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Benedict XVI Sends Good Wishes to a Rabbi for Yom Kippur and Expresses his Gratitude and Affection for the Synagogue in Rome
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
First, Benedict XVI denies Jesus Christ by sending a message of good wishes to the entire Jewish Community for their non-Christian feasts of Rosh Ha-Shanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. He then denies Christ again by using the antichrist Jewish calendar which dates things from the beginning of time instead of from the birth of Jesus Christ (AD). All Christians use AD, Anno Domini, meaning “in the year of the Lord.” Christians date things from the birth of Jesus Christ and would refer to this year as being the year 2010. But since Benedict XVI is not a Christian, he uses the Jewish calendar system and declares that we are in the year 5771[2], not 2010 AD. This is a clear denial of Jesus Christ, and it proves again that he is antichrist.
He also praises the Jews by stating that these Christ-denying feasts “may bring an abundance of Blessings from the Eternal One and be a source of deep joy.” He thus encourages them to celebrate the Jewish religion and the ceremonies of the Old Law, and he says that doing so brings blessings. This is clear heresy! The Church teaches that the ceremonies of the Old Law and the Jewish religion bring spiritual death and exclude people from salvation (Council of Florence). For Benedict XVI, there is deep joy in knowing that these people deny Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. He then says that “I remember with sentiments of gratitude and affection my Visit to the ‘Temple Maggiore.’” The Temple Maggiore is the “Great” Synagogue of Rome.[3] Benedict XVI has gratitude and affection for the Jewish Synagogue! What an apostate!
According to Benedict XVI, it’s great that Asia is the cradle of various false religions and false spiritual traditions.
Benedict XVI praises people because “on the basis of their Christian conviction,” they give their life in defense of everyone’s ability to have freedom of speech!
According to Benedict XVI, the “Orthodox” are completely Christian even though they deny numerous defined teachings of the Christian Church.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 15, 2010, p. 2.
[4] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 1, 2010, p. 1.
[5] L’ Osservatore Romano, September 15, 2010, p. 5.
[6] L’ Osservatore Romano, August 18/25, 2010, p. 1.
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