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Benedict XVI’s Incredible Heresies on “the Orthodox”: He Teaches That Schism Is Holiness
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B. Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The adherents of the “Orthodox” sects reject Papal Infallibility and Papal Primacy. The Catholic Church has always considered them schismatics and on the road to everlasting damnation. Yet, as he has done for years, Benedict XVI lavishes endless praises upon schismatic “Orthodox” leaders.
Benedict XVI teaches formal heresy a number of times in this letter. He teaches formal heresy by stating that schismatics can follow the “paths of holiness” without the Catholic faith and outside the Church. Specifically, Benedict XVI says that by taking this role as a schismatic leader, the schismatic will “guide the clergy and laity along the paths of holiness”! It’s a dogma that men cannot please God, be holy or have sins forgiven without the Catholic faith or outside the Church (Trent; Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam; etc.). According to the apostate Benedict XVI, schism equates to holiness.
Benedict XVI also teaches formal heresy by repeatedly referring to the schismatic leader as “pope” and the true jurisdictional leader of the true Church in his area. According to the apostate Benedict XVI, the schismatic legitimately occupies “the See of St. Mark”. This heresy was condemned in, among others things, Leo XIII’s encyclical Satis Cognitum, which teaches that all such bishops are outside the Church and consequently cannot rule in it. As he does with other schismatics, Benedict XVI also calls this schismatic leader “Holiness”.
Benedict XVI also teaches formal heresy by stating that the deceased schismatic leader, “Pope Shenouda”, was devoted to the Lord, had a flock of faithful entrusted to him, and that his life continues to inspire them. This is a blatant denial of the dogma that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church (extra ecclesiam nulla salus). Benedict XVI also states that the recently deceased schismatic leader is “venerable”.
Among Benedict XVI’s other blasphemies, he asserts that holding a prominent role in a schismatic church is a “high office”. He also declares that the new office of schismatic leadership is a “pastoral ministry”. He prays that the Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Truth) will “sustain” the schismatic leader in his office of promoting schism! He also declares the adherents of schism (“the Orthodox”) to be “the faithful” of God’s Church. As usual, Benedict XVI also mentions his “esteem” for the schismatic leader. Benedict XVI then declares that souls were “entrusted” by God to follow (and be spiritually directed by) this newly-installed schismatic leader. Benedict XVI is nothing more than a complete schismatic antipope posing as a Catholic pope.
Here, Benedict XVI denies extra ecclesiam nulla salus again by teaching that notorious heretics and schismatics can have eternal rest. Benedict XVI also declares the “holy Orthodox” schismatic leaders to be the jurisdictional leaders of the true Church, wherever in the world they have established schismatic churches. He also says that deceased leaders of schismatic churches were “dedicated servants of the Lord”. He then declares that schismatic churches have “countless martyrs and saints” and that they “sustain and strengthen all of us”. What a heretic!
Benedict XVI also calls the schismatic leader “Your Eminence”. Historically, the title “Your Eminence” has been an honorary title given to cardinals of the Catholic Church. Benedict XVI teaches formal heresy again by denying extra ecclesiam nulla salus: he teaches that the non-Catholic leader died and went to the Lord. He then declares that the recently-deceased schismatic was the leader of the true Church in Antioch “and All the East”!
Benedict XVI then asserts that this schismatic leader was duly ordained by God to be a “spiritual father and pastor” of people, even though he was a schismatic! To be a “pastor” in the true Church is to hold an office of jurisdictional authority. This proves, once again, that Benedict XVI believes a schismatic has jurisdictional authority over the true Church of Jesus Christ.
He then commits formal heresy by stating that this Papacy-rejecting heretic and schismatic was a “luminous witness of faith” who spiritually uplifted the flock.
Benedict XVI also mutilates the Gospel by stating that the schismatic lived a “long life of service to the Gospel,” even though the schismatic denied the Gospel (e.g., Mt. 16:18-19). Benedict caps of his heretical telegram by once again declaring the “Orthodox” to be the faithful of the true Church.
Benedict XVI declares the schismatic non-Catholic leader to be an “Archbishop”, which is a jurisdictional title given only to Catholic bishops by popes. Benedict XVI teaches formal heresy again by stating that souls were “entrusted” to the schismatic leader by God’s providence. It’s heresy to teach that God entrusts a flock to a schismatic and heretical leader who is outside the Church.
Benedict XVI is himself a schismatic leader. Thus, when he thinks of another schismatic leader, it fills him with “deep joy and brotherly closeness”. Benedict XVI states that the “Orthodox” schismatic leader is “Holiness”. Benedict XVI is also “united” to the schismatic and remains his “brother in the faith”. Take note of how Benedict XVI gushes with joy when he recalls the schismatic leader’s visit to Rome. He also says the schismatic leader is a “Pastor” of the true church. That’s formal heresy. Benedict XVI concludes by uniting his prayer to the schismatic leader’s prayer.
As many of you know, the heretical promotion of schism and schismatic leaders by Benedict XVI and the Vatican II sect has been occurring for quite some time. The recent antipopes have displayed this type of heresy for decades. That’s why it’s a joke when ignorant and bad-willed “Catholics” say: “Are you in union with the Rome/the Catholic Church?”… as if not being in union with Rome or the papacy means something to Benedict XVI. These recent examples of Benedict XVI’s promotion of schism clearly show, once again, that not being in union with a “Catholic Pope” or the “Catholic Church” means absolutely nothing to the schismatic Benedict XVI.
Therefore, the next time someone falsely accuses you of not being in union with the Catholic Church (simply because you correctly reject Benedict XVI as a wicked non-Catholic antipope), shove a copy of Benedict XVI’s most recent promotion of schism right back in their heretical faces. Benedict XVI constantly makes a mockery of being in union with the Papacy and the Catholic Church. The almost universal bad will that exists among mankind is the reason most “Catholics” don’t realize this. Those who continue to defend Benedict XVI as a Catholic Pope, after seeing the evidence which proves he’s a heretic and an antipope, will find themselves in Hell for all eternity.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, November 21, 2012, p. 6
[2] L’ Osservatore Romano, January 30, 2013, p. 5.
[3] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 12, 2012, p. 4.
[4] L’ Osservatore Romano, December 5, 2012, p. 7.
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