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“Saint” Paul VI (manifest heretic who claimed to be Pope from 1963-1978)
Paul VI (left) wearing the breast-plate of a Jewish High-Priest, (middle) giving away the Papal Tiara (a symbol of papal authority) and (right) engaging in false ecumenism and a possible masonic handshake with a schismatic leader
“Saint” Paul VI Photos “Saint” Paul VI’s Photo Gallery This file above is a file with some photos of “Saint” Paul VI. There are some very interesting shots, including some new shots of him wearing the breastplate of the ephod.Video: “Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies
Paul VI
Paul VI was the man who claimed to be the head of the Catholic Church from June 21, 1963 to August 6, 1978. He was the man who promulgated the Second Vatican Council and the New Mass. We’ve already seen that the evidence indicates that the man who preceded and elevated Paul VI, John XXIII, was a Freemason and a manifest heretic. We’ve also seen that the documents of Vatican II contain many heresies, and that the New Mass, which Paul VI eventually promulgated, represented a liturgical revolution. Paul VI solemnly ratified all 16 documents of Vatican II. It is not possible for a true pope of the Catholic Church to solemnly ratify teachings that are heretical. As we will show in more detail later in this book, the fact that Paul VI did solemnly ratify the heretical teachings of Vatican II proves that Paul VI was not a true pope, but an antipope. It’s important to keep in mind that Paul VI was the one who gave the world the New Mass, the other new “sacraments,” and the heretical teachings of Vatican II. If you go to the New Mass or embrace the teachings of Vatican II, the confidence that you have that these things are legitimate is directly connected to the confidence that you have that Paul VI was a true Catholic pope. We will now expose the amazing heresies of Paul VI. We will show, from his official speeches and writings, that Paul VI was a complete apostate who was not even remotely Catholic. All of the official speeches and writings of the men who claim to be pope are contained in the Vatican’s weekly newspaper, L’ Osservatore Romano. The Vatican has reprinted issues of their newspaper from April 4, 1968 to the present. From those speeches, we will now prove that Paul VI was not a true pope because of the irrefutable and undeniable evidence that he was a complete heretic and an apostate. These questions don’t lead us to endless and complex discussions. Does God exist? Yes. Who is God? The Holy Trinity. What knowledge can man have of him? The Catholic Faith. What relationship must each of us have with him? To belong to the Church He established. Paul VI is stating that these are endless and complex questions. No Catholic would assert such nonsense, which mocks and renders meaningless the Catholic Faith and the true God. Here Paul VI explicitly states and approves the Modernist blasphemy that everything is in a state of evolution. His heresy was explicitly condemned by Pope Pius X.PAUL VI ON NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS
The Catholic Church teaches that all non-Catholic religions are false. There is only one true Church, outside of which no one can be saved. This is Catholic dogma. All of the other religions belong to the Devil. This is the teaching of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture. See 1 Cor. 10:20 and Psalm 95:5. Anyone who shows esteem for non-Christian religions, or regards them as good or deserving of respect, denies Jesus Christ and is an apostate. Here is more of what Paul VI thought about non-Christian religions of the Devil: This is apostasy – a total rejection of Jesus Christ. Here Paul VI says that religions invented by man are sometimes extremely noble! This is apostasy – a rejection of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Faith. He is saying that he esteems false religions. Hindus are pagans and idolaters who worship many different false gods. For Paul VI to praise the notorious Hindu Gandhi as “ever-conscious of God’s presence” shows again that Paul VI was a complete religious indifferentist. Paul VI also officially praised the false religion of Hinduism in the official Vatican II document Nostra Aetate #2 (on non-Christian religions), as we quoted in the section on Vatican II. Notice again that Paul VI esteems false religions; this is satanic. Paul VI says that religious differences are honored in India and that he is pleased to see this. This means that he honors the worship of false gods. Here Paul VI boldly reveals that he is preaching a new Gospel. Non-Christian religions, he tells us, are no longer our obstacle to evangelization. This is an antichrist religion of apostasy. Paul VI tells us that it is right to hold false religions which worship false gods in “deep veneration”! This may be the worst heresy that Paul VI uttered. The true religion esteems false religions? No, this again is blatantly heretical. This is one of the most evil, revealing and heretical statements that Paul VI ever uttered. He is praising the wisdom contained in the images in the pagan Shinto Temple; in other words, he is praising the idols of the Shintoists!PAUL VI ON BUDDHISM
