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Australia: everyone must get vaccinated, except the Prime Minister’s daughters We’re talking about Tony Abbott, who just ruled from on high that there are no more exemptions from vaccines in Australia. No more conscientious objections, no more religious exemptions. Only the rare medical exemption, permitted by a doctor. And suddenly, every family who refuses vaccinations for their children will lose up to $15,000 per year, per child, in federal support money. Every family in Australia is eligible for federal money. Tony has officially ripped away citizens’ right to choose. Australia is now officially a medical police state. But… Back in 2006, Tony was singing a very different tune concerning his own daughters. On November 9, 2006, had the story: “Abbott rules out cancer vaccine for his daughters” (see also “I could be seen as ‘cruel’ on Gardasil: Abbott”): “FEDERAL Health Minister [at the time] Tony Abbott has said that while he may be seen as a ‘cruel, callow, callous, heartless bastard’, he would not be rushing to have his own daughters vaccinated [with the HPV shot] against cervical cancer. “‘I won’t be rushing out to get my daughters vaccinated, maybe that’s because I’m a cruel, callow, callous, heartless bastard but, look, I won’t be,’ Mr Abbott said on Southern Cross radio.” How interesting. How revealing. Tony Abbott, a vaccine refuser. Then. But now he’s the Pope of forced vaccinations for all Australians, whether they want them or not...
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