesn’t teach that souls can be saved in false religions!
Heresy of the Week, Week of 3/11/05
By Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
Comment: It is taught clearly in their best-selling books. These books are sold in basically all of their bookstores.
Could anything be more clear? Now let me mention something that really bothers me – in fact, it is an outrage, since it is a mockery of God – and which lies at the very heart of this heresy: dishonesty. You begin by saying that the SSPX doesn’t believe that souls can be saved in false religions. We hear this all the time from people: “no, my priest doesn’t believe that.” And each time they are wrong, and in most cases the people who are denying that their priests believe this BELIEVE THE SAME THING THEMSELVES, so that they are actually lying. I just proved that the SSPX does believe that souls can be saved in false religions. But you began (like countless others) by arguing that they totally are against such an idea, as if holding that the Catholic Church is the one true Church (which the SSPX does) were the same thing as believing that all who die as non-Catholics are lost. They are not. But after you adamantly deny that they hold such a thing, you then proceed to admit that they do! Here is what you write, and I will mark with [1] and [2] where you totally deny what you just claimed.
You first totally reject that they hold such a thing; then you admit that both you and they believe that very thing, that souls can be saved in false religions. This is quite simply a lie, and this is why people can’t see the truth. Their dishonesty offends Jesus Christ (who is the Truth), and it denies the Faith. This type of lying and dishonesty is how they can delude themselves into believing that their view, that those who die as non-Catholics are saved “by” the Catholic Church, is compatible with the dogma which declares that no one who dies as a non-Catholic is saved. Any honest person knows that the two are not compatible. I could say that all men go to heaven (universal salvation), but all men go to heaven “by the Catholic Church.” Does this change the heresy? No, of course not. Thus, it doesn’t matter how Lefebvre tried to explain away or justify his heresy; he was still teaching that souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions, which is blatant heresy!
The dogma of the Catholic Church does not merely affirm that “no one is saved except by the Catholic Church”; it states that no one is saved outside the Catholic Church and that no one is saved without the Catholic Faith. This means that no one can be saved inside non-Catholic religions. The defenders of the SSPX need to get that through their heads, or rather, THEIR DISHONEST HEARTS. The dogma of the Catholic Church excludes the idea that anyone is saved in another religion.
Since he was teaching that people can be saved in another religion, Lefebvre’s emphasis that everyone is saved by the Catholic Church has no relevance. The words of Pope Gregory XVI in Summo Iugiter Studio cited above could have been addressed specifically to Bishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X.
Lefebvre did not believe in the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation as it has been defined, and his heresy is taught to the SSPX priests corrupting them from their Seminary days. His heresy is also held by the SSPV, CMRI and most independent “traditional” priests. It was the key to the Great Apostasy, and the bridge to Vatican II.
So, when you say “souls can be EXCEPTIONALLY saved DESPITE their being in false religions” you are uttering the very heresy condemned by the Church – that souls can be saved as non-Catholics. The fact that you attempt to qualify it by saying that it is in spite of their being non-Catholics changes nothing whatsoever; the heretical teaching is the same, that persons can be saved without the Catholic Faith.
And because they are dishonest, the SSPX supporters deny that they hold that souls can be saved in false religions when it sounds bad, but then admit that that is actually what they believe when pressed. They are lying, mocking God and fooling no one but themselves. They know in their hearts that the dogma which declares that all who die without the Catholic Faith are lost is not compatible with the teaching of the SSPX that souls can be saved in Buddhism, Protestantism, Islam, etc., yet they argue that the two are the same anyway and delude themselves. These are the type of people whom God spits out of His mouth, and does not let into the Kingdom because they are not of the truth.
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
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