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Australian law bans speech vilifying opponents in gay ‘marriage’ debate
"Australian parliament is expected to pass a temporary law this week making it illegal to 'vilify' or 'intimidate' supporters and opponents of same-sex 'marriage' as the country braces for a non-binding postal vote on the issue.
The bill applies to content produced by the 'yes' and 'no' campaigns.
'It includes measures to prevent vilification, intimidation, or threats to cause harm on the basis of the sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status or the religious convictions of someone during the survey period,” the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported. The measure will "safeguard against hate speech.'
'I have no fear whatsoever with regard to any of the comments that I have made on the public record,' said Lyle Shelton of the Australian Christian Lobby, which is urging people to vote 'no.'
'I will always stand up and criticize public policy which requires a child to miss out on their mother and father, not through tragedy or desertion but because that public policy mandates that,' said Shelton.
'Shelton said the ACL had been subjected to death threats, vitriolic remarks labeling its members homophobes and bigots, [and] had white powder mailed to it,' The Guardian reported.
A car explosion outside the ACL's office in December caused damage to the building. A man has been charged with arson."
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