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Benedict XVI declares Anglicans to be “the faithful,” a schismatic leader a faithful servant of God, and more
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B. Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
First, Benedict XVI utters a massive heresy by clearly identifying Anglicans as part of the Church. He does so by calling Anglicans “the faithful” (a term used for the members of the true Church) and by saying that the Anglican “Archbishop” (a heretic and schismatic) helps proclaim and represent “God’s faithfulness to his Church.”
Second, as he always does, Benedict XVI calls the Anglican layman Rowan Williams an “Archbishop.” This is blasphemy. According to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, Williams is not a bishop. This position was explicitly established by Pope Leo XIII in his infallible papal bull Apostolicae Curae, September 13, 1896. Pope Leo XIII made it clear that the Anglicans and the Anglican Church (which Rowan Williams now claims to be the head of) do not possess valid holy orders. Thus, Benedict XVI continually mocks the teaching of Pope Leo XIII and the centuries-old teaching of the Catholic Church on the invalidity of Anglican orders.
Those who have read the information on our website (and in our book) also know that the elements of the traditional rite of ordination which were removed by the Anglicans are the same elements Paul VI removed from the traditional rite of ordination when he promulgated the new rite of ordination on June 30, 1968. That renders the new rite of Paul VI invalid as well.
Benedict XVI declares the schismatic “Orthodox” church leader Shenouda III to have been his spiritual father. He even refers to him as “His Holiness.” Benedict XVI then declares that the schismatic leader was the legitimate ruler of the true Church in Alexandria, “the See of St. Mark.” Benedict XVI also says that the schismatic synod is “the Holy Synod” and that the schismatics are “the faithful.” Benedict XVI concludes his heretical and schismatic telegram by declaring that the deceased schismatic non-Catholic leader was a “faithful servant” who is worthy of Heaven. Benedict XVI makes this preposterous declaration about Shenouda despite the fact that Shenouda not only rejected the Catholic faith but led an entire group of schismatics. This is a total denial of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation. If you believe that Benedict XVI is a Catholic, you can plan on spending eternity in the flames with him.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, March 14, 2012, pp. 3-4.
[2] L’ Osservatore Romano, March 21, 2012, p. 1
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