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Benedict XVI’s Outrageous Promotion of Schism and Schismatics
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
For those who do not know, the “Orthodox” are schismatics who deny the Papacy, papal infallibility, numerous councils of the Catholic Church, etc. To put it simply, they are essentially Protestants who claim devotion to Our Lady, and have some valid but illicit sacraments. The Catholic Church infallibly teaches that the “Orthodox” are outside the true Church and that their followers are on the road to everlasting damnation. But Benedict XVI believes the “Orthodox” are part of the one true Church of Jesus Christ! In the telegram above, Benedict XVI states he “was filled with joy” when he heard news of the election of a new “Orthodox” schismatic leader! Benedict declares the new schismatic leader to be the “Pope” and “Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark”. Benedict XVI is proclaiming to the whole world that the new schismatic “Orthodox” leader is the official occupant of the one true Church’s “See of Saint Mark”. This is outrageous schism. He declares that the schismatic leader’s new office of schismatic leadership is a “lofty ministry”! He also says that to be the new schismatic leader in Bulgaria is a “noble task”.
As he always does, Benedict XVI calls the schismatic leader “Holiness” and says he “served the Lord” by being the leader of the schismatic “Orthodox” Church. He calls the followers of the schismatic church “faithful” and he says he is in “grief” over the schismatic leader’s death. This clearly means that Benedict XVI believes that by losing the life-long schismatic leader we have lost a great leader of the true Church of Christ. He even asks the Lord to “welcome” the schismatic leader into Heaven and grant him “everlasting memory!” Benedict closes his schismatic Telegram by giving “thanks to God for all the late Patriarch’s work” of promoting schism throughout the land. Benedict XVI also calls the schismatic bishop “Your Excellency”. “Your Excellency” is an honorific title that is given to Bishops of the Catholic Church. It means you consider that person a Bishop in the Catholic Church. By a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Ceremonial (December 31, 1930) the Holy See granted bishops of the Roman Catholic Church the title of Most Reverend Excellency (Latin, Excellentia Reverendissima).[3] Benedict XVI is a complete and total schismatic.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, November 7, 2012, p. 1.
[2] L’ Osservatore Romano, November 7, 2012, p. 3.
[3] Acta Apostolicae Sedis 1931, p. 22; L'Osservatore Romano, January 24, 1931.
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