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Benedict XVI Commemorates Brother Roger Schutz, the founder of the Ecumenical “Monastery” of Taize, France
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The monastery of Taize, France is an ecumenical non-denominational “monastery” that Brother Roger Schutz founded. Brother Roger died as a non Catholic, and spent his life in a non-Catholic community that rejected Catholic teaching. But of course, Benedict XVI commemorates this arch-heretic on the five year anniversary of his death. Benedict XVI wants to let the ecumenical non-Catholic monastery know of his spiritual closeness and that he is united with them in prayer. He also wants to inform everyone who is commemorating this deceased public heretic that he is in union with them. Benedict XVI then states that Brother Roger has “entered eternal joy.” The heresy that Brother Roger has entered eternal joy was something Benedict XVI declared years ago, immediately after Bro. Roger’s death. It is blatant heresy to declare that a deceased non Catholic, and especially a leader of an ecumenical monastery, has entered eternal joy. By this act, Benedict XVI indicates in the most public way possible that he considers holding the Catholic faith to be completely and totally meaningless.
Benedict XVI then states that Brother Roger “still speaks to us,” as if he’s a saint or some great spiritual teacher of the true Church. Benedict XVI goes on to say: “may his witness to an ecumenism of holiness inspire us.” What does that mean? It’s just more heretical nonsense. Benedict XVI then asks the ecumenical monastery to continue to live and radiate Brother Roger’s charism, “especially to the younger generations!” One of the definitions for the word charism is “a divinely conferred gift or power.” [2] According to Benedict XVI, Brother Roger had “a divinely conferred gift or power.” By praising Brother Roger’s supposed “holiness” and spiritual gifts, and calling them “inspirational” to the “younger generations,” Benedict XVI is encouraging people to follow Brother Roger’s example. That is to say, he encourages them to reject the Papacy, enter a non-Catholic monastery, and be a non-Catholic, just like Brother Roger. Benedict XVI ends his message by asking God to fill the ecumenical, non-Catholic community with blessings and he states that they are “the disciples of Christ.” This is heresy and apostasy.
If you consider Benedict XVI to be a Catholic – and those who wrongly believe him to be the pope must do so – then you would have to be a complete and total idiot to bother being a Catholic. That’s because your “pope” holds that to reject Catholic teaching, and even found a non-Catholic monastery, sends you straight to Heaven.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, August 11, 2010, p. 10.
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