Buddhism is a false, pagan religion of the East which teaches belief in re-incarnation and karma. Buddhists hold that life is not worth living, and that every form of conscious existence is an evil. Buddhists worship various false gods. Buddhism is an idolatrous and false religion of the Devil. Here’s what Paul VI thought about Buddhism: According to Paul VI, the false, pagan and idolatrous religion of Buddhism is one of the “riches” of Asia! Notice his idolatry and apostasy in admiring, not only Buddhists, but the false religion of Buddhism. Paul VI to a group of Buddhist Leaders, June 15, 1977: “To the distinguished group of Buddhist leaders from Japan we bid a warm welcome. The Second Vatican Council declared that the Catholic Church looks with sincere respect on your way of life… On this occasion we are happy to recall the words of St. John: ‘The world, with all it craves for, is coming to an end; but anyone who does the will of God remains forever’.”[26] He first says that the Catholic Church looks with sincere respect upon the Buddhists’ way of life. This is heresy. He then says that, on this occasion, he must recall the words of St. John: anyone who does the will of God remains forever. His meaning is clearly that Buddhists will live forever; that is, they will be saved. This is totally heretical. Paul VI says that the Catholic Church considers with esteem the spiritual riches of the false religion of Buddhism. He then says that he wishes to collaborate with the Buddhist Patriarch to bring about the salvation of man! This is heresy and apostasy.PAUL VI ON ISLAM
Islam is a false religion which denies the Divinity of Christ and rejects the Most Holy Trinity. Besides rejecting the true God, Islam allows polygamy up to four wives, and its followers (Muslims) spread this false religion with a zeal unequalled by the others. Islam is the most viciously anti-Christian major false religion in the world. To convert to Christianity in many Islamic countries means death. The propagation of the true Faith is strictly prohibited by the Muslims. Islamic society is one of the most evil things in human history. Here is what Paul VI thought about this false religion which rejects Christ and the Trinity: Paul VI speaks about the “riches” of the Islamic Faith, a “Faith” that rejects Jesus Christ and the Trinity. He says this “Faith” binds us to the One God. This is apostasy. Moslems don’t worship the one true God, the Holy Trinity, together with Catholics, as we covered in the section on the heresies of Vatican II. To assert that Muslims do worship the same God as Catholics is heresy. And Moslems certainly don’t worship God who will judge mankind on the last day, Jesus Christ. He says that Muslims are brothers in the Faith. This is apostasy. He then says that Muslims will always find esteem at the Vatican. He mentions his high respect for the false faith of Islam, and he commemorates Muslims who witnessed to this false religion through death. This is total apostasy. This is probably the most scandalous statement we’ve ever seen regarding the heresy that there are non-Catholic martyrs. Paul VI says that Muslims (who don’t even believe in Christ or the Trinity) are martyrs, in addition to Anglicans. This is truly amazing and totally heretical.PAUL VI ON RELIGIOUS LIBERTY
This is completely false and heretical. The Catholic Church has affirmed during her long history, at the cost of oppression and persecution, that the religion of Jesus Christ is the only one that is true; and that Christ is truly God and truly man. Paul VI would have us believe, however, that the martyrs were tortured horribly, not for their profession of faith in Christ, but in order for all to have freedom to profess their various false religions! This is an astoundingly heretical distortion of the truth! Again, in the section on Vatican II we showed that the doctrine on religious liberty which was advocated by Paul VI was, in fact, condemned by Catholic popes.PAUL VI ON THE “ORTHODOX”

Here we see Paul VI giving a clear Masonic handshake to the Eastern Schismatic Patriarch of Constantinople, Athenagoras, on Jan. 5, 1964. The two also mutually lifted the reciprocal excommunications of 1054. Translation: this means that Paul VI considered that the Eastern "Orthodox" are no longer excommunicated even though they deny the Papacy. Therefore, according to him, the Papacy is not a dogma binding under pain of excommunication. The Eastern Orthodox are schismatics who reject Papal Infallibility and the last 13 General Councils of the Catholic Church. They reject that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Second Person of the Trinity; they permit divorce and remarriage; and many of them reject the Immaculate Conception. Here’s what Paul VI thought of these schismatics: He says that leadership in a schismatic church is a great ministry. He says that schismatic churches are venerable. So Paul VI respects the rejection of the Papacy and Papal Infallibility. This means that the schismatic Church is the Church of