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Benedict XVI and the Vatican declare, in a special published note, that if Bishop Williamson doesn’t accept belief in “the Shoah” (“the Holocaust”) he cannot be accepted as a Catholic; and other amazing heresies from the apostate Benedict XVI
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
This note is an important statement by the Vatican on the status of the SSPX. This note from the Secretary of State of the Vatican declares that the SSPX’s juridical status is that it “presently does not enjoy any canonical recognition by the Catholic Church.” He goes on to state that they “have no canonical function and do not licitly exercise any ministry” within the Catholic Church.
Most of the people who go to the SSPX for the sacraments seem to believe that because the SSPX believes that Benedict XVI is a valid pope, they are not in schism for going there. This is completely wrong, and proven wrong by the clear statements above on how the SSPX is looked at by Benedict XVI and the Vatican. The note also mentions that, in order to be a Catholic, you have to accept the teachings of Vatican II, many of which are still not accepted by the SSPX. Finally, the apostate Vatican declares that to be a Catholic you cannot deny or minimize “the Holocaust.” What a complete joke of a “Catholic Church.” This is a “Church” that binds you to accept the Jewish version of history in order to be accepted as a Catholic!
Anyone who sees and understands these facts, and still thinks that Benedict XVI and the Vatican are Catholic, is a heretic. This note states at the end that Benedict XVI did not know that Bishop Williamson denied “the holocaust” at the time he removed the “excommunication” against him. This note clearly implies that Benedict XVI never would have removed the “excommunication” against Williamson if he had known that Bishop Williamson is a Holocaust denier. To think that Benedict XVI has bound someone to believe what the Jews think happened during World War II, in order for that person to be admitted to full communion with his sect, is amazing. But of course, the apostates at the Vatican, who worship and serve the Jews, do bind people to Jewish ideas. And fact that the Jews reject God Himself means absolutely nothing to the pack of usurping apostates who sit in the Vatican. They are nothing more than an abomination to Jesus Christ.
The rabbi calls for Benedict XVI to promote “Holocaust education” to future generations. The rabbi also speaks of the solid foundation of Vatican II. When a rabbi calls a so-called council of the Catholic Church “a solid foundation,” you can know for sure that it was not a real Catholic council.
Jew Alan Solow correctly points out that “the Holy See” demanded that Bishop Williamson renounce his position on “the Holocaust”; otherwise he will not be accepted as a “Catholic.” He forcefully says to Benedict XVI that: “It must be made clear again and again there can and will be no tolerance for any form of Holocaust denial.” He then goes on to utter an incredibly outrageous heresy by stating that “any attack on the Jews or Judaism is an attack on the Church…” We will see below that Benedict XVI had no objection to this outrageous heresy. He also said that Vatican II’s document Nostra Aetate confirmed that the Jewish covenant with God is eternal. (It’s a dogma that the Old Covenant was revoked by God.)
Benedict XVI thanks the Jewish leaders for their statements. This includes the incredible statement from Alan Solow that “any attack on Jews or Judaism is an attack on the Church.” It includes the statement that the Old Covenant is eternal – a clear heresy – and that Vatican II taught it (which is true). Benedict XVI endorses and accepts all of this apostasy. Benedict XVI is a total apostate. Benedict XVI mentions his respect and esteem for Jews, who totally reject Jesus Christ. Benedict XVI then calls the Jews the “children of Abraham,” which is utter heresy. St. Paul teaches the following in Galatians 3:26-29:
St. Paul clearly teaches that it is only by faith in Jesus Christ (which comes first in receiving baptism) that you become a child of God. He then states that only if you have Jesus Christ are you to be considered a child of Abraham. But the heresy that Jews and Muslims are the “children of Abraham” has been taught constantly by Antipopes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Benedict XVI then declares that Jews have “a faith that we Christians share with you”! Benedict XVI also indicates that the only teaching that you must accept is the Jewish view of “the Holocaust.” Yes, you can support abortion; you can hold to virtually any heresy and you will not be denounced as a non-Catholic. Pro-abortion politicians abound and are not excommunicated. They parade to Novus Ordo “Communion” without a problem. There is “tolerance” for those things, and for every kind of false religion on Earth. But if you dare to utter anything that minimizes or denies “the Holocaust,” you will not be accepted by him as a Catholic. Benedict XVI then declares the Jews to be “the people of the covenant.” This is heresy, as covered already. The only valid Covenant is the New Covenant. Jews reject it and are therefore not people of the Covenant. Just rack it up as another heresy from Benedict XVI.
The “Orthodox” religion is a non-Catholic religion, in schism with the Catholic Church. But the arch-heretic Benedict XVI looks at this as a rich religious heritage. Benedict XVI says he feels spiritually near to the schismatic “Orthodox” Church. This is no surprise, because he is a schismatic like them. He then declares, as he has mentioned many times recently, that the newly elected schismatic patriarch is “the new Patriarch of Moscow and of All Russia.” He then indicates that God has entrusted the schismatic to continue leading a church of schism. Benedict XVI says “my warmest wishes for the delicate ecclesial task with which he has been entrusted.”
Benedict XVI’s statement that the State must guarantee freedom of worship for false religions is exactly the opposite of what true popes have infallibly declared. Popes have solemnly taught that to be a Catholic one must reject the heretical idea that States are bound to recognize false religions. The true popes have infallibly declared that states cannot allow the public profession of false religions, and that the Catholic religion is to be the only religion that can be protected and promoted by the State. All of these facts prove, once again, that Benedict XVI is a non-Catholic antipope.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, February 11, 2009.
[2] L’ Osservatore Romano, February 11, 2009.
[3] L’ Osservatore Romano, February 11, 2009.
[4] L’ Osservatore Romano, February 11, 2009.
[5] L’ Osservatore Romano, February 11, 2009, pp. 3,5.
[6] L’ Osservatore Romano, February 11, 2009, p. 5.
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