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Antipope Benedict XVI apologizes for his speech on Islam
Benedict XVI’s recent retraction of his quote against Islam is one of the most revealing heresies he has uttered – and truly exposes his personal apostasy, his role to deceive “traditionalists” during this late period of the Great Apostasy, and confirms that true Catholics must not believe a word he says
Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. -9/22/06- I’m sure that almost all reading this have by now heard about Benedict XVI’s recent imbroglio with Islam. On Sept. 12, Benedict XVI quoted a statement against Muhammad’s policy to force people to convert by the sword, which set the Muslim world ablaze with fury and threats to kill. The statement which Benedict XVI quoted, which correctly denounced Muhammad’s policy as inhuman and evil, is quite Catholic and solid. (The reaction of the Muslim world with threats to kill – since they were completely unable to logically respond to the charge – proved that the statement was all too true.) In context, we can clearly see that Benedict XVI doesn’t merely quote the statement from the emperor against Muhammad’s policy, but he endorses the statement of the emperor. Benedict XVI concurs with the emperor when he says: “The emperor, after having expressed himself so forcefully, goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable. Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul.” So, why would Benedict XVI make a statement against Islam? Is it because he believes that Islam is evil? Is it because he is actually a true pope, as he would want you to believe? Of course not. Benedict XVI has said that Islam represents “greatness” (Truth and Tolerance, p. 204). Benedict XVI fully endorses Vatican II’s teaching in favor of Islam. Benedict XVI thinks that John Paul II – who loved the false religion of Islam and committed countless acts of apostasy praising it – was a great pope worthy of canonization. The reason that Benedict XVI made this one statement is simply because his mission is, as we’ve pointed out, to occasionally make some conservative statements and do some conservative things in order to deceive traditionalist-minded folks back into the clutches of the false Church – all the while he preaches the Vatican II apostasy. And this one conservative statement had its intended effect, until God allowed it to backfire on him. Immediately after Benedict XVI’s Sept. 12 speech got around, we were contacted by individuals who had, in the past, struggled with issues pertaining to whether or not the antipopes are true popes. One of the individuals wrote to us and made reference to Benedict XVI’s speech on Islam; his faith against the Counter Church was clearly weakening. It’s truly pathetic and actually disgusting that one conservative statement or action here or there from the antipope – even though the antipope denies Christ, worships at the synagogue, says we shouldn’t convert Protestants, etc., etc., etc. – is all this person’s weak faith needed to see to be obliterated. But that’s the way it is with many. They don’t have a true faith in Christ, they don’t hate evil, or their faith is as fragile as a reed. Many of them can be swept away by a single conservative statement here or there, even from a well-documented public heretic and apostate who doesn’t even believe that Jesus is the Messiah, as we’ve proven. That’s why Benedict XVI, who is thoroughly under the power of the Devil, does this type of thing.THE TRUTH COMES OUT: BENEDICT XVI APOLOGIZES FOR HIS SPEECH ON ISLAM AND SAYS THAT THE STATEMENT AGAINST MUHAMMAD’S TEACHING DOESN’T “IN ANY WAY EXPRESS” HIS PERSONAL THOUGHT!
This is very, very interesting on a number of levels. First, this is ABSOLUTE PROOF THAT BENEDICT XVI IS A LIAR AND A DECEIVER. It proves that he is a liar because we already saw that Benedict XVI clearly endorsed the quote from the emperor in the speech on Sept. 12. That is undeniable. But now he is saying that the statement from the emperor doesn’t in any way express his personal thought, which totally contradicts the Sept. 12 speech. If this latter statement is true (that the statement in the speech on Sept. 12 doesn’t express in any way his personal thought), then that proves that his endorsement of the statement in the speech on Sept. 12 was given solely in order to deceive people and give a false impression – not because he believed in it. Thus, no matter which way you look at it, Benedict XVI is caught in a huge lie. Second, in addition to PROVING that Benedict XVI is a public liar and a deceiver, his statement that the quote from the emperor doesn’t in any way express his personal thought proves that he is an apostate. For in the face of the reaction to his speech, he had every chance to stand by his ostensible position that Islam is evil; he was presented with a great opportunity during the swirling controversy to persuade people that the position of his speech was proven true by the Muslims’ evil reaction and desire to kill; but no… he repudiated the statement against Islam instead. In fact, if one thinks about this carefully, one will discover that Benedict XVI’s retraction of the quote from the emperor is actually an endorsement of the evil policy of forced conversion. Think about it: he originally endorsed the statement from the emperor which declared that forced conversion (as practiced by Islam) is evil. He then retracted it and said that it doesn’t in any way express his personal thought. That means, therefore, that he doesn’t hold in any way that forced conversion (as practiced by Islam) is evil! If he doesn’t hold it in any way to be evil or worthy of condemnation, this implies an approval of it as something acceptable. Thus, what was originally surely intended as a neat plan by the Devil, through his Antipope Benedict XVI, to make a conservative statement which would deceive certain “traditionalists” – at a time when he has just approved a new traditionalist-type group under the Counter Church – was foiled when God allowed the plan to backfire after the Muslim reaction became so volatile that Benedict XVI had to apologize and reveal his true feelings – thus obliterating his credibility with anyone who has eyes to see what a liar he therefore has just proven himself to be. So don’t be fooled if the manifest heretic and raging liar, Antipope Benedict XVI, says or does something else that is conservative with the intention of deceiving traditionalists. It won’t change the fact that he is a manifest heretic who rejects the conversion of non-Catholics, believes in salvation outside the Church, says that Jesus doesn’t have to be seen as the Messiah, accepts the heresies of Vatican II, and presides as the head of a non-Catholic sect. • Here’s a link to another apology by Antipope Benedict XVI, in which he is praising the false Islamic religion, assuring his respect for those who practice this false religion, and telling them that they adore the one true God • If you want to see Benedict XVI’s heresies totally exposed, order or watch online our DVD: The Heresies of Benedict XVI. • If you want to read one article which really exposes some of his major heresies in full context, read: More than 30 Astounding and Amazing Heresies of Benedict XVI from his 1982 book Principles of Catholic Theology(Benedict XVI denies the Papacy; that Protestants need to convert; and much more)Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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