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Benedict XVI’s Most Heretical Speech and Other Heresies from his Recent Visit to Scotland and England
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
This might be the most heretical speech ever given by any of the last five antipopes. First, he wishes Jews in Britain and throughout the rest of the world “a happy and holy celebration of Yom Kippur.” This is total apostasy.
He then expresses to the false religious leaders “the Catholic Church’s appreciation for the important witness that all of you bear as spiritual men and women.” According to Benedict XVI, the Catholic Church appreciates false religions being spread. He also declares that the leaders of false religions are “witnesses” and authentic spiritual men and women. This is complete apostasy!
He then says that different false religions “are not always appreciated,” as if false religions need to always be appreciated! He then says man “does not live by bread alone,” which is an allusion to Luke 4:4, where Jesus says that man does not live by bread alone but by the word of God. Since he refers to the contributions of false religions in this context, he is clearly stating that different religions provide the spiritual nourishment needed for true spiritual life. He is also saying that they teach the word of God.
He then states that followers of false religions work for the good of the community at large. Benedict XVI then utters the amazing heresy that followers of different false religions answer the spiritual question about the ultimate meaning of human existence. This means that, according to Benedict XVI, all religions will give you the same satisfactory answer concerning how you should follow God and achieve salvation.
Benedict XVI then speaks of how we should have “the greatest respect for religious traditions different from our own.” He then states that members of different religions can “give a convincing witness before the world.” He then goes on to say that, in the exchange with other religions, all of us should be “sharing our spiritual riches.” According to Benedict XVI, there are “spiritual riches” in other religions. He then closes what may be the most heretical speech of all time by stating: “let me assure you that the Catholic Church follows the path of engagement and dialogue out of a genuine sense of respect for you and your beliefs.” He assures everyone that the Catholic Church has a genuine respect for false, diabolical religions as well as the people who lead these “religions.”
Benedict XVI states that Catholics and Anglicans have the exact same mission – meaning they both represent the Church of Jesus Christ. He also says that the heretical and schismatic Anglican Sect is a friend of the Bridegroom. He also says that they are not in competition, not seeking to gain greater numbers than the other.
According to the apostate Benedict XVI, respect for false religions is a virtue and should be learned in a Catholic school.
Defenders of Benedict XVI would rejoice when seeing a statement like this coming from Benedict XVI. Notice that he says that drugs, money, sex, pornography and alcohol are “destructive and divisive.” But he doesn’t say that these things are sinful!
He calls the pro-homosexual layman “Your Grace.” He also calls the heretical Anglican laymen “bishops.” This is a denial of defined Catholic teaching infallibly taught by Pope Leo XIII. In his 1896 papal bull Apostolicae Curae, Pope Leo XIII infallibly taught that Anglican “holy orders” are not valid. This without any question proves again that Benedict XVI is a formal heretic.
Benedict XVI states that Catholics and non-Catholics are common witnesses of the faith and have a “common journey.” This means he believes that Anglicans and Catholics are of the same faith and are on the exact same spiritual path.
According to Benedict XVI, getting to meet and know different false religions is a great opportunity for the enrichment of the entire community.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 22, 2010, pp. 9-10.
[2] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 22, 2010, p. 3.
[3] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 22, 2010, p. 8.
[4] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 22, 2010, p. 10.
[5] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 22, 2010, p. 11.
[6] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 22, 2010, pp. 12-13.
[7] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 22, 2010, p. 17.
[8] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 22, 2010, p. 25.
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