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Benedict XVI promotes the “wise efforts for the good of Orthodoxy” and other amazing heresies
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
In this message, Benedict XVI calls the schismatic leader “Holiness” over and over again. To call a leader of a schismatic church “Holiness,” and their schismatic synod “holy,” is to be a heretic and a schismatic. Benedict XVI speaks of a “common witness” with the schismatics. Benedict XVI then utters the incredible heresy of praising the schismatic for his “wise efforts for the good of Orthodoxy.” Benedict XVI is clearly praising the schismatic for his efforts to spread his schismatic religion! He finishes off his schismatic message by stating that he hopes for spiritual blessings upon the schismatic, non-Catholic leader. Benedict XVI calls the members of the schismatic “Orthodox” church “the faithful.” Benedict XVI also states that he “esteems” the schismatic leader and is spiritually close to him.
Benedict XVI calls the Lutheran leaders “Bishop” and “Reverend.” This is a denial of Pope Leo XIII’s solemn teaching in his bull Apostolicae Curae (September 13, 1896). In that bull, Pope Leo XIII solemnly declared that the Anglican Church’s rite of “holy orders” is invalid; and therefore, they have no valid priests or bishops. Benedict XVI also says to the Anglican leaders that he will offer “prayers for their term of service.” This means that Benedict XVI is encouraging heretical laymen to continue in their service of leadership in a false Church. Benedict XVI says that the Lutherans “witness to the Gospel” and bring the light of Christ to society. What an apostate!
Benedict XVI states that “the great religions can constitute an important factor of unity and peace for the human family.” This is apostasy. He then announces that he will hold a prayer meeting with members of other false religions in October 2011. This kind of prayer meeting has been condemned as apostasy by Pope Pius XI in his encyclical Mortalium Animos of January 6, 1928. Benedict XVI says the leaders of different religions are “men and women of good will.” He then states that the October meeting will aim “to solemnly renew the commitment of believers of every religion to live their own religious faith.” Benedict XVI says that one of the major reasons for his Assisi meeting will be to get people to live out their non-Catholic faiths. This is complete and total apostasy. Benedict XVI then states that the members of different religions, by living out their faiths, are “journeying to God.” This clearly means that he believes these people will be saved practicing their false religions. He then encourages people to pray for the condemned heresy of religious freedom.
Benedict XVI’s speech should rightly be called: Religious freedom, the path to apostasy. Over and over again, he promotes the condemned teaching of religious liberty. Benedict XVI promotes that false religions should have the right to publicly promote their false religions and that this should be guaranteed in the laws of the state. This heresy has been condemned numerous times by the magisterial authority of the Roman Pontiff. Notice how often he speaks of the rights and praises the great values of religion. That means he praises and promotes every “religion” on the planet (not just the true Catholic religion). This is why John Paul II invited representatives of numerous false religions (including Voodoo) to his Assisi prayer meetings. As you have seen, Benedict XVI has recently announced he will also hold his own Assisi prayer meeting in October 2011. Benedict XVI also says that the condemned heresy of religious freedom is “not the exclusive patrimony of believers,” and that it cannot be denied without denying all rights. This is outrageous heresy.
Benedict XVI says that the world needs God and therefore “religion,” not just the Catholic religion, “can offer a precious contribution to their pursuit.”
The word discrimination is defined as “making a distinction in favor of or against”.[7] The apostate Benedict XVI is encouraging all people to fight against any efforts to make distinctions for or against different religions. This is total apostasy.
Benedict XVI promotes freedom of conscience, worship and respect for false religions.
Benedict XVI encourages the ecumenical formation of the new generations. Benedict XVI speaks of the common theological and spiritual patrimony with schismatic churches. A Catholic cannot say that we have a common theological and spiritual patrimony with schismatics. The schismatics deny many teachings of the true Church founded by Jesus Christ. Benedict XVI then seems to indicate that there will be an agreement with the “Orthodox” on issues of the faith. He seems to clearly indicate that the upcoming agreements will be on issues of the faith or the role of the bishop of Rome. Benedict XVI looks forward “to reach agreements acceptable to all.” In other words, he looks forward to something that will be agreeable to the schismatics. He then utters the heresy that “we do not know the time of the fulfillment of unity between all Christ’s disciples and we cannot know it.” If Benedict XVI were a Catholic, he would know that unity is one of the four marks of the one true Church; it already exists in the true Church and among the true believers.
Benedict XVI teaches the heresy that the Orthodox, Muslims and Jews are our brothers.
This implies the need for a new world economic order.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’Osservatore Romano, December 1, 2010 p. 3.
[2] L’Osservatore Romano, January 5, 2011 p. 19.
[3] L’Osservatore Romano, January 5, 2011 p. 14.
[4] L’Osservatore Romano, December 22-29, 2010 pp. 3-6.
[5] L’Osservatore Romano, January 5, 2011 p. 14.
[6] L’Osservatore Romano, January 5, 2011 p. 17.
[8] L’Osservatore Romano, December 8, 2010 p. 7.
[9] L’Osservatore Romano, November 24, 2010 pp. 13,14.
[10] L’Osservatore Romano, October 27, 2010 pp. 1,10.
[11] L’Osservatore Romano, October 27, 2010 p. 1.
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