Christ. The schismatic “Orthodox” are anathematized by the Catholic Church for denying the Papacy, and not accepting dogmas of the Catholic Faith. But Paul VI solemnly lifted these anathemas against them, as we mentioned above. Like the statement above, this address of Paul VI means he attempted to overturn the Papacy as a dogma which must be believed under pain of anathema or condemnation. Notice two things: First, Paul VI says that he will pray for the soul of the deceased schismatic, indicating that the deceased non-Catholic patriarch can be saved, which is heretical. Second, he calls for God’s consoling blessing on the entire Coptic Orthodox Church. How about that there is only one true Church and that the Coptic Schismatic Church is not part of it? How about God’s grace of conversion for the Coptic Orthodox to the true Church? Paul VI’s statement shows again that he held heretical sects to be true Churches, and the Catholic Faith to be meaningless. He calls the schismatic council “holy” and the schismatic Church “venerable.” Paul VI was a schismatic. He calls the schismatic Patriarch “Holiness” and celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the schismatic Church. This is all one really needs to see to know that Paul VI was a schismatic and not a Catholic. He makes a Joint Declaration with a schismatic “pope.” He acknowledges this schismatic as the holder of the See of St. Mark. This is a blasphemy against the Papacy, since this schismatic holds no authority whatsoever. He rejects all forms of proselytism – that is, trying to convert the schismatics – and he says “let it cease where it may exist”! Paul VI was a formal heretic and schismatic.PAUL VI ON OTHER PROTESTANT SECTS
Protestantism began with the German priest Martin Luther, who left the Catholic Church and started the Protestant revolution in 1517. Luther denied free will, the Papacy, praying to the saints, Purgatory, Tradition, Transubstantiation and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Luther replaced the Mass with a memorial service commemorating the Last Supper. All the sacraments except Baptism and the Holy Eucharist were rejected. Luther held that after the fall of Adam man cannot produce any good works. Most Protestants hold the same beliefs as Luther, but all of them reject numerous Catholic dogmas. Here’s what Paul VI thought of these heretics and schismatics: Here Paul VI reveals that the Vatican II agenda with regard to Protestant sects has gone from polemical opposition – in other words, an opposition to their false doctrines – to an attitude of acceptance of, and mutual respect for, their false religion. Paul VI is saying that the Protestants should not become Catholic, but remain loyal to their own sects. This is an incredible homily. In it he’s assuring the heretics of other denominations of his esteem. Consider that Paul VI didn’t even personally know all the people he was esteeming. He didn’t know anything about them except that they belong to one of these sects, and he assured them of his esteem on that basis! Paul VI says that the World Council of Churches has been created to restore and to manifest to all that perfect communion in faith and love which is the gift of Christ to His Church. Notice the astounding implication of this statement. The perfect communion in faith and charity which is the gift of Christ to His Church is the organization of the Catholic Church, the universal Church founded by Christ. But Paul VI says that this is manifested by the World Council of Churches! He has replaced the Catholic Church with the World Council of Churches. The World Council of Churches is an organization made up of many different sects and denominations. A traditional commentator would correctly label it a Communist front group – meant to water-down and liberalize the “Christian” churches of the world. But it is undoubtedly a very heretical ecumenical organization made of various man-made religions. This means that Paul VI wants to unite with the Anglican sect without absorbing them; that is, without converting them.PAUL VI ON BIRTH CONTROL
Paul VI favored birth control. Paul VI says in Humanae Vitae that couples are perfectly free to have zero children if they want to.PAUL VI ON THE UNITED NATIONS
The United Nations is an evil organization that promotes contraception and abortion, and looks to take control of the decision-making for every country on the planet. Former UN Secretary General U Thant praised the Communist Lenin as a man whose “ideals were reflected in the United Nations Charter.”[72] Here’s what Paul VI thought of the UN: First, Paul VI says that the U.N. is the path that has to be taken. He says that the U.N., not the Catholic Church, is the best means for the cause of justice and peace for the world. Second, he says that the U.N. is the universal (that is, Catholic) body for mankind! He is replacing the Church with the UN.PAUL VI PROMOTING THE NEW WORLD ORDER
This is blasphemy. Paul VI was quoting the heresy of Vatican II here. Paul VI, Audience, Jan. 10, 1972: “For the demands of justice, Gentlemen, can only be gathered in the light of truth, that truth which is man…”[84] This means that man is the truth. Think about this astounding message. He doesn’t say that theology, the study of God, is the most precious science; he says it is the science of knowing oneself and dreaming about one’s own conscience. He also says long live the holiday (that is, long live the holy day) free of other commitments (perhaps free of attending Mass?), a holy day occupied in exploring the secrets of one’s own life. In other words, he wants a holy day about man with no other commitments. This is clearly the worship of man. Notice that he only says that we are for the Gospel if the Gospel is for man.PAUL VI ON CHRISTMAS
Christmas is the Birthday of Jesus Christ. It’s not the Birthday of our life because we are not Jesus Christ. But this is what Paul VI was preaching. The word incipient means “Beginning; in an initial stage.”[102] So, Paul VI is saying that in the Birth of Christ we find in the beginning stages of the life of man. This implies, once again, that man is Christ. This clearly means that man is God Himself made man, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul VI was a manifest heretic and a non-Catholic antipope.OTHER CHANGES MADE BY PAUL VI
Paul VI giving away the Papal Tiara
On November 13, 1964, Paul VI gave away the triple-crowned papal tiara. Paul VI had the tiara auctioned at the New York World’s Fair.[106] The Papal Tiara is a sign of a true Pope’s authority – the three crowns representing the dogmatic, liturgical and disciplinary authority of a pope. By giving it away, Paul VI was symbolically giving away the authority of the Papacy (although he had none to give away since he was actually an antipope). But it was a symbolic act of how he was a satanic infiltrator whose whole mission was to attempt to destroy the Catholic Church. (Also notice “Cardinal” Ottaviani, whom many falsely think was a true conservative, standing right next to Antipope Paul VI as he does this).PAUL VI WAS ALSO SEEN MANY TIMES WEARING THE BREAST-PLATE OF THE EPHOD, A.K.A., THE RATIONAL OF JUDGMENT OF A JEWISH HIGH-PRIEST
Paul VI wearing the breastplate of the ephod, a vestment used by Freemasons and Jewish High-Priests
Notice the twelve stones which represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Not only is this the breast-plate of a Jewish High-Priest, but according to the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Mackey, the ephod is also "worn in the (Masonic) American Chapters of the Royal Arch, by the High-Priest as an official part of his official ornaments.” The ephod was the vestment that was worn by Caiphas, the High-Priest of the Jewish religion, who ordered Our Lord Jesus Christ to be put to death by crucifixion. Antipope Paul VI wore the breast-plate of the Ephod, a.k.a. the Rational of Judgment of the High-Priest, numerous times. God allows things such as this to come out to show the people that these men are infiltrators and enemies of the Catholic Church. In addition to all of the heresies we have covered in the speeches of Paul VI, he was the man who authoritatively implemented the false Second Vatican Council, changed the Catholic Mass into a Protestant service, and changed the rite of every single Sacrament. He changed the matter or form of the Eucharist, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, and Confirmation. Paul VI wanted to put Christ to death in the Mass (by removing it and replacing it with a counterfeit), and wanted to kill His Catholic Church by attempting to change the Church completely. Within two years of the close of Vatican II, Paul VI removed the index of forbidden books, a decision one commentator rightly called “incomprehensible.”Another shot of Paul VI wearing the breastplate of the ephod
Paul VI then abolished the oath against Modernism, at a time when Modernism was flourishing as never before. On Nov. 21, 1970,[107] Paul VI also excluded all cardinals over 80 years of age from participating in papal elections. Paul VI disestablished the papal court, disbanded the Noble Guard and the Palatine Guards.[108] Paul VI abolished the rite of Tonsure, all four Minor Orders, and the rank of Subdiaconate.[109] Under Paul VI, the Holy Office was reformed: its primary function now was research, not defending the Catholic Faith.[111] According to those who watched film of Paul VI’s visit to Fatima, he did not pray one Hail Mary.[112] In 1969, Paul VI removed forty saints from the official liturgical calendar.[113] Paul VI removed solemn exorcisms from the baptismal rite. In the place of the solemn exorcisms, he substituted an optional prayer that makes only a passing reference to fighting the Devil.[114]Another clear shot of Paul VI wearing the breastplate of the ephod
Paul VI granted more than 32,000 requests from priests who had asked to be released from their vows and returned to lay status – the greatest exodus from the priesthood since the Protestant revolution.[115] Paul VI's disastrous influence was visible immediately. For example, in Holland not a single candidate applied for admission to the priesthood in 1970, and within 12 months every seminary there was closed.[116] Spiritual destruction was everywhere; countless millions left the Church; countless others ceased practicing their Faith and confessing their sins. And while Paul VI was the cause of this unrelenting disaster and spiritual destruction, like the sly serpent he was, he calculatingly misdirected the attention away from himself. In perhaps his most famous quotation, he noted that Satan’s smoke had made its way into the Temple of God. When Paul VI made this statement, everyone looked at the cardinals, the bishops and the priests to discover where this smoke of Satan might be. They looked at everyone except the man who made the statement. But Paul VI was actually the smoke of Satan, and he made the statement to misdirect people away from himself; and in this he was successful. But what is perhaps most frightening is that Paul VI’s famous statement is basically a direct reference to Apocalypse 9:1-3. In Apocalypse 9, we see a direct reference to the smoke of Satan, and to someone who is given the key to unleash it. Antipope Paul VI did not have the keys of Peter, but he was given the key to the bottomless pit. He was the one who brought in the smoke of Satan from the great furnace; as he says, from some crack. Here Paul VI again mocks the people. He says the Church is in “self-destruction” and is “wounding herself.” He is referring to himself again, for he was the one trying to destroy her and wound her at every turn!PAUL VI ON “MAGIC”
Catholics are forbidden to practice magic. But Paul VI frequently spoke of magic. Why did Paul VI speak so much about magic? It was, in our opinion, precisely because he knew that it was Black Magic that allowed him, a satanic infiltrator, to fool the world into thinking that he was a pope so he could then destroy the Mass and almost the entire Catholic Church. He knew that it was his Black Magic that allowed him to get away with changing the rite to every sacrament and foisting his new Vatican II religion upon the world.PAUL VI ADMITTED HIS CHURCH IS THE WHORE OF BABYLON
In the Apocalypse, chapters 17 and 18, there is predicted that a whore will arise in the last days from the city of seven hills, which is Rome. This whore will tread upon the blood of the martyrs and saints. This whore is clearly contrasted with the immaculate bride of Christ, the Catholic Church. In other words, the whore of Babylon will be a false church from Rome that will appear in the last days. Near the end of this book we bring forward the evidence that the Whore of Babylon is the Vatican II sect, a false bride which arises in Rome in the last days in order to deceive the Catholic Faithful. In the following quote, Antipope Paul VI essentially admits that his new Church is this false Church by admitting that his “Church” has thrown off its opposition to the world, which characterizes the true Church. Here Paul VI admits that the post-Vatican II Church is a false Church which has adapted itself to the world and assimilated the world’s ways with zeal. This is a stunning admission by Paul VI. He is admitting in so many words that the post-Vatican II Church is the Whore of Babylon. When one combines the fact that Paul VI frequently wore the Jewish Ephod with all of his other systematic attempts to destroy all of Catholic Tradition, the evidence is strong that he was a satanic Jewish infiltrator. In fact, Paul VI’s ancestors were of Jewish origin. His actual name was Giovanni Montini. The Montini family is listed in the Golden Book of Noble Italian Heritage (1962-1964, p. 994): “A branch of the… noble family from Brescia… wherefrom their noble blazon comes and which avows as its sure trunk and founder, a Bartholomew (Bartolino) de Benedictis, said Montini was of Hebrew origin.[129]ANOTHER PICTURE OF ANTIPOPE PAUL VI WEARING THE RATIONAL OF A JEWISH HIGH-PRIEST

We have proven that Paul VI was a complete apostate who believed that false religions are true, that heresy and schism are fine, and that schismatics should not be converted, just to name a few. If you accept Vatican II or the New Mass or the new sacramental rites – in short, if you accept the Vatican II religion – this is the man whose religion you are following, a manifestly heretical infiltrator, whose whole mission was to attempt to overturn and destroy as much of the Catholic Faith as possible. Catholics must have no part with Antipope Paul VI’s New Mass (the Novus Ordo) and must completely reject Vatican II and the new sacramental rites. Catholics must completely reject Antipope Paul VI for the non-Catholic antipope he was. Catholics must reject and not support any group which accepts this apostate as a valid pope, or which accepts the New Mass or Vatican II or the new sacramental rites of Paul VI.ANTIPOPE PAUL VI’S SIGNATURE CONTAINING THREE 6’S


Here is a picture of Antipope Paul VI's signature. If you turn it upside-down, you see that there are three clear 6's. The shot below is a close-up of his name turned upside-down. The three 6's are clear. As far as we know, this is the way that Paul VI's signature always appeared.